PROLIFE PRAYER DAY 3: Holy Help from on High
The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness – He Himself Intercedes
In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
~ Romans 8:26-27
A Testimony When We Just Don’t Know What to Pray
Years ago, a teenage couple told a young woman that they were about to abort their pregnancy. She pleaded with them not to but could not convince them to change their minds. They went to have the termination; the woman was very distraught. At her women’s Bible study group that same day, she shared her concerns not knowing how to deal with this situation. None of them knew what they should do, they did not even know if it was already too late. One of the women read Romans 8:26-27. The women agreed to pray, some in tongues, others prayed in English, all prayed from their hearts in full agreement for the Lord to rescue the child and bless the young couple. They had no idea what would happen.
Later that day the teenage couple told the young woman they had decided to keep the child. They said after they had seen the doctor, they sat in the waiting room for a very long time, thinking the doctors had forgotten them. Then not knowing why, they decided not to do it (it would have been their second abortion) they got up and left, and kept and raised the baby.
We don’t often know the impact of our intercession together with Jesus’ and the Holy Spirit’s intercession (Isaiah 53:12 & Romans 8:27). If He did do it for one, He will do it for thousands, and do it for tens of thousands — our intercession can have specific impact in this nation even today to rescue the unborn from certain death.
“You love me so much and you placed your greatness upon me. You rescued me from the deepest place of darkness, and you have delivered me from a certain death.”
~ Psalm 86:13
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your great mercy. You are so magnificent and so mighty, yet You do not forget even one. You said You are willing to leave the 99 to rescue the one. Lord may Your people all over this nation have Your heart today to reach out to the one. May we seek and save the lost, may we intercede with sighs, groans, tears in accordance with Your heart. Lord, when we don’t know how to pray, Holy Spirit we ask You to pray through us. We love You Lord, and we are so grateful You have chosen us to be Your heart of compassion today; may we be willing and wise to truly be flowing with Your living water. In the name above all names, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
- Thank & Praise Him for all He is and all He has done for us.
- Lay at His feet all judgement and forgive those who have aborted their children.
- Ask Him for wisdom, focus, mercy and grace to help and to find His pleasing perfect will to intercede to turn the tide in Australia on abortion.
- Pray and abundantly bless the next Generation — declare life, hope, and to know Christ.
- Lord, send wave upon wave of Your perfect love to cast out fear from hearts in our nation. As fear leaves, fill and flood them with the light and life of You, the Anointed One
- Ask for strengthening of all families, marriages, and relationships especially those going through tough times or are face with unplanned pregnancies.
- Pray Jesus heals the brokenhearted, and all those trapped in grief, guilt, addiction, mental torment, spirit of death, suicide, depression and every scheme of the enemy.
- May Pro-life become the normal culture in Australia as abortion bills are reversed.
- Ask for Adoption options to be created with infants being given to families to raise.
- Ask for His blueprints for effective ongoing support for all single mothers and fathers.
- Lord, bless and empower those inspired to raise up creative ways to work to assist those who find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy, and establish those who can work with them to make these plans fruitful.
- Lord, mobilize your Church to infiltrate the places where teenagers and others need wisdom and God’s family to bring comfort, wise counsel, practical help through His love.
- Lord, raise up stamina and patience for Your people to overcome the obstacles that are thrown at them.
Spend time today listening to our Father — hear what is on His heart concerning abortion in our nation.
Today as we stand together ‘as one’ in prayer and fasting may the Lord:
STOP the proposed Abortion Reform Bill in South Australia – “Statutes Amendment (Abortion Law Reform) Bill”
STOP the New South Wales Abortion Bill – “The Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019”
Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia!
SHIFT the culture of this Nation to Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice
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NOTE: The Canberra Declaration will post daily Devotions from Ann Browne every day for the 31-Day Period and on the Canberra Declaration Facebook. Please share the links and send out to your friends. Thank you.
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