Freedom! You Said You Would Deliver Us
Editor’s Note: This article below is written by Lou Engle, author and prayer & fasting advocate from the USA. This is what Stephen Shultz, the enthusiastic Editor of the Elijah List, had to say about the article below: “You’re going to want to read this word of the Lord through Lou Engle. God is ready to miraculously transform thousands upon thousands of lives.”
Over the past 30 years, God has been speaking to me concerning the LGBTQ community, and I believe the many words that have been given are being brought to a divine flashpoint for fulfillment. I would like to share some of that storyline.
Dream of LGBTQ Community
In the early 1990s, I had a dream in which I was clothing those struggling with same-sex desires (I was dressing them in white). The subject was off my radar, but over the years I have pondered the dream. Historically, God has given me divine national assignments for intercession, and I believe God was cluing me into the day that I would release a divine prayer assignment to the Body of Christ that would bring freedom to those living in sexual brokenness and confusion.
At the same time I had my dream, my pastor Che Ahn also had a dream in which he came with a message to the Church and the Church did not receive him, so he came to a gathering of those in the LGBTQ community, and they received his message. He told me that he believed the dream was speaking of a day when the Church would not be prepared for it, but the LGBTQ community would receive the Gospel, and many would be saved and transformed by the power of God.
He said he believed that what the hippies were to the Jesus Movement in the 1960s, the LGBTQ community would be to the next Jesus Movement. God is going to come to those that the Church has not loved and is not prepared to receive. This breakout of freedom will shatter every religious box in the Church, but it will bring a new love song to America.
Bring His Healing and Freedom
In the early 2000s in San Diego, I was preaching on fasting and prayer and setting the captives free. Suddenly, a young man stood up and with great passion challenged me saying, “You have no right to tell us who struggle with same-sex desires that we can’t have our civil rights if you can’t give us the freedom the Gospel promises!” I was taken aback and obviously shocked by this statement, and only recently has its importance brought more understanding.
I began to ponder that the bills being passed by our government restricting religious freedom are not primarily because we have not engaged in the political issue, but because the Church has been powerless to bring healing and hope for those yearning for freedom. I felt the rebuke of the Lord. We have not loved, we have not fasted, and we have not delivered.
In 1989, Bob Jones had an encounter with the Lord in which he saw 100,000 LGBTQ men and women being saved and transformed. This company was just the first wave of an outpouring of God’s grace. He saw AIDS being healed in the encounter. Many became great intercessors, and evangelists would become watchmen praying all night long. When Bob Jones began to declare this vision, many of that community were saved and even healed of AIDS, and then it all shuddered to a stop.
In 2009, we had gathered 70 intercessors to fast and pray for 21 days for the LGBTQ community. Bob Jones met with us by video stream and spoke about his vision. He said the vision is still hanging in the balance and it is waiting for an intercessor. Our prayer community took this seriously and has been praying for years.
100,000 LGBTQ Saved and Transformed
Several years ago, I was in Nashville with a prophet friend of mine. While there he had an astounding dream. He saw a wailing wall, and on the top it read, “100,000 LGBTQ Saved and Transformed.” On the wall were names of individuals experiencing confusion in their sexuality and gender. Then people began coming to the wall, laying their hands on the names, and weeping over each individual. Suddenly, one after another, the names leapt off the wailing wall over to a testimony wall because they had been freed.
Now I hesitate to share this, but in the dream, the first person being prayed for was a popular LGBTQ Hollywood figure. I was stunned by this dream. I believe God was saying much of the Church has basically built a “stone wall” against the LGBTQ community. I myself have taken a strong stand concerning gay marriage.
Over the years, I have cried out to God that I would represent Jesus rightly, and I have publicly asked forgiveness where I didn’t. I believe God is saying that He desires a wailing wall heart in His people – one of compassion, mercy, and prayer that leads to transformed lives.
So, interestingly, the following morning after my friend’s dream in Nashville, I was ministering at a Church. During worship, the leader of the prayer gathering stood up and said, “The Lord just spoke to me. We are to pray for 100,000 LGBTQ to be saved and transformed and the first person we are to pray for is this particular LGBTQ Hollywood figure.” I was in shock and knew it was the word of the Lord.
I believe this assignment of raising up a wailing wall is the fulfillment of the dream I had received years before that I was clothing the LGBTQ in white. I am asking thousands of people, Churches, and homes to have wailing walls, if not on their literal walls, then on the walls of their hearts – praying for individuals who truly want to be free from same-sex desires and from heterosexual sins and addictions.
It’s time for God to reveal a love for this generation that is stronger than death itself. A flame that is stronger than the flames of a lust-fueled culture.
Early in 2019, I was fasting and praying and received a dream. I saw something like a ticker tape message moving on a message board saying, “You said that You would deliver us. 418N.”
Upon waking, I felt like I could hear the voice of the young man who challenged me years before with thousands now joining him and crying out for freedom. I sensed the “N” stood for “New England” and “Now.” I knew 418 stood for Luke 4:18.
After Jesus fasted 40 days, He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Holy Spirit ministering with authority. When He came to Nazareth, He entered the synagogue, stood and opened the scroll of Isaiah 61 which, as we know, is also Luke 4:18. He read,
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
~ Luke 4:18-19
Before Jesus proclaimed this passage concerning Himself, He had gone on a 40-day fast to overcome satan’s temptations. We are calling a global 40-day Jesus Fast on March 1st-April 9th. Thousands around the world will be fasting, crying out for the manifestation of Luke 4:18. We were discussing this among our friends, and Cheryl Amabile, a New England native and editor of “The Briefing” told me that 4/18 is when “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” took place. He mobilized the New Englanders for freedom from the British. I was pretty amazed at the divine coincidence.
The following day, my prophet friend, knowing nothing of the conversation the day before, said to me, “Lou, I had a dream of you last night and you were riding Paul Revere’s horse. Branded on the shoulder of the great horse were the letters ‘MV’ standing for ‘Midnight Voice.'” Again, I knew this was the word of Lord.
America is in a midnight hour. All of us, the Church included, need great freedom. We need an encounter with God, a great revival, if you will. I believe God will answer the fasting prayers of His people – mothers and fathers who are crying out for their sons and daughters salvation and freedom; those struggling with pornography, premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality; those with diseases and chronic pain.
God has an answer: Luke 4:18. After having the Luke 4:18 dream, suddenly I began hearing an underground rumbling. A movement called “Changed” has been rising in influence with the simplicity of once gay individuals going public and testifying of their freedom in Jesus. I began receiving phone calls from once gay leaders asking me what was on my heart.
I was sent a book by Jeffrey McCall telling his life story from a transgender life into freedom in Christ. He is leading a movement called “Freedom March.” Two of the amazing leaders in this movement were young men who were shot at the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando. They survived and encountered the love and power of Christ. They are radiant young men proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On 4/18/2020, once gay movements are uniting together for the Freedom March in Boston. This is not an angry protest, but a public testimony of love and freedom. I’m going to walk with my friends in Boston, and I am calling the Body of Christ to walk with them at the Freedom March.
I’m believing that the Church will raise up a wailing wall of loving prayer for those longing for freedom. We are encouraging those who are crying for freedom and believe for a personal breakthrough to come. I’m crying for greater victory in areas of my own personal life.
What if mothers and fathers who are praying for their sons and daughters would come and unite in prayer together for 100,000 LGBTQ? After the Freedom March is held during the day, a prayer and freedom gathering will be held in Boston on the evening of April 18th.
Let’s unite together and dare to believe for the manifestation of Jesus’ ministry of freedom in New England and America.
See the full article here.
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