39 Days of Mercy: Day 27 – Let Your Voice Be Heard

27 January 2020

4.6 MINS

Let Your Voice Be Heard
Many who cling to a socialist pipe dream and side with a globalist agenda are making their way into state parliaments and city councils, and local government all across the nation. It is not enough for these political plotters to have a voice in the land; they want theirs to be the only voice… and they’re looking to move in every council/shire and every city to make sure their voice is the loudest.

Until the Church rises up with a stronger voice to call the city to prayer and to action, we will find ourselves silenced in public and stripped of our message. Now is not the time to stay silent — it is the time to let your voice be heard! This is the decade of Peh, ‘the mouth’, and we have the Word of the Lord: both His written Logos and spoken Rhema. In these days, we can decree the word of God as we pray, which is powerful.

It is time for the Church to incline our ear to the Lord, then open our mouths to speak what He is saying.

Give ear, O My people, to My law;
Incline your ears to the words of My mouth.

~ Psalm 78:1 [God’s Kindness to Rebellious Israel]

Then we must use our voice to sound the alarm and gather the troops. If we are faithful to do this and commit ourselves to obeying His voice, He will entrust us with even more so that His Kingdom can accelerate in increase and expansion.

Love Wisdom

When we love wisdom and listen for wisdom to speak into our lives and the life of our nation, we receive revelation-knowledge. We come into wise heavenly counsel, so it is His words put in our mouths — to speak truth and shed light into dark places. We need the spirit of the fear of the Lord to be upon us, so we stay humble as we pray…

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”
~ Psalm 19:14 NKJV

The Lord of hosts who delivered Israel out of the hands of those who were authorizing and insisting on the destruction of their newborns is the same Lord, and He is using your decree and prayer to activate angelic hosts to deliver our newborns and the generations to come.

But I am the Lord your God, Who divided the sea whose waves roared—
The Lord of hosts is His name. And I have put My words in your mouth;
I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens,
Lay the foundations of the earth, And say to Zion, ‘You are My people.’”

~ Isaiah 51:15-16 NKJV

“As for Me,” says the Lord, “this is My covenant with them:
My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth,
shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants,
nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,” says the Lord,
“from this time and forevermore.”
~ Isaiah 59:21 NKJV



Lord, raise up Your people into heavenly counsel and revelation of how to pray Your word, and speak words of wisdom effectively in these days. Cause the cry of Your people; bring deliverance for those yet to be born, and those suffering from the effects of the deep darkness of legalized abortion in Australia. Thank You for putting Your words into our mouths and the mouths of righteous leaders, and everyone advocating for the unborn to live and not die. Let Your mercy flow, and grace to help South Australia win this battle for the door to close on late-term and all abortion in our nation.

Prayer for the elected Members of Parliament:
Father, we pray for Ms Andrea Michaels, member for the electorate of Enfield and member of the Australian Labor Party. We pray for Andrea that as a woman in the Labor Party, she would be courageous in using her conscience vote to vote against the abortion-to-birth bill.

Today we also pray for the Hon Stephen Campbell Mullighan, member for the electorate of Lee and member of the Australian Labor Party. We pray for Stephen, that he would see the far-reaching negative effects of the abortion-to-birth bill and vote against it.

Lord, grant all those You have placed in authority the spirit of repentance, and the spirit of the fear of the Lord to be the beginning of wisdom; give them tenacity and courage to go against the tide of the fierce agenda that brings death.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer Points:

  • Ask for the grace to speak God’s word and what is on His heart in these days.
  • Ask the Lord to shut down the SA Abortion Reform Bill that has the potential to:
  1. Completely deregulate abortion up to birth;
  2. Allow abortion for any reason with no doctor’s approval required;
  3. Allow abortion to be carried out by others than doctors;
  4. Allow late-term abortion of viable babies;
  5. Allow sex-selection abortions;
  6. Allow babies born alive (due to failed abortions) to be left to die;
  7. Allow self-administration of high complication risk abortion medication;
  8. Provide no sanctions for breaches (outside criminal law, it becomes a health issue);
  9. Provide mere box-ticking in counselling provisions;
  10. Entrench the view that life is disposable.
  • Lord, increase awareness and zeal for Your Church in SA to stand and ‘Walk for Life’ on Saturday 8th February, and as we pray and walk, let the Oneness and Love create and tear down, bringing Your kingdom presence into Adelaide and all of SA.

Spend time today listening to the Lord, and pray what is on His Heart.

His mercy endures forever!

Today we stand together as one in prayer and fasting for grace to:

  • STOP the Greens Abortion Reform Bill from being passed in South Australia’s Parliament.
  • Bring radical amendments to the existing Abortion Law in favour of life for the unborn and safeguards for mothers.
  • Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia.
  • SHIFT the culture of this Nation to the Kingdom of Heaven with Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice on earth as it is in Heaven.

[Walk for Life]
Saturday 8th February 2020, 9.30 – 11.30 a.m., Victoria Square.

Order yours now in time for the ‘Walk for Life’ at this link.

Then all you have to do is pay when you pick them up from
The Sanctuary Surfers, Shop 201, Waymouth Street, Adelaide
on Thursday the 6th February from 10am-7pm. Easy!
Adults $15; Kids $12

After an unexpected consultation with SAPOL and Adelaide City Council, including the Horticultural Manager, it was decided that to cater for expected larger numbers to this event,
the Walk for Life will need to commence at a different location.
The Walk for Life will now start at Pennington Gardens, King William Rd,
opposite St Peter’s Cathedral (north-eastern side of Adelaide Oval).

The Walk will then proceed south down King William Rd to Parliament House.
The length of the walk is roughly the same.

[Photo: Pixabay]

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One Comment

  1. Sandra 27 January 2020 at 10:19 am - Reply

    Yes, isn’t/Wasn’t Adelaide known as the City of Churches.????????✝️????????
    Perhaps Reclaim that title.

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