39 Days of Mercy: Day 34 – One King

3 February 2020

4.3 MINS

The Earth is the Lord’s

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,
the world and those who dwell therein.
Psalm 24:1

Australia and everyone in her belong to the Lord — we have been given stewardship and dominion to subdue, and to be fruitful and multiply. Something has gone horribly wrong, as we have accepted and legalized the destruction of human life.

Simply said, life begins for every human being at conception: a fetus is actually a human being with cells multiplying — a sign that there is a new life within her womb.

One King

Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory?
Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.
~ Psalm 24:7-8 NKJV

As we lift up our heads, we welcome the King of Glory into this battle, as we fast and pray for these 39 Days of Mercy.

In Jesus’ day, the people were oppressed under Roman rule, and were eagerly awaiting deliverance through the long-promised Messiah. Jesus came in their midst and inaugurated a new way, but the majority didn’t recognise him.

After His death, resurrection, ascension and sending of the Holy Spirit, the followers of Jesus had become the Church — the Ekklesia. They soon multiplied, and even today the church is still multiplying at a phenomenal rate throughout the world.

It was said of the Church,

These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also, …
And they are all ignoring and acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar,[actually] asserting that there is another king, one Jesus!
~ Acts 17:6b-7 AMPC

We are now still asserting there is another King, Our Lord Jesus.

Jesus’ Church – Jesus’ Authority in the Earth

We as created beings, no matter how humble or how regal, may have many opinions on abortion and the preborn; but we as citizens of heaven and ambassadors of Christ have the eternal infallible word of God on the subject. We can only have the opinion of the King we represent. We only have His delegated authority.

Jesus gave His church His Authority (Luke 10:17-20). If we don’t exercise our authority, then we are allowing the one who kills, steals and destroys to do just that: KILL, STEAL & DESTROY.

It’s time for the Church to walk in the authority of our great King to destroy the kingdom of darkness that is destroying the future generations of our nation. It is time to stand up in righteous indignation and say NO MORE!

Ekklesia arise – take your position as governing authority in Australia – legislate from heaven to earth – see the Kingdom of Heaven brings righteous judgement to earth, as we intercede for the protection of the unborn.

Year of His Favour and His Vengeance

Jesus stood and read Isaiah 61, which had been prophesied about Him, and then boldly declared it – this word contains such a powerful redemptive message of hope and restoration. We often think only of the Lord as love — and that is so true, God is Love — however, true love has to be passionate when the subject of that love is being destroyed: then we see the side that is passionate to bring justice.

“To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord [the year of His favor] and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn.”
~ Isaiah 61:2


Prayer: Thank You Father that Your favour and the day of Your vengeance are both part of who You are — thank You that You are moving on behalf of the unborn of our nation to rescue them. Lord, move swiftly cloaked in Your vengeance to shift the abortion bills and reverse the curse of abortion from Australia. You are pouring out Your Spirit on all flesh — may this nation open up hearts and minds to receive You in the fullness of Your mercy and grace. Reveal Your heart to all in these days as we fast and pray. In Jesus’ powerful Name, Amen.

Prayer for the elected Members of Parliament:
Today we pray for MLC Hon Tammy Anne Franks, member of the Australian Labor Party. We pray for Tammy that her concern for things like live animal exports would cause her to be concerned for the unborn, and so withdraw her sponsorship of the abortion-to-birth proposals.
Today we pray for MLC Hon Justin Eric Hanson, member of the Australian Labor Party. We pray for Justin that he would be moved to vote against abortion to birth.
Today we pray for MLC Hon Dennis Garry Edward Hood, member of the Liberal Party. We thank God for Dennis’ consistent opposition to abortion, and pray that he will be emboldened to speak strongly against the current proposals and would influence others to so do.

Prayer Points:

  • Lord, activate Your Ekklesia to move the mountain of abortion from our nation.
  • Lord, give Your people powerful swords of Your Word to cut off all the entanglements of the curse of death and destruction that are a part of abortion, and to wield them in faith.
  • We ask for Your army to arise and follow only our King of Kings, the King of glory into battle — to listen for Your battle strategies, and to obey in the wisdom and grace given for victory.
  • Turn back those who oppose You, Lord, and confuse and confound our enemies.

Spend time today listening to the Lord, and pray what is on His Heart.

His mercy endures forever!

Today we stand together as one in prayer and fasting for grace to:

  • STOP the Greens Abortion Reform Bill from being passed in South Australia’s Parliament.
  • Bring radical amendments to the existing Abortion Law in favour of life for the unborn and safeguards for mothers.
  • Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia.
  • SHIFT the culture of this Nation to the Kingdom of Heaven with Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice on earth as it is in Heaven.

[Walk for Life]
Saturday 8th February 2020, 9.30 – 11.30 a.m., Victoria Square.

After an unexpected consultation with SAPOL and Adelaide City Council, including the Horticultural Manager, it was decided that to cater for expected larger numbers to this event,
the Walk for Life will need to commence at a different location.
The Walk for Life will now start at Pennington Gardens, King William Rd,
opposite St Peter’s Cathedral (north-eastern side of Adelaide Oval).

The Walk will then proceed south down King William Rd to Parliament House.
The length of the walk is roughly the same.

[Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash]

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