39 Days of Mercy: Day 35 – Persistence to the Call
Persistence to the Call
There is a principle Jesus taught when it comes to answered prayer, and that is persistence!
Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find;
keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.
For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds;
and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened. …
If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!
~ Matthew 7:7-8, 11 AMPC
It is easy to fall asleep like the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. It is easy to be overwhelmed with so many issues all crying out for prayer, to either get distracted or disappointed, or grow tired.
The Lord is working behind the scenes, and when we are tempted to give up, we can ask for encouragement. We can lean on our Beloved and trust Him to whisper a strategy or blueprint to take us into greater revelation of the way forward.
Our persistent prayers avail much; we can take heart from the amazing acceleration of stopping abortion in the USA that a few years ago were only dreamed of.
There is grace to help our nation of Australia as we pray for our government and leaders; we can expect them to be blessed with wisdom, and to take steps that are needed to overturn the radical abortion-to-birth bills.
There is a precedence with abolishing slavery, as William Wilberforce never gave up. Wilberforce, a strong Christian and a social reformist, was persuaded to lobby for the abolition of the slave trade. This meant a radical shift in the cultural thinking of his day, and for 18 years he regularly introduced anti-slavery motions in parliament. The campaign was supported by many members of the Clapham Sect (a strong group of followers of Jesus Christ) and other abolitionists, who raised public awareness of their cause with pamphlets, books, rallies and petitions. In 1807, the slave trade was finally abolished, but this did not free those who were already slaves. It was not until 1833 that an act was passed giving freedom to all slaves in the British Empire — just a few months before he died.
Abortion has become so entrenched in the culture of our day that it may take persistent relentless pursuit of righteousness and justice for the unborn. We have many pro-life advocates who have been standing in the gap, and the Lord is raising up some who like Wilberforce will give their all to abolish abortion in their lifetime. They were born for this purpose, and will see the fruit of their obedience.
Many have this call to stand written on their hearts by the Lord, and are gaining momentum as they seek His face and listen to the voice of wisdom.
The Power of Wisdom
“You will find true success when you find me,
for I have insight into wise plans that are designed just for you.
I hold in my hands living-understanding, courage, and strength.
I empower kings to reign and rulers to make laws that are just.
I empower princes to rise and take dominion,
and generous ones to govern the earth.”
~ Proverbs 8:14-16 TPT
Prayer: Father, thank You for Wisdom; thank You for the William Wilberforces of our day, the men and women You have called and will call to fight this battle in South Australia to win this war over the unborn of Australia. Lord, we ask for Wisdom and all her fruits in the lives of everyone praying and taking action against the abortion ‘culture of death’, that is part of the deep darkness covering the people of the earth. Lord, let each one hear in their hearts more of Your wise counsel and strategies from the Throne of Grace, and utilize the living understanding You have made readily available. Lord, thank You for the strength, courage and empowerment to make just laws, to rise and take dominion over this darkness, and to govern the earth in righteousness. In the Name of the One upon whose shoulders is all government – Emmanuel, our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer for the elected Members of Parliament:
Today we pray for MLC Hon Ian Keith Hunter, member of the Australian Labor Party. We pray that Ian would have a change of heart and oppose the proposals
Today we pray for MLC Hon Jing Shyuan Lee, member of the Liberal Party. We thank God for Jing’s quiet opposition to proposals of the sort being considered here, and pray that she will continue that opposition, and will also be given courage to actively oppose them.
Today we pray for MLC Hon Kyam Joseph Maher, member of the Australian Labor Party. We pray that Kyam would have divine encounters which will change his mind about abortion to birth, and so vote against it.
Prayer Points:
- Thank God for Scott Morrison and all righteous leaders; may they move swiftly to stand for the unborn in our nation, to protect life from beginning to end in our nation.
- Lord, flood the SA parliament with light, and let darkness flee. Lord, crush the Leviathan spirit that brings the twisting, lying and deception from the entire government. Pray Isaiah 27:1-6 — sing a song of fruitfulness over our nation.
- Lord, let Your word be in every person who is willing to bring Your wisdom into a conversation with those whom You have prepared to listen – give them ears to hear and understanding, then may they search it out for themselves, and take action to stop abortion.
- Thank you, Lord, for every prayer crying out to You to stop abortion in our nation; may the prayer bowls in Heaven be overflowing, and the grace to help come to us now.
- Lord, increase awareness of Your church in South Australia to stand and ‘Walk for Life’ on Saturday 8th February. Father, as we pray and walk, let the oneness and love create an atmosphere of Your kingdom presence in Adelaide, and flow out like an atomic blast of light to dispel darkness.
Spend time today listening to the Lord, and pray what is on His Heart.
His mercy endures forever!
Today we stand together as one in prayer and fasting for grace to:
- STOP the Greens Abortion Reform Bill from being passed in South Australia’s Parliament.
- Bring radical amendments to the existing Abortion Law in favour of life for the unborn and safeguards for mothers.
- Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia.
- SHIFT the culture of this Nation to the Kingdom of Heaven with Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice on earth as it is in Heaven.
[Walk for Life]
Saturday 8th February 2020, 9.30 – 11.30 a.m., Victoria Square.
After an unexpected consultation with SAPOL and Adelaide City Council, including the Horticultural Manager, it was decided that to cater for expected larger numbers to this event,
the Walk for Life will need to commence at a different location.
The Walk for Life will now start at Pennington Gardens, King William Rd,
opposite St Peter’s Cathedral (north-eastern side of Adelaide Oval).
The Walk will then proceed south down King William Rd to Parliament House.
The length of the walk is roughly the same.
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I agree. Once again the LORD gave me this message before I even read this post or knew of it. This was yesterday. I won’t tell you what the word is today. I journal it with a time date. We will see if we continue to be in-step together. Jesus bless you. 🙂