Together We Stopped Telehealth Abortion in SA

28 April 2020

0.9 MINS

Thank you to each and every one of you who reacted decisively last week to the news that the Attorney-General’s office had said that the new Covid-19 Emergency laws would be used to override state laws in regard to Telehealth abortion access.

Our united prayers and swift response have been rewarded!


To date no direction has been issued by Police Commissioner Stevens.
We are now on the exit side of the emergency, and any override is unnecessary.

Parliament will soon resume, and we must be ready!
The major battle to defeat the proposed abortion-to-birth legislation looms.
The LOVE Adelaide movement needs to be equipped and ready for this battle.

Learn how to confidently speak to your local MP
The ACL is holding a Zoom training event on Tuesday 12th May,
6.30pm-8.30pm in relation to talking with MPs about this issue.
If you are interested in joining this event, please email Christopher Brohier.

If you would like to support LOVE Adelaide with a financial donation, our account details are

Account Name: Love Adelaide – Walk for Life Ltd.
BSB: 085-005
Account: 56-449-9062

(Love Adelaide — Walk for Life Ltd is not yet registered for tax-deductible status)

Let us give thanks and praise to the Lord Jesus for this victory!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
~ Galatians 6:9

[Photo by Carlos Martinez on Unsplash]

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