Sexual Radicals Assert Non-Existent Rights
The United States Commission on Unalienable Rights has issued its long-awaited report, and, not surprisingly, sexual radicals have launched an all-out attack.
Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse stated:
“We applaud the Commission for an excellent exposition of the origins of human rights. But we wish it had gone further and issued a strong defense of the natural rights that are currently under assault.”
The Commission’s report pointedly did not mention the right to life, or children’s rights to a relationship with both of their parents, or parents’ rights to educate their children.
“Sexual radicals will not be satisfied by anything less than total surrender to their ideological agenda,” Morse said.
“No sooner was the report issued than groups like Planned Parenthood and the LGBT Human Rights Campaign began attacking it. Instead of trying to avoid controversy, the Commission should have come out unequivocally for the rights to life and man-woman marriage.”
Morse noted:
“The sexual ideologues called the Report an attempt to ‘substitute the ideology of the administration’ for recognition and protection of reproductive and LGBT rights as ‘human rights imperatives.’ These ‘imperatives’ are pure fantasy.”
Morse continued,
“The rights they assert to be ‘universal’ were created by activist courts and were unknown a few decades ago. The right to life and the definition of marriage are based on natural law and were recognized in U.S. law until overturned by bad Supreme Court decisions.”
“The distinguished Commission on Unalienable Rights did an admirable job of tracing the development of rights in the United States,” Morse explained. “Then it stopped short of defending the right to life.”
The Commission was appointed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to advise the State Department on the origins of human rights, to help it in its dealings with foreign governments and international bodies.
The Ruth Institute supported the creation of the Commission. Dr. Morse testified at a hearing on February 21st. At that time, she presented Chairman Mary Ann Glendon of the Harvard Law School with a petition signed by more than 8,000 activists and leaders (including Gov. Mike Huckabee and Alveda King — the niece of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) calling on the Commission to support an understanding of rights related to the family, including:
- The right of every child to a relationship with his or her natural mother and father except for an unavoidable tragedy
- The right of every person to know the identity of his or her biological parents
- The right to life from conception to natural death
- The right of parents to educate their own children in their faith tradition and values without being undermined by the state.
Click here for the Ruth Institute’s press release on the presentation of its Make the Family Great Again Petition.
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