
China’s Coming Population Crisis

10 June 2021

1.2 MINS

On China now allowing three children per family, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said,

“In terms of falling fertility, China has probably passed the point of no return. But it should still end all controls on family size. Government has no business telling families how many children they can have.”

Morse explained:

“China’s Malthusian one-child policy went into effect in 1979. Besides bringing with it the horrors of forced abortion and sterilisations, the policy led to plummeting fertility.

“China now has a fertility rate of 1.3. With 2.1 needed to replace current population, sometime in this century, China’s population will begin declining. Once it starts, decline could become free fall.

“Once famous for its teeming masses, the nation is already experiencing a greying population and a growing shortage of workers. The toll this will take on China’s economy is hard to even imagine.”

In 2016, China modified its one-child policy to two, but by then the damage had been done. The age-old connection of the Chinese people to large families was broken. Even though they now can have up to three children, many urban families are still opting for only one child.

“The new 3-child policy is only for members of the Han majority,” Morse noted.

“Beijing is still working to slash the population of the Muslim Uyghurs with coercive abortion and contraception.”

As a sociology student in China in 1979-80, Steven Mosher was the first to expose the horrors committed by the regime to limit family size. He spoke about this in a Dr. J Show interview.

Morse recently commented on The New York Times finally admitting the implications of falling fertility.

The worldwide impact of Demographic Winter will be discussed at the Ruth Institute’s 2021 Summit, “Reclaiming the Professions for Life and Family,” July 16-17 in Lake Charles, LA.

[Photo by Mark Hang Fung So on Unsplash]

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