A Prayer for Australia
May the good Lord bless our nation, our leaders and our people, so that we may give glory to Him. Let us repent and turn to the Gospel.
We declare and decree blessings upon our Prime Minister and all elected and appointed governing officials as authorities placed by God, and honour them. Father, we as of Royal Priesthood, and Holy nation, the chosen generation repent of the idle words, the unmet expectations and disappointments, and words of destruction that have been spoken against our leaders both political and federal and spiritual.
Father, just as Moses, David and Daniel sought Your forgiveness, we seek forgiveness and mercy to turn from our wicked ways of murmuring and unbelief in You, Your promises and Jesus. We affirm that Christ is the High Priest of our confession; He mediates the New Covenant by His Blood, which is forever speaking a better word over our Prime Minister, leaders and the land.
Father, You are a good, good Father. We trust You for the expected end of the good plan written in the destiny of our Prime Minister, and all the leaders and the books of Australia that You open today!
You say in Your Word to bring our petitions to Your rememrance. This Australia Day, Father, we thank You from the foundations of the earth. You called us a people and land set apart for Your glory — the great Southlands of Your Spirit, to bring forth a move of Your Spirit unparalleled in the history of our nation and the world. We agree with Your prophetic promise and call it forth.
Father, as Moses prayed, we humble ourselves and ask that we may receive grace and mercy to fulfill this blessing given to us as a prophetic promise.
Father, we come to a place of surrender before You, emptying us of ourselves, our strength, our wisdom, our understanding, our ways that are clearly not Your ways, with no more strivings to make a revival happen, but becoming a people who will wait and tarry till You pour out Your spirit.
Thank You for giving us fresh vision to see with the eyes of Jesus. Father, flood our eyes with Your light so our whole body is full of Your light — to see with the eyes of mercy that triumph over all the judgments that are on the earth. To walk and work with the humility and meekness of Jesus that can overcome the evil of our days with good. Forgive us for looking at the speck in our brother’s eyes rather than the boulder in ours.
We kneel before the Father of all mercy, and ask for Your mercy and forgiveness for our wicked ways as a nation and as the body of Yeshua.
Father, You are doing a new thing. We have no strength of our own except Your strength, which is made perfect in our weaknesses. We ask for Your wisdom and grace to live circumspectly, knowing the days are evil but our light is shining brighter.
We decree in Christ, in Whom we live and move and have our being: Father, baptise us with Your fresh fire and anointing for the days ahead. Bless our leaders with Your seven spirits, and every family with altars of worship to Yahweh, that times of refreshing will come in Your presence.
We decree we overcome every evil altar, word, spell, incantation, meditation, witchcraft, occultic prayer — they are nailed to the cross according to Colossians 2:14-15.
We are victorious in Christ and in all His sufferings. May the Lamb of God receive His reward. May Australia be a sheep nation, and may our names be written in the Lamb’s Book Of Life.
We bless you, Australia, and all your peoples in Yeshua’s Name!
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