Christ's body of love

21 Days of Hope for the Unborn – Day 7: His Body Perfected in Love

29 January 2022

4.3 MINS

There is no fear in love,
but perfect love casts out fear.
For fear has to do with punishment,
and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
~ 1 John 4:18 (ESV)

What drives a mother to abort her own child? What drives those around a woman confronted with an unplanned pregnancy to advise her to have an abortion? What drives a culture to legalise the destruction of its future generations?

The simple answer to these complex questions is fear! Fear of responsibility, feeling too young or too old to cope, not ready to be a parent, fear of relationship breakdown, financial hardships, career or study opportunities disappearing, fear of overpopulation or fear of lack of resources to accommodate more people in this world.  Fear of time, energy and freedoms being taken away. The antidote to all of these is perfect love!

Perfect love only exists in the Lord, and His perfect love casts out fear. It’s His love perfecting us that gives us the grace to know life in the womb is a gift, created in the image and likeness of God. The entire body of Christ in Union with Him carries the perfect love that will transform culture from one of death to life.

For His ‘body’ has been formed in His image
and is closely joined together
and constantly connected as one.
And every member has been given divine gifts
to contribute to the growth of all;
and as these gifts operate effectively
throughout the whole body,
we are built up and made perfect in love.”
~ Ephesians 4:16 (TPT)

Pregnant women encounter the living God through His body, the believers, living in God’s Love.

“Be imitators of God in everything you do,
for then you will represent your Father
as His beloved sons and daughters.
And continue to walk surrendered
to the extravagant love of Christ,
for He surrendered His life as a sacrifice for us.
His great love for us was pleasing to God,
like an aroma of adoration
—a sweet healing fragrance.”
~ Ephesians 5:1-2 (TPT)

We, the Body of Christ, are the vessels of His love, being perfected and dispelling every fear as we extend love to the unborn by loving their parents.


Heavenly Father, You are love.
Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Who loves us and gave Himself for us.

Lord, we pray that every woman with a child in the womb, a gift from You, will experience Your perfect love. May Your people be strengthened and perfected in Your love to such a degree that our sacrificial love will be a healing fragrance that draws others to You.

May all those who are pregnant feel Your divine presence and overcome fear, and be filled with Your perfect love. May Your love remain with them, and may the babies in the womb that might otherwise be aborted be rescued and given the fullness of abundant life, according to the plans that You have for them.

Awaken consciences and release the truth about the wonderful gift of a child. Lord, may love cause Your people to walk surrendered to You in extravagant love, that we will be those who adopt a child who might have been aborted, or care for a young teenager who finds herself pregnant.

May we mentor young fathers to step up and grow in Your love, Father. May they learn how to take responsibility and find deep joy in raising a child and caring for the mother. Lord, let Your perfect love be far-reaching into communities and homes, casting out fear of anything but reverence and awe of You.

Lord, we humble ourselves; move our hearts to rise up in prayer and action, releasing healing to souls trapped in guilt and fear — Your fragrance, to save those headed for destruction. In Yeshua’s powerful name, Lord Jesus, Amen.



Holy Communion:

“As they were dining, Jesus took the bread and blessed it,
and broke it, and gave it to his disciples.
He said to them, ‘Receive this; it is My body.’
Then taking the cup of wine and giving thanks to the Father,
he declared the new covenant with them.
And as each one drank from the cup.”
~ Mark 14:22-23 (TPT)

Acts of Repentance:

Ask the Lord to open up a revelation of His perfect love, and what action it can take to flow out through you today. Ask for wisdom and grace to help in doing it.

Prayer Points:

  • Join our prayers with the USA in the battle to overturn Roe v. WadeThere is an abortion case (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization) presently being considered by the nine US Supreme Court Judges which could overturn the famous abortion case Roe v. Wade (1973) which opened up abortion on demand in the USA for almost 50 years. This has resulted in the loss of life to over 62,000,000 babies in the USA. The verdict of the case is expected to be known in June 2022. If Roe v. Wade (1973) is overturned, or invalidated, it is expected that around half the states in the USA will move to make abortion illegal in their states. It is thought six out of the nine judges now have pro-life values.
  • Pray that the Love Adelaide — Walk for Life 2022 on Feb 12th 10am-12pm will grow in momentum from the 5,000 last year — that nothing will hinder the church standing against legalised abortion, adding their strength and support to end the abortion crisis in our nation and beyond. Pray for more volunteers for the walk and for the weather to be favourable.
  • Ask for the Babies Born Alive (Human Rights — Children Born Alive Protection Bill 2021) tabled in the Australian Federal Parliament to have favour, that it be allowed to go for a vote and be passed in this term of government with no more delay — so that in every state and territory in Australia, babies born alive after a failed abortion will receive proper medical care and legal protection.
  • That people of South Australia will vote according to Life in the upcoming State Parliament elections. May they no longer support the politicians who voted for aborting viable babies even to full term, blocked vital lifesaving amendments and forbade all prayer and offers of help within 150 m of any place where abortions occur (including all major public hospitals).
  • That many women and men will take up the call to be on the frontline in the fight for Life for the Unborn by joining a political party and running for office.

May God Bless you. Thank you for being a part of 21 Days of Hope for the Unborn.

‘And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.’
~ Galatians 6:9 (NKJV)


Photo by Paola Vasquez from Pexels.

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