Pat Boone Smashes Hollywood’s Slow Death By a Thousand Woke Cuts

28 April 2022

3.3 MINS

American singer and actor Pat Boone speaks up about the toxic effects of declining morals and increasing political correctness on Hollywood productions. Their virtue-signalling is in stark contrast with their cowardice in the face of actual human rights abuses.

Living legend Pat Boone has slammed Hollywoke in a promotional event for his latest faith-based film, The Mulligan.

Boone, 87, criticised Hollywood’s new ‘morality’, and how it is dragging the American entertainment industry further away from its ‘altruistic’ roots.

He told Fox News,

“I don’t know how to put it strongly enough, but I just think the film industry is committing suicide. It’s killing itself as far as I’m concerned. America’s image is being destroyed. High ratings have become more important these days. We used to try to put our best foot forward.”

The biggest name next to Elvis in the 1950s described movies being made today as ‘immoral’, unimpressive, and devoid of meaning.

Mucked-Up Media

For Boone, it’s not just the film world. The depravity is also infecting streaming services and television.

He added,

“On television, you can hear all sorts of swear words. Nothing short of actual pornography is celebrated now. Sure, people can criticize those films today and call them unrealistic, but we were being altruistic. We wanted to present people in the best light. Now, we’re just taking pleasure in profit, presenting people in the worst light and celebrating it.”

Boone, a friend of Christian vaudeville-esque rock musician Alice Cooper, used Netflix’s Big Mouth as an example, with Fox noting the animated show’s “vulgar sexualising” of children in their early teens.

Expanding on this, the NYPost wrote, Boone, who is still a devout Christian, laid the blame for the mess Hollywood is in at the feet of ‘studio executives.’

Boone ‘claimed’ they were ‘resorting to shock tactics in a desperate bid to gain ratings.’

The NYP article cited the Walk of Fame star’s moral backbone, explaining how his consistent morality was linked to his faith, and how this, coupled with a discerning work ethic, keeps Boone from “scrapping his moral code for the box office.”

He once turned down a Marilyn Monroe film, expressing concern about playing a man who has an affair with an older woman.

Pat Boone has sold over 45 million albums and starred in 12 Hollywood films. Billboard rated the singer as the ‘second-biggest charting artist of the later 1950s.’

His latest film, The Mulligan, tells the story of an avid golf player and businessman who meets a retired golf pro. He is then challenged to repair his damaged life by turning towards God, and ‘what really matters in life.’


Boone’s criticisms of Hollywood’s corrosive moral downgrade are shared by Hollywood in Toto editor, Christian Toto.Virtue Bombs Hollywood book

Toto’s new book, Virtue Bombs: How Hollywood Got Woke and Lost its Soul, analyses the politically correct paralysis holding back creativity.

One of his key premises is that the woke revolution is the ‘antithesis of creativity.’

Quoting God’s Not Dead and Unplanned co-creators Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, Toto asserted “the goal should be to tell a good story or great story.”

However, going woke means applying Cultural Marxist restrictions to storytelling:

“The stories that the woke people want to tell are for only one point of view and one perspective […] They don’t want our virtues. They don’t want our vision of what’s right and wrong. They don’t believe in families, in traditions.”

Peeling back the layers of wokeism, Toto explains how Hollywood is, always has, and always will be, guided by fear.

On top of the fear of missing out, aging, and offending the wrong director sits the new fear of ‘being cancelled’ for not being “woke” enough.

In light of Toto’s analysis, Pat Boone’s blunt critique of the industry he’s called home for over 50 years takes on sharp poignance.

Boone is closer to the bone of fact than disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s fairytale assertion in 2009, “Hollywood has the best moral compass.”

As I stated in a Caldron Pool article criticising actor John Cena’s woke apology to the CCP from June last year: Christians and Conservatives are out. Cultural Marxism is in.


Putting to one side the terror of McCarthyism, Hollywood and Communism have a shared history.

The ongoing appeasement of Chinese Communists is not far from Hollywood’s celebration of Stalin’s barbaric “antifascists.”

(See Disney’s “social justice” woke warriorism vs. Disney’s silence on the CCP’s human rights abuses, such as the persecution of Christians, mistreatment of prisoners, and ethnic minorities.)

This appeasement is also not far from Hollywood’s decision in the 1930s to maintain neutrality wherever possible. In order to keep from directly enraging the Germans, Hollywood practised a selective self-censorship of anything which displayed blatant opposition to the Nazis, or Nazi ideology.

When Hollywood did move to oppose Nazism, it froze that activism, in support of the Soviet Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact from which the Soviets and Nazis carved up Poland.

This two-faced nature of the Hollywoke industry is probably why A.W. Tozer called the entertainment world one of the ‘sleaziest fields of human endeavour.’

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One Comment

  1. Warwick Marsh 29 April 2022 at 9:22 am - Reply

    Truly great and penetrating article!

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