‘You’re Not Pro-Life, You’re Just Pro-Birth!’

4 July 2022

2.3 MINS

Read this devastating takedown of the argument that the pro-life movement is only concerned with outlawing abortion and doesn’t do enough to care for new mothers and their babies.

Following the overturning of Roe v Wade, tensions have run high both online and in real life as people across the Western world have debated the ethics of abortion.

One of the premier ‘pro-choice’ arguments, heard frequently in recent times, is that those opposed to abortion aren’t really pro-life, they are just ‘pro-birth’.

Is it true that pro-lifers are only concerned with outlawing abortion, and care little for mothers who decide to keep their babies?

Setting the Record Straight

Joel Berry, who is a prominent pro-life advocate and the Managing Editor of satirical news site The Babylon Bee, believes that this is one of the most absurd arguments used by the pro-abortion camp.

In a Twitter thread this week, he published a devastating takedown of the narrative that pro-lifers don’t care for babies or their mothers after a birth has taken place.

His thread is reproduced in full below.

“You’re not pro-life, you’re just pro-birth!”

Of all the narratives repeated by the pro-abortion Left, this one bugs me the most. Let’s examine it.

In our area alone, there are 4 crisis pregnancy centers. At these centers, you can get:
—Free prenatal care
—Free baby formula
—Free diapers
—Free clothes
—Free car seats and cribs
—Community and support

There is also a local pro-life center that offers:
—Free daycare to single moms who have jobs or need to go to school
—Free meals for kids
—Community and support

There are several inner-city missions run by pro-lifers in the area that offer:
—Free food and shelter

There are hundreds of pro-life churches in my area. In many of these, including my own church, you can walk in any day and get:
—Free groceries
—gas cards
—Free counseling for addiction, depression, etc.
—Love, community and support

I have personally seen pro-lifers take single moms into their own homes, buy them cars, adopt their babies, pay their medical expenses, and offer them every resource imaginable without judgment.

So when you hear the line “you don’t care about the baby after it’s born!” remember that what you’re hearing is projection. Pro-choicers aren’t doing any of the things I listed above. In fact, they would rather kill a baby or pawn it off on the government than to personally take care of any of these impoverished children. For all their sanctimony about human life, there’s little evidence they really care about it—before or after birth.

If you’re reading this and haven’t donated or volunteered at your local pregnancy center, call them up and do it today!

And this isn’t exclusive to my area. Pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics 3 to 1 in this country. Churches, even more. No matter where you go, there is help for you.

By contrast, there is only one abortion clinic in my area. It’s only open 2 days per week, and women are shuffled in and out as quickly as possible. They have nearly killed a few patients and put women in the hospital with lacerated uteruses and offered no help or follow up.

A few years ago the abortionist who previously ran the clinic went to jail for sexual abuse of minors. It’s laughable that these people try to claim moral high ground on this issue. Utterly laughable.

Share Your Story

What do you think? Do pro-lifers do enough to support mothers? What pro-life pregnancy support services are available in your area? Are you involved in pregnancy support? Leave a comment below.

Image by Frank Alarcon on Unsplash.

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One Comment

  1. Kaylene Emery 4 July 2022 at 10:47 pm - Reply

    Thank you Kurt.
    It seems that we must say over n over n over in as many different ways as possible; killing innocent babies is an abomination.
    ” Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt “.

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