
“Pornhub is on its knees”: The behemoth porn website “on the verge of collapse”

27 July 2022

1.6 MINS

According to Laila Mickelwait, the founder and CEO of Justice Defence Fund, Pornhub, just two years ago one of the world’s largest and most popular pornographic websites, is on the brink of collapsing. She is urging people to “double down” in their efforts to oppose the industry.

(You can read updated news about this situation, here)

In a recent email to supporters, Laila Mickelwait outlined some enormously positive developments in the war against porn.

According to Mickelwait, in January 2020, Pornhub was the 10th most visited website on the internet — more popular than Netflix, Amazon or Yahoo. Chillingly for those concerned about the influence of Big Tech, Pornhub ranks as the third most influential tech company, behind just Facebook and Google.

But all that has changed.

As Mickelwait explains:

“By January 2022, thanks to all who have joined the #TraffickingHub movement, Pornhub took down 80% of the entire site, totaling [sic] 10 million videos, lost all payment processing (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and PayPal), lost all major corporate partners (Grant Thornton, Roku, Comcast, Xfinity, Heinz and Unilever) and became a global pariah — with thousands of media articles exposing them.”

Apparently, Pornhub is also under threat from multiple major lawsuits in both the United States and Canada. They are being investigated “for child sexual abuse material, sex trafficking, and organized crime”.

Additionally, just last month the CEO and COO of MindGeek (Pornhub’s parent company) “abruptly and unceremoniously resigned” from their positions. Simultaneously, 30 per cent of the company was sacked.

Mickelwait continues:

“It feels like we are seeing a behemoth of a corporation on the verge of collapse — and it is well deserved. As Nicholas Kristof put it from the New York Times, ‘The world has often been oblivious to child sexual abuse, from the Catholic Church to the Boy Scouts. Too late, we prosecute individuals like Jeffrey Epstein or R. Kelly. But we should also stand up to corporations that systematically exploit children. With Pornhub, we have Jeffrey Epstein times 1,000.’”

She finishes with an impassioned call to action:

“Epstein wasn’t given a slap on the wrist. He was put in prison and his companies were shut down. That is what real justice looks like. That is the kind of justice that will deter future perpetrators. Pornhub deserves nothing less.

Now is not the time to let up. It’s time to double down.”

If you want to support the work of Justice Defense Fund or find more about them, you can go to their website.


Photo: timofeev/BigStock

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  1. Warwick Marsh 27 July 2022 at 12:59 pm - Reply

    This is fantastic news!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ElecStolin 28 July 2022 at 5:48 am - Reply

    Should be held responsible for allowing the overwhelming population of children under 18 being able to access the content without proper age checks. A large portion of their customers are 13. Introducing children to demonic addictions and parents don’t seem to care at all.

    • Cody Mitchell 28 July 2022 at 6:58 am - Reply

      Indeed. It’s a sickening industry.

      • Geoff 19 August 2022 at 11:31 am - Reply

        Not only sickening but highly addictive and destroys marriages and families.

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