
Netflix Accused of Hate for Tagging Dahmer Series as ‘LBGTQ Content’

30 September 2022

1.7 MINS

Netflix has been accused of committing a hate crime by tagging their new series on mass murderer Jeff Dahmer as LGBTQ content.

Dahmer, who killed and ate 17 people between 1978 and 1991, was a homosexual. His victims were also homosexuals.

Dahmer’s crimes included dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism.


One subscriber complained:

“Why the f**k Netflix made the decision to tag the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary LGBTQ? Like I know its technically true, but this is not the representation we’re looking for.”

I completely get that a serial killer who dismembers his victims before cooking their body parts and eating them is not exactly the kind of representation the LBGTQ community is looking for.

But what was Netflix supposed to do, tag it under “food shows”?

Social media users voiced their anger:

Cas makes a fair point.

Aside from the fact that Dahmer was a gay man who went to gay clubs where he met other gay men whom he would lure away for gay sex before killing them, the story has absolutely nothing to do with the gays.

Too Many Cooks

Kathryn Crowley had an interesting complaint:

This would literally be the first time in history that lesbians have accused gay men of giving the LBGTQ community a bad name. (That was sarcasm, obviously).

But Kathryn highlights a very real problem. When you lump the Ls and the Gs and the Bs and the Ts and the Qs all together as one big happy fantabulous family, you’re stuck with each other.

Just ask the lesbians now trying to unhitch themselves from the transgendered movement that is rapidly erasing them!

Inclusive to a Point

And then there was this:

Vanity wonders what LGBTQ has to do with “a crazed serial killer & cannibal”.

I was wondering if that’s what the ‘+’ in LGBTQ+ was for. Just a theory. I’m pretty certain the G is for guacamole.

Anyway, the great irony in all of this is that if the series had been about gay men being cannibalised by a right-wing straight white man, the activists would gladly have tagged it as LBGTQ content.

The problem here is not the story, it’s that the protagonist — by which I mean the crazed, murdering, cannibalising main character — is gay.

The LBGTQ ideologues love to be portrayed as victims, but not as perpetrators.

If only Jeffrey Dahmer had been a glorified pole dancer performing in drag for children, he would have been an LGBTQ pin-up boy.

Whatever the case, it’s always ironic watching the Left eat their own.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.


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One Comment

  1. Kaylene Emery 2 October 2022 at 11:47 am - Reply

    Your article epitomises my recent insight into how I was able to live left, for so long James . It was only possible via a range of prescription ‘ medications’ washed down with a bottle of fine red Australian wine……… every day .
    My commitment to me myself and I knew no bounds and my children paid the price then somehow in a maze of madness Jesus Christ revealed The Truth – not a truth- not my – truth but The Truth.
    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm ,then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery” . Galatians 5:1
    I commend Galatians 5. It’s very short n to the point .

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