Qatar World Cup 2022

Pride and Prejudice in Qatar

25 November 2022

0.9 MINS

World footballers feel so strongly about LGBTQ rights that they are prepared to take a strong stand at the World Cup in Qatar, where homosexuality is illegal.

I’m not, of course, referring to a boycott of the event. Goodness no! They’ll still play in Qatar. You wouldn’t miss a World Cup for your views on LGBTQ rights.

But, they announced, while playing in a country that criminalises homosexuality, they will bravely wear a gay pride armband.


Before any of us had a chance to call the players “stunning” and “brave”, FIFA announced that any competitor wearing the Pride armband would receive a yellow card.

This was bad.

Players and their teams were prepared to cop a fine for supporting LGBTQ rights, but a yellow card would curtail their ability to play in the tournament.

This did make me laugh. Players often risk a yellow card by removing their shirts to celebrate a goal. Then again, a goal in soccer is harder to come by than LGBTQ rights. But I digress.

The players, who feel very strongly about LGBTQ rights, will not boycott the World Cup; nor will they wear the rainbow insignia on their shirts.

Instead, the players will take a strong stance in support of LGBTQ rights by wearing an anti-discrimination armband that does not mention LGBTQ rights at all.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

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