Miles / euthanasia laws

Miles’ Sudden Conversion to Bodily Autonomy

25 January 2023

0.4 MINS

The Queensland Deputy Premier weighs in on UK euthanasia laws.

Queensland Deputy Premier Steven Miles has written to the British Parliament urging them to legalise euthanasia.

Of course, he has encouraged them not to use the terms “euthanasia” or “suicide”. Call it Voluntary Assisted Dying, he advised. It’s nicer. And socialist authoritarians are nothing if not ‘nice’ these days.

There’s much one could say about Miles’ intervention in the British debate, but this little gem caught my eye.


Miles tweeted regarding the euthanasia issue:

You mean, like the jab?


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo by Artem Podrez.


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  1. Emmy 25 January 2023 at 8:17 am - Reply

    These people are complete hypocrites and treat human life with such contempt. Unless they repent and turn from their sins, they have the wrath of God to deal with.

  2. Kaylene Emery 25 January 2023 at 8:38 am - Reply

    State sanctioned killing of the vulnerable. Be they unborn ,unwell, or just old n tired.
    If you have experienced tragedy and can’t imagine anything else ( right in this moment ) our government officials think it a good idea that you should die.
    If you have family or friends who find your aging process confronting do they think it a good idea that you should die ?
    As the person facing this , should you cooperate with evil, just because right now you are tired or in pain ?
    Should we as a Nation abandon God by refusing to keep His commandment of Do Not Kill ?

    Thou Shall Not Kill the Word of God again.

    Our soul and the soul’s of or children are at stake. The existence of our Nation is at stake.
    God grace us with the strength not abandon our selves or these we hold dear just because the enemy and its minions tournament and oppress us. Lord God you made us in your image do not hand us over to our own weakness.

  3. Leonie Robson 25 January 2023 at 3:09 pm - Reply

    Myles has no self-awareness whatsoever.
    Then again, Muppets like him and Chris Bowen must be pretty happy with themselves.
    Useful idiots seem very well remunerated these days.

  4. Ian Moncrieff. 25 January 2023 at 4:34 pm - Reply

    Steven Miles says “Every Queenslander DESERVES to have that choice…..”
    He is saying that we have DONE something to DESERVE the legal right to commit suicide!!!!!

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