
Putin Ate Bowen’s Homework

6 July 2023

1.5 MINS

Power prices are never coming down.

Millions of Australians are right now struggling with the cost of living, not least of which is the cost of power.

And it wasn’t meant to be this way.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said 97 times in the lead-up to his election that he would reduce the cost of power prices by $275 if only we voted for him.

So we voted for lower power prices, and got higher ones.

Brilliant Plan

Last week, energy companies revealed they had sent debt collectors to more than 12,000 Queensland households in the first three months of the year.

But if you’re one of those people struggling to pay your power bill, fear not. Energy Minister Chris Bowen went on the ABC last night with a plan, if not a decent tie.

The policy mastermind told 730 host Sarah Ferguson:

“You can reduce your power bill very substantially by putting solar panels on your roof.”

That’s it. That was his plan.

Allow me to summarise: Australians who can’t afford to pay their power bills should install solar panels, which they also can’t afford.

By using money they don’t have, to purchase solar panels they can’t pay for, people will have cheaper electricity and therefore fulfil the government’s promise to reduce power prices.

Never let it be said that Chris Bowen is not a genius.

But what if we don’t all extend our mortgages to buy solar panels? When will power prices come down?

Blame the Russians

He told Ferguson:

“Well, power prices are fluctuating internationally. There is a lot of pressure coming out of Europe at the moment. There’s a lot of changes in the European situation with the war in Ukraine which we’re monitoring closely and will provide further updates on that as we can.”

Ah, it’s the Russians! Vladimir Putin ate Bowen’s homework.

It’s Putin who has been closing our coal-fired power stations.

It’s Putin who has been preventing us from accessing our natural gas deposits.

When will power bills come down? When the Russians say so.

So the energy minister Chris Bowen is “monitoring closely” the war in Ukraine and will “provide further updates on that”!

Power prices are never coming down. This government is hopeless.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo by Pixabay.


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  1. Kaylene Emery 6 July 2023 at 10:39 pm - Reply

    The current government is beyond hopeless James and the more we remain compliant the more complicit we become . In this way they our own government project their , shame ….. into us . That is into us , because endless bullying and lying has the effect of shattering our human psyche – we become porous and their poison enters in .

    • Warwick Marsh 7 July 2023 at 3:03 pm - Reply

      Great comment Kaylene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ian Moncrieff. 10 July 2023 at 9:58 am - Reply

    Bowen is Bowing to Great Reset theology.

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