Should Misgendering Someone Be a Crime?
Newsweek poll finds almost half of millennials think so!
A poll published in Newsweek has found that 44 percent of America’s 25-34-year-olds believe misgendering someone should be a criminal offence.
I’m starting to believe that being a millennial should be a crime.
My dog is smarter than most millennials. He certainly cries a lot less.
The survey, of 1500 people, also found 38 per cent of those aged 33-44 were in favour of prosecuting people for using the wrong pronouns.
Love and inclusion, or else!
I remember when actual crime used to be a crime.
Pretty soon no one will talk to anyone anymore. Everyone will be alone and miserable. All because a bunch of adult-sized children need their fantasies affirmed every waking moment of their lives.
Meanwhile, in other countries, people need water.
We have now raised two or three generations of authoritarian Leftards who have been taught only the supremacy of their own feelings and the need to be polite under threat of death.
Threatening prosecution for people who fail to use so-called ‘correct’ pronouns would constitute forced speech, which directly violates the First Amendment.
Forcing people to say things they do not believe should be a crime!
The younger generation appears to know nothing about the Constitution or freedom of speech, or basic biology to be frank.
They can, however, name all the Kardashians.
But should we really be surprised?
Root of the Rot
Most politicians these days cannot — or dare not — say what a woman is.
News outlets like The New York Times and CNN have recently apologised to mass killers for misgendering them when reporting their crimes.
We have taught the younger generation that nothing matters more than the way they feel.
“I just want you to be happy,” has become our only measure of what is right. Can we really complain when they turn around the threaten to jail us if we don’t say things to make them happy?
Moreover, we have taught young people that they must be accepting of everyone while redefining acceptance to mean agreement. Can we really blame them, then, for insisting that if we do not agree with them, we are committing a cardinal sin?
The older generation created the mob, and are now petrified of them.
As a member of Gen X, can I just say that I never bought a ticket to this circus. And there is no way in hell that I will be participating in it, in any shape or form.
Tellingly, the figure for millennials contrasts starkly with that for Americans as a whole, among whom just 19 percent want misgendering to be a criminal offence.
We really have raised a generation of adult babies shaking totalitarian rattles.
Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.
Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo by Michelle Leman.
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