Calvary Hospital

Sign This Petition to Save Calvary Hospital

Take a stand for religious freedom. Ask the Federal Government to override the ACT Government’s compulsory acquisition of Calvary Hospital.

A new petition with a short deadline has been published at the Parliament of Australia website. Titled ‘Stop the ACT government’s takeover of Calvary Hospital’, the petition closes 31 August, and therefore requires a prompt response from Australians wishing to protect religious freedom.

You can sign the petition here.

The ACT Legislative Assembly passed legislation to compulsorily acquire Calvary Hospital on July 3, 2023. An appeal to the ACT Supreme Court by Calvary failed.

In the months since, the ACT Government has demonstrated that it is unwilling to dialogue with hospital authorities and ACT citizens. Worse, it has made no bones about its opposition to Calvary’s “problematic” Catholic beliefs, which includes refusing to provide elective abortions and euthanasia, which the ACT Government intends to legislate later this year.

Fortunately, the Federal Parliament has the power to veto legislation by Territories of the Commonwealth. The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee is conducting an inquiry into the ACT government’s action. The inquiry received 76 submissions and thousands of letters and emails. Most were concerned and dismayed at the takeover.

The ACT government is being called before the Committee to explain its action.

Calvary Hospital: The Canary in the Coal Mine

The new petition is the initiative of a local resident of Canberra, Chris Rule. Mr Rule has worked in collaboration with local Catholics and has the support of Fr Tony Percy, the Australian Family Association, and the National Civic Council.

So far, the petition has just over 1,500 signatures, but many more are needed for a strong message to be sent.

Chris Rule is asking for the support of as many Australians as possible. He has said, “Please help us keep the pressure on the Federal parliament to overrule the ACT government on this unwarranted and sectarian attack on the right of people of faith to run their own hospital.”

The ACT Government’s illiberal decision has caused serious concern among faith communities that a precedent has been set which may encourage more state intervention in other faith-based institutions.

In short, if a government can compulsorily acquire a religious-based hospital, what other religious organisations can it compulsorily acquire?

The Need for an Independent Calvary Hospital

Across Australia, the Catholic Church has established hospitals, trained medical professionals and served the community for 170 years. Today, 21 public and 54 private Catholic hospitals treat more than 1.5 million patients annually, or three patients every minute.

As the ACT Government is already struggling to provide adequate services at Canberra Hospital, there is no reason to believe that it can competently run a second hospital. Hence, why take over a well-run hospital providing excellent medical services to the people of the ACT?

The Territory continues to need a major, independently run hospital that provides high-standard services, as Calvary Hospital already does.

This petition is a way for everyday Australians to push back against the ACT Government’s illiberal and harmful decision to take over Calvary Hospital.

The Canberra Declaration team encouraged all supporters to sign and share this petition far and wide. You can sign the petition here.

Image via HRLA.

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  1. Jim Twelves 24 August 2023 at 9:31 am - Reply

    Wonderful summary, and brilliant that a local resident, Chris Rule, has managed to get this petition up. For me, it shows that the tide is on the rise!

  2. Elizabeth 24 August 2023 at 11:28 am - Reply

    deplorable that it has come to this. revolution to all those standing up against a takeover. Seems there are more people with good morals than those without.

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