The Canberra Declaration Team
The Canberra Declaration is an active, caring, growing community of people who have a vision for an Australia where children are safe, women are secure, families are happy, everyone receives a fair go, incentive is rewarded, integrity is paramount, life is precious, freedom is for all, including those of faith. Where everyone is able to enjoy the prosperity that comes from the revitalisation of the Judeo-Christian Values that form the foundation of our nation.
Articles by The Canberra Declaration Team:
2 December 2024
3.2 MINS
The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity, unveiled on the 31st of October of this year, is a clarion call for the church to return once more to the Bible’s clear teachings on sexual integrity.
26 November 2024
4.4 MINS
While the Canberra Declaration agrees that social media can cause harm to children, we don't believe the government usurping the role of parents is the solution. Read our submission to the social media minimum age bill inquiry.
2 February 2024
3.5 MINS
Listen to Warwick and Kurt share on national radio about their bestselling book to date, Jesus: The Centre of It All.
24 August 2023
Take a stand for religious freedom. Ask the Federal Government to override the ACT Government’s compulsory acquisition of Calvary Hospital.
17 July 2023
6.4 MINS
This week, the Canberra Declaration made a submission to the inquiry into the Albanese Government's dystopian 'Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation' Bill. Read a powerful excerpt of it below. We could not be more strongly opposed to the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill [...]
28 June 2023
2.6 MINS
“Porn isn’t hurting anyone” has to be one of the biggest lies ever told, according to one brave Federal Senator calling for stronger regulations. Senator for Victoria Ralph Babet gave a resounding denunciation of pornography during a short but powerful speech in the Australian Senate [...]
28 June 2023
Authorities that can’t define the word woman and that pursued Covid zero with reckless abandon now want to silence “disinformation” online. What could possibly go wrong? The Albanese Government plans to fine social media companies millions of dollars for allowing ‘misinformation’ on their platforms, under [...]
2 March 2023
3.3 MINS
Statistics suggest that every year in Australia, over 100 babies are born alive during failed abortion attempts and then left die. Please speak up for them. Last year, George Christensen drafted the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022, in an effort to protect [...]
16 December 2022
21.1 MINS
SUBMISSION: Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is a copy of our submission in response to the Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare. Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to contribute [...]
14 December 2022
1.2 MINS
Kurt and Warwick were interviewed on national radio last week about their latest book. Listen in here. The Canberra Declaration’s new book, Great Southland Revival, featured on national radio last week. On Wednesday 7 December, Neil Johnson from Vision Christian Radio interviewed Kurt and Warwick [...]
14 October 2022
1.7 MINS
We are so excited about the most recent release by the Kendrick Brothers: LIFEMARK! Based on an inspiring true story, it features a fantastic lineup of emerging young actors alongside the likes of Alex Kendrick and Kirk Cameron. The acting is great; the visuals are [...]
14 October 2022
1.8 MINS
The Canberra Declaration has been organising 72 Hours of Praise, Prayer & Worship to God for Revival in Australia. This campaign is launching today at midday and we would love to see you there. You can join us any time you are able on Zoom [...]
11 October 2022
Look out for this fabulous new pro-life film, LIFEMARK, coming to Australian theatres this week. Brought to you by the Kendrick Brothers and based on a true story, LIFEMARK illustrates the beautiful life-giving act of adoption. Imagine a film from the creators of War Room [...]
11 October 2022
2.2 MINS
The Canberra Declaration is organising 72 Hours of Praise, Prayer & Worship to God for Revival in Australia. You can join us on Zoom from midday Friday, 14 October to midday Monday, 17 October 2022 (NSW Time). This time of prayer & worship will [...]
22 September 2022
0.8 MINS
A short tribute by the Canberra Declaration team to the late Queen Elizabeth II on this national day of mourning. We encourage you to watch the full funeral service to Her Majesty, held in Westminster Cathedral. The team at the Canberra Declaration acknowledges the life [...]
9 September 2022
Yesterday, shortly before midnight AEST, Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, passed away in [...]
7 September 2022
2.3 MINS
With a Victorian election just months away, it’s critical that Christian voters start to think about how they’ll vote come November. This article provides a brief context for the upcoming election. To borrow from the Apostle Paul, “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you [...]