civilisational battle with the West

Will We Admit We are in a Civilisational Battle in Time to Do Something About It?

16 November 2023

5.5 MINS

Eight Things We Must Do To Save the West.

What sort of monsters behead babies?

That question has troubled me since the horrific events of October 7.

In the early hours of that Saturday morning, more than a thousand Islamic terrorists flooded into southern Israel, filming themselves as they raped and slaughtered Jews.

Babies were found beheaded. One was reportedly found in an oven. What sort of men do such things?

Increasingly, I worry that the answer is ‘the sort of men who live here’.

Today, I saw images of a Yagil Jacob, a 12-year-old Israeli boy, taken hostage by Hamas. Family in the US put up a poster in Manhattan calling for his release. Someone responded by covering the boy’s face in excrement.


Last week, I was in Newtown, Sydney. The faces of children taken hostage had been scratched out from the posters calling for their freedom.

What kind of people behead babies? The same kind of people who cover a boy’s face in faeces and who scratch out the faces of hostages.

The barbarity let loose in Israel on October 7 exists right here in the West, only barely restrained.

We are in a civilisational battle. The question is whether we will admit it in time to do something about it.

The signs are not encouraging.

End Times

Consider this lead from The Australian newspaper:

“A Sydney cleric with ties to terrorists has doubled down on his recitation of Islamic parables about ‘killing Jews towards the ends of times’, saying it was the word of Muhammad and would ‘come to pass’.”

Wassam Haddad, who leads the Al Madina Dawah Religious Centre in southwest Sydney, told worshippers:

“Towards the end of times, when the Muslims will be fighting the Jews, the trees will speak. They will say ‘Oh Muslim, there is a yahud (Arabic for Jew) behind me, come and kill him’.”

The media now express shock that Haddad was quick to double down on his Jew-hatred.

That journalists thought Haddad might apologise demonstrates how little journalists know of the subject on which they are reporting.

Haddad himself tried to educate them. He said:

And if he (Muhammad) said it, it will come to pass.

You can almost feel the journalist rolling his eyes. These Islamic leaders. Such jokers!

Completely ignoring the big clue Haddad had just given him, the journalist made inquiries of some serious, respected Islamic leaders to get a serious, respectable response:

“The Australian Federation of Islamic Council, Australian Nat­ional Imams Council and the Lebanese Muslim Association were all contacted to condemn the centre’s rhetoric.”

Oh yes. And how did that go?

“ANIC and AFIC failed to respond, the LMA declined to provide comment.”

You don’t say!

Haddad doubled down on his anti-Semitic speech because, as he tried to tell the journalist, he was quoting the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him yada yada yada).

Did the journalist think the peak Islamic bodies would disown Muhammad?

The clue is in the name. Australian Federation of Islamic Council.

Haddad was quoting an Islamic prophecy that dictates — for Shi’ite Muslims at least — a final great war must be waged against the Jews in order for the anticipated 12th Imam, the Mahdi, to appear.

For the slow people out there (Penny ‘Ceasefire’ Wong, I’m talking to you), this means Islam is an apocalyptic death cult that calls for Jews to be slaughtered in order for Allah’s plan to be fulfilled.

Do all Muslims believe this? Thankfully no. Only the serious ones. And the serious ones are deadly serious.

We, however, are not serious at all.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute this week released a paper warning that “worrying trends highlight the need for vigilance against homegrown terrorism”.

I agree.

But then they opened with this:

“Australia is a diverse society with over 100 distinct religions, 300 languages and a substantial recent migrant population.”

Okay, but riddle me this Australian Strategic Policy Institute: how many of those 100 religions are calling for jihad?

If your answer is two or more, you’re a moron and can probably have a long and successful career writing rubbish for the APSI who urge “vigilance” and then spend 1000 words tip-toeing around Islam.

It’s 22 years since Muhammad Atta flew a Boeing 767 into the World Trade Centre, and we have honoured the 3000 people killed by learning absolutely nothing.

If the West is to survive, here’s a list of 8 things we must do, and fast.

  1. We Must Staunchly Defend Western Values

And by Western values, I mean Judeo-Christian values.

The Christian West is under attack from Islamists, and we have responded with our own war on Christianity. It’s insane. It’s suicidal. It must stop.

Don’t want to be a Christian? Guess what, one of the distinctives of the Christian West is that you don’t have to be a Christian. But if you think you can destroy Christianity and still eat its fruit, you’re not thinking.

The values which have made the West the freest and most prosperous civilisation in human history have their basis in the Judeo-Christian ethic.

We must stop denying this and begin affirming it. I know plenty of people are not quite smart enough to be Christians but nowhere near dumb enough to wish for its erasure.

Even if you don’t believe Christianity to be true, you should wish that it was.

  1. We Must Strongly Reject Cultural Relativism

All cultures are not equal. Sorry if that bursts your progressive, oh-so-tolerant bubble, but it’s the truth.

Most cultures are inferior to ours.

Disagree, then show me the culture you’d prefer. And why aren’t you there already?

  1. We Must Admit Multiculturalism Does Not Work.

It is a failed experiment inflicted upon the West without our consent. It has been thoroughly discredited.

It has failed because it demands nothing of migrants, instead allowing them to live in our country, living parallel lives so that they are in our society but not of our society. And in extreme cases, they can pursue lives aimed at undermining the stability and threatening the security of our society.

How many war memorials vandalised by pro-Palestinian supporters, just in time for Remembrance Day, do you need to see?

  1. We Must Condemn All Who Push Identity Politics

The Bible affirms the dignity and worth of the individual. It is this emphasis, over and above collective rights, that has been a key feature of the West.

Those who seek to impose tribalism upon us — whether based on race, sexuality or class — must be condemned.

Your BLM madness is destroying social cohesion. Your LGBTQ fantasies are ripping at the fabric of reality. Your class warfare is pitting neighbour against neighbour.

Stop it.

  1. We Must Admit That Not All Religious Beliefs Are Consistent With Western Values

The only people who say all religions are basically the same are people who know basically nothing about any religion.

Do some reading.

Islam is a highly politicised religion. It is demonstrably incompatible with Western liberal democracy. If you don’t believe me, buy an atlas.

  1. We Must Recognise That Not All Immigrants Are Likely to Assimilate and Adopt Australian Values

Sorry, but not everyone belongs here. If you love Gaza, we encourage you to make your home there.

And yes, I said “assimilate”. It’s not a dirty word.

If you don’t want to assimilate, why are you even here?

People who love Australia so much they want to become Australians are welcomed with open arms. People who want all the benefits of Australia while creating their own little counter-cultures have no business being here.

  1. Deport (en masse if necessary) Migrants Who Espouse Values That Would Destroy Our Civilisation

Living here is not a right, it’s a privilege. If you’re on a visa and you start breathing hate, we have a Qantas departure ticket with your name on it.

  1. We Must Shape Our Immigration Policy Around The Importance of Cultural Compatibility

We cannot take every refugee, and nor should we take every refugee. We will take refugees from nations that are most culturally aligned with our own.

Do I need to be more explicit? We will prioritise refugees from Christian nations. Christianity is the most persecuted religion on the planet. There is no shortage of people who are both in need of asylum and who have values that will strengthen rather than weaken us as their host country.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo: Hadi Mohammad/Wikimedia Commons

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  1. Jim Twelves 16 November 2023 at 8:40 am - Reply

    James, both barrels! Bulls eye! While you piece is most unpleasant to read, I do agree that the time for polite appeasement is over. Its foundation is sadly misplaced loyalty due to absent leadership and extreme ignorance.

  2. Richard Standley Standley 16 November 2023 at 8:51 am - Reply

    Too late!!!!
    decades of leftist and far right indoctrination through our education systems have bred brain washed children who’ve grown up to be the movers and shakers of the government and key institutions, particularly in formerly democratic governments…

  3. Stephen Brinton 16 November 2023 at 9:04 am - Reply

    Hi James, you are bold and courageous is stating clearly what many (the silent majority?) believe. If only our politicians and leaders had the same courage to act. Stephen

  4. Trina Watson 16 November 2023 at 9:57 am - Reply

    With you all the way James! It breaks my heart to watch our Nation disintegrate before my eyes, and our values and National “flavour” being trashed and destroyed by hate filled satanic monsters! As far as I’m concerned, they should all be sent back from whence they came! The problem is that we, the Church, are asleep! We need to wake up, and get on our knees in fervent prayer for our Nation and for Israel! Thankyou James, for expressing how many Aussies feel.

    • Stan Beattie 17 November 2023 at 10:03 am - Reply

      I agree with you Trina.
      We must be on our knees in repentance and supplication to the God of creation for a return to honouring Him alone

  5. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 16 November 2023 at 2:29 pm - Reply

    All true Well said , not all religions are equal, especially Islam !Bring Christian and Jewish migrants and refugees. Send these people who want to kill all Jews and destroy the country of Israel back where they belong, which is not here ! Their aim is to destroy and take over by guile what was once our peaceful Australia. They are not “the religion of Peace “. They are well armed, but, we have been disarmed by our govt. which is putting us in danger by accepting murderers and paedophiles as “refugees ” because their own govts. do not want such dangerous TRASH !

  6. Joyce Michael 16 November 2023 at 3:01 pm - Reply

    I understand that the Koran teaches that when a Muslim steps on any land, that land belongs to Islam, and they have an obligation to convert that land to Islam. How many Muslims in Australia are now waiting for our country to become Muslim. I heard just recently, that in Germany, with its open door policy of 2015 (?) there are now 3 million Muslims living in Germany and they want to make a caliphate in Germany. Germany is losing its European/ Christian-Judeo heritage. Australia, watch out! May God have mercy on us.

  7. Barbara Bluett 16 November 2023 at 4:15 pm - Reply

    Thank you for a wonderful article James. You speak of what a lot of us are feeling.

    I also want to say that the Yazidi refugees, although not Christians, have Christian values, love Israel and have been persecuted by ISIS, are an asset to our country. They are very hard working, very motivated and are grateful to be here. They are assimilating well. I personally know a lot of them and have the highest regard for them.

  8. Pearl Miller 21 November 2023 at 4:43 am - Reply

    Bring the Armenian Christians here….
    Great article…I agree 100%.

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