ABC Kids Queerstralia

ABC Kids Show Airs Adult Themes

14 February 2024

0.9 MINS

When is TV station ABC Kids on Channel 22 NOT for kids?

The quick answer is: last Sunday night. The ABC broadcast a program called Queerstralia that purported to be a history of Australia from an overtly queer perspective. Its M censorship rating included the following alerts: adult themes, coarse language, nudity, and [of course] sexual references!

Apart from the perverted nature of its content, I was more concerned that my TV only identified Channel 22 as ABC Kids!

Sneaky Switch

I looked up ABC iView and saw that at certain times, this station is called ABC Plus. This switch of content type is not clear unless one checks out the guide. You would think that the station identifier that viewers see on their TV sets should not state ABC Kids when the program has adult themes.

That night, I wrote a complaint to the ABC through their website alerting them to the total inappropriateness of a program with content about homosexuality being broadcast on a channel that still showed itself to be for kids only.

Further, I asked the ABC to investigate this confusion of channel IDs and to make sure that these IDs correctly represent whether it is an adult or kids channel.

Parents, you need to be aware of the times when ABC Kids, Channel 22 is or isn’t for kids. Let this incident of mine arm you with knowledge about this media as you seek to guard your children’s innocence.

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  1. CS 14 February 2024 at 11:09 am - Reply

    ACMA will deal with this complaint if the ABC if the ABC’s response is not satisfactory.

    Curious the ABC kids channel 22 is used rather than any other of their multiple channels which play repeats of the others.

  2. Gail Petherick 15 February 2024 at 5:38 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the warning Wayne. It’s awful to hear of but better to know and be careful to warn parents and grandparents.

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