Wayne Vincent
Wayne lives in Brisbane, Australia and has been married to Charmaine for thirty years. Earlier in his life, he ministered as a pastor in Tasmania and Victoria. In mid-life, he considered that if he had his life over again, he would probably have been a teacher. Realising he wasn't dead yet, he completed a double degree in Arts and Teaching, and taught as a primary school teacher for the next nineteen years till retiring at the end of 2021.
Articles by Wayne Vincent:
30 July 2024
Recently, I saw that ABC TV had removed ABC Plus from Channel 22 and replaced it with ABC Family. Let me encourage you to never underestimate the power of writing letters to voice your concerns over anything you deem inappropriate content on public radio or television.
22 February 2024
1.1 MINS
It’s concerning that a public broadcaster like the ABC can so readily dismiss their responsibility to protect children from adult content. They need to ensure that station IDs actually mean what they say.
14 February 2024
0.9 MINS
Parents, you need to be aware of the times when ABC Kids, Channel 22 is or isn’t for kids. Let this incident of mine arm you with knowledge about this media as you seek to guard your children’s innocence.
13 March 2023
4.4 MINS
During our earthly pilgrimage, we all have an innate longing to be home with God our Father, Who created us to be with Him for eternity, in joy and peace. I recently experienced a few unexpected days in a public hospital, following a routine medical [...]
22 February 2023
2.9 MINS
Like me, you may never have heard of John Harper. It was a surprise for me to discover that he played a pivotal role in helping many people caught up in an event that has captured the imaginations of countless millions. It was the sinking [...]
31 January 2023
2.7 MINS
Is it fair that a lobster now has more rights than an unborn human baby? Why can't we apply the same ethical standards to a living human being? “Your death will be humane. We’re not monsters. … Our understanding of what it means to humanely [...]
14 December 2022
2.5 MINS
What if the first Christmas took place in a 21st-century Western culture? Consider the different set of life choices that would have been available to someone living in the Middle East at that time. Could a possible scenario go something like this? As was the [...]
24 May 2022
1.5 MINS
People born into a pit are not aware that they are in one. Some may become content with where they are. Others may feel that there must be more to life and try to find it. Where are you in this allegory? Comic strip [...]
12 May 2022
4.8 MINS
Life is full of embarrassing moments. Chin up -- you're not alone in this! We would love to think that we have it all together, that we can handle whatever life situations come our way. This of course is not what life is like at [...]
10 May 2022
3.4 MINS
When we examine the Word of God in its original Hebrewt text, we can discover profound layers of meaning behind a single word. Here is an exegesis of why John the Evangelist emphasised the word "beginning" when referring to Christ. One of Jesus’ closest disciples, [...]
2 May 2022
5.7 MINS
Our human fathers may leave us with wounds, because they carry wounds themselves. But God the Father can make up for their failings and heal us from our pain. I have old black and white photos of my dad and me when I was very [...]
26 April 2022
The life of faith is like flying an aeroplane. Your attitude can help or hinder your flight path. Let us turn to that most reliable manual, the Word of God, and maintain our focus on higher things. Right from the beginning, I ask any pilots [...]
15 April 2022
1.4 MINS
Defending Albanese's slip-up, Shorten points to the sinless One, Jesus Christ Who saved us from our sins by His sacrifice 2,000 years ago. An excellent Paschaltide reminder as we commemorate Good Friday and celebrate Christ's resurrection from the dead. On the first day of campaigning [...]
12 April 2022
With the help of chemotherapy and stalwart faith, I was able to receive healing from my leukemia swiftly, with no undesirable side effects. Through my journey with leukemia, I was able to minister to fellow cancer patients in hospital with me. All in all, it [...]
4 April 2022
3.4 MINS
People nowadays treat statues of the Buddha as mere decoration for a hip Asian aesthetic, but beware: displaying such images can have unwanted spiritual effects. Let me tell you two true stories. Each one illustrates our contemporary culture’s attraction to images of Buddha. Uninvited guests [...]
29 March 2022
3.6 MINS
Though it may feel like we are surrounded by darkness, God remains with us and will bring us to salvation if we walk with Him. Allow the lights of God's truths to shine forth in your life, and you will lead others to Christ, the [...]
25 March 2022
The media pushes a one-sided view of transgender ideology. Let us turn to scripture to discover our true identity, created in the image and likeness of God. One morning I came across a TV program on the ABC called My Life. Made by the BBC, [...]
23 March 2022
3.5 MINS
The story of Peter trying to walk to Jesus on water teaches us to keep our focus on God despite the travails of life and distractions around us. In the face of the contrary and sometimes antagonistic winds of our present culture, we can learn [...]
14 March 2022
1.8 MINS
In a compelling autobiography, a leukemia survivor shares his journey with the disease, reflecting on his life before and during this illness. He recalls significant events throughout his life, pondering on God's guiding hand of providence in his discovery of faith as his anchor. “Here [...]