missing person

Man Remains Missing While Public are Directed to Search for a Woman

19 June 2024

1.8 MINS

UK police seem more determined to make sure the missing person pictured below is not misgendered, rather than making sure that he is found.

missing man

The missing man goes by the name Sarah. But Sarah is — as anyone with eyes can see — a man.

So, police need the public to be on the lookout for a man.

The Bromley Police Service, however, posted a photo of Sarah over the weekend with this message:

#MISSING | Sarah is missing from #Bromley. she was last seen on 13/04/2024, and we are concerned for her.

She is 5ft6 and of a slim build. Possible links to #Bexley.

If you see her, please call 101 quoting 01/215336/24

So police are telling people to keep their eyes peeled for a missing woman in the hope that they’ll spot a missing man.

Happy Pride Month, everyone!


What are the chances the public will be able to help find a missing man, when they have been directed by police to be on the lookout for a woman?

And how will police get their missing person notice out on the radio?

Will they tell people,

“Be on the lookout for a woman who has the appearance of a man, and who will instantly stick out as a man to anyone who comes across her”?

Of course not. That would be rude.

Better to use wokey pronouns and have Sarah remain lost, than to admit that gender theory is really just a luxury belief.

If you cannot trust the police to tell the truth, whom can you trust?

Warped Priorities

In being politically correct, the Bromley Police Service is actually endangering Sarah’s life.

Sarah has been missing for two months.

Not that they are worried about Sarah’s life. They are far more concerned about Sarah’s pronouns, actively warning people on social media that it is a hate crime to point out that Sarah is a missing man rather than a missing woman.

If only someone could find a missing X chromosome. But I digress.

A quick examination of the Bromley Police Service’s online activity reveals that they are putting far more work into policing the missing man’s pronouns than they are into finding the missing man.

The bad news is that Sarah is still missing.

The good news is that Sarah’s pronouns are safe!

Rather than policing imaginary hate crimes, officers should just get on with locating the vulnerable man.

But are now at a point in the Western world where we can’t describe reality, not even to protect someone’s life.

As George Orwell wrote in 1984:

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Republished with thanks to The James Macpherson Report.

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Image courtesy of Adobe.


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