NT Election

2024 NT Election Result: ‘An Astounding Victory’ for Faith, Freedom and Life

29 August 2024

5.8 MINS

The Country Liberal Party has stormed to victory in the NT election. Hidden from the major headlines – but more important – is the story of prayer behind it.

The Country Liberal Party (CLP) has unexpectedly “stormed to victory” in the Northern Territory. The Saturday 24 August election was held to elect all 25 members of the Legislative Assembly.

Polling data in the lead-up to the NT election was scarce. Many predicted a close contest between the incumbent NT Labor Government and the CLP. The possibility of a minority government – whether NT Labor or CLP – was touted as a high probability.

ABC News wrote the election was “shaping up to be a close one”. This prediction was made just one day before the election.

Less than a week before voting day, Charles Darwin University political expert Nathan Franklin said, “It will be a very close one, that’s for sure.”

The outcome proved otherwise. Headlines labelled the CLP victory “decisive”, a “resounding landslide” and a “shock defeat” for Territory Labor. The outgoing Labor chief minister, Eva Lawler, even lost her seat of Drysdale (Palmerston region).

Christian Values Checklist

The Australian Christian Values Institute produces a voting guide for each federal, state and territory election. Begun in 1999, it aims “to reaffirm Australia’s commitment to Judeo-Christian values as the cornerstone of our nation’s prosperity for the common good.”

It found that issues of life, faith, family and Christian freedom played a major role in shaping the NT election.

The Canberra Declaration and its Christian news site The Daily Declaration are fiercely non-partisan and pray for and promote godly government and politicians wherever they can be found.

But the checklist for the 2024 NT election revealed the CLP as the most favourable party (although voters should always apply discernment to individual candidates).

In an ideal world, all political parties and every individual politician will uphold Australia’s Judeo–Christian values, upon which our nation was built. But sadly, this is not always the case. As a result, Christians must carefully, prayerfully and wisely consider who they should vote for.

In addition, Christians should pray that both major parties return to their Christian origins.

An Election Built on Prayer

Hidden from the major headlines – but more important – is the story of prayer behind the 2024 NT Election.

Many Christian organisations were involved in prayer and election campaigns, including Pro-Life Victoria, the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), Vision Radio host Neil Johnson’s 20Twenty programme, the Canberra Declaration and the Catholic Church led by the Charles Gauci, the Bishop of the Diocese of Darwin.

Pro-Life Victoria, for example, letterboxed flyers in 11 of the 25 seats in the NT and ran advertising in the local NT News alerting people to Territory Labor’s record on legalising abortion to birth. They also made public the CLP’s promise to protect babies born alive after a failed abortion.

Pastor Stephen Lewin from Barefoot Ministries Australia said, “We believe it’s a victory that came out of prayer from groups across the country. We believe prayer helped bring a sizeable victory.”

“For the CLP to win so many seats in Darwin – that was completely unexpected. No one saw that coming.”

Barefoot Worship, a ministry arm of Barefoot Ministries Australia, hosted 26 hours of continuous prayer and worship during the week leading up to the election.

Lewin pointed to other endeavours – such as ACL events and letterboxing – that together contributed to a favourable result for faith, family, freedom and life.

He told The Daily Declaration that to see a shift in the community, Christians from different backgrounds and affiliations must come together in prayer. Unity is essential.

The Alice Springs’ pastor revealed, “I believe prayer from the Canberra Declaration was very important in seeing the shift in the election. I am very thankful for all the prayers, which helped gain not just a victory – but a decisive one.”

Sharon Cousins, founder of Vote Wisely, remarked that despite the lack of choice in political parties, the election result was “an astounding victory, backed up by home-grown prayers, from Christian groups across the nation, who were concerned with the state of affairs in the NT Government and bad laws over faith and free speech.”

“It was a silent vote in the voting booth. But people were roaring their dissatisfaction on the ballot paper.”

Cousins continued, “This great turnaround gives hope and encouragement to many for the upcoming elections in Australia.”

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion

On 22 November 2022, the Territory Labor Government passed the Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2022.

The passing of the Bill severely degraded free speech. Under the new Section 20A of the NT Anti-Discrimination Act, it is a civil offence to do something that “is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group of people” because of a personal “attribute”.

This means the anti-discrimination law was not just against Christian schools, but against individuals as well.

For faith-based schools, the 2022 Bill dramatically changed the way they can operate.

Christian schools can no longer require staff to uphold the school’s values and ethos, including in the areas of sexuality, marriage, family and faith.

Concern over the bill caused Charles Gauci – the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Darwin – to threaten to close all the Catholic schools in the Territory.

Gauci questioned, “If we cannot have proper Catholic schools in our school (system)… if you cannot be authentic, what’s the point of having them?”

Previously, Exemption 37A in the Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 allowed Christian and other faith-based schools to hire staff who adhered to the school’s statement of faith.

14 Territory Labor members (one Labor MP, Mark Turner, did not vote) and one Independent, Yingiya (Mark) Guyula, voted in favour of the 2022 bill. All seven CLP members and two Independents (Robyn Lambley and Kezia Purick) voted against it.

In response, the CLP promised, if elected, to substantially repeal the Bill and restore freedom of speech and religion.

With the 2024 election delivering the CLP a clear majority, there’s no reason they cannot keep their promise.

Vote Wisely’s Sharon Cousins called on “Northern Territorians who voted for the CLP to monitor the new Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro to ensure she keeps her promise about repealing the parts within the Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2022 which affects faith schools and freedom of speech.”

A Victory for Christian Schools

The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) issued a clear and unequivocal statement on the result of the 2024 NT election.

In a media release, the AACS congratulated “the leader of the Country Liberal Party, Lia Finocchiaro, on the successful election result in the Northern Territory.

“A key issue for Christian and other religious schools is the ability to employ people who share and uphold the same religious beliefs.

“Two years ago, the Fyles Labor Government passed controversial changes to the Anti-Discrimination Act which stripped away freedom of speech and freedom of religion protection for Territorians.

“A key commitment made by Ms Finocchiaro in November 2022 following the passage of the bill was that “if elected in 2024, we will restore the freedom of speech and freedom of religion that this Bill has destroyed.”

The AACS then called on “the CLP Government to deliver their election commitment to ensure that fundamental freedoms of speech and freedom of religion protections are restored in the Northern Territory.”

Babies Born Alive After a Failed Abortion

CLP leader Lia Finocchiaro has also indicated she will introduce legislation to ensure that medical care is given to babies who survive a failed abortion.

Finocchiaro has ruled out any changes to the current legislation on abortion, which permits abortion up to birth.

But in line with legislation in South Australia and NSW, the new NT Chief Minister has stated that “if a child is born during a failed abortion, the medical guidelines should make sure that child is given medical support.”

Assisted Suicide

The previous NT Government commissioned an inquiry into assisted suicide. Individuals and organisations were able to make a submission, which the Canberra Declaration did on behalf of its signatories in the NT.

Sadly, the report by the advisory panel released at the end of July this year, recommends that assisted suicide be legalised in the NT.

The recommendations by the advisory panel are yet to go before the NT parliament. What direction the newly appointed CLP will take on the issue of assisted suicide is anyone’s guess.

Moving Forward in Prayer

The landslide victory by the CLP gives the Northern Territory a fresh start. Crime and the cost of living are primary issues on people’s minds.

The CLP has promised to crack down on crime. Whether they are successful remains to be seen.

But a change in government cannot change people’s hearts. Consequently, praying for the transformation of people’s lives in the Northern Territory is as pressing today as before the August 2024 election.


Photo via ABC News/YouTube.

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  1. Sharon 29 August 2024 at 8:08 am - Reply

    Change can happen across Australia, like in Northern Territory. Many truly informed voters can make a difference; but prayer is vital in these days.

  2. Christine Crawford 29 August 2024 at 10:20 am - Reply

    Sounds like the NT was a test case for the whole country to introduce Socialism in full force. The people have spoken!

  3. Warwick Marsh 29 August 2024 at 10:28 am - Reply

    Great article!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 29 August 2024 at 10:33 am - Reply

    When we Christians come together we protect our freedoms, right to practise our religion and democracy.

  5. Stephen Lewin 29 August 2024 at 3:22 pm - Reply

    This time in NT has reaffirmed to us the priority of corporate body of Christ prayer for all in line with 1 Timothy 2 vs 1 to 4 to see the transformation in government church and areas of society that will help people be saved and follow Christ .We thanks for the prayers offered especially at this time in our nation. To God be the glory. Thank you also Samuel for putting out this article to recognise the significance of corporate prayer to see change for the better

  6. Cheryl 31 August 2024 at 7:34 am - Reply

    love the closing comments “praying for the transformation of people’s lives is as pressing today as before the August 2024 election ” , because ” a change in government cannot change people’s hearts”.

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