babies born alive


Queensland Babies Born Alive Bill Rejected

24 September 2024

1.8 MINS

It is with a deep sadness that we inform you that the committee report for the Termination of Pregnancy (Live Birth) Amendments Bill (Babies Born Alive Bill) has now been released.

Tragically, the recommendations for the Bill state the following:

‘the committee has recommended that the Bill not be passed.’


We will produce an in-depth response to the 42-page document in due time. However, one standout reason for passing the Bill is stated as follows:

‘We find submissions that the Bill has the potential to negatively affect the availability of legal termination services persuasive. Some health practitioners may be reluctant to provide these health services [abortions] because of the uncertainty created by imposing additional and unnecessary legal obligations on their existing duty of care.

Creating further legal obligations around later gestation termination of pregnancy [abortions] is likely to disproportionately impact women for whom access to health services is already challenging, including Aboriginal women and Torres Strait Islander women, and women in rural and remote areas.’

In this section alone, the ambiguity is alarming, demonstrating the desperate lack of real empirical evidence:

1. They mention ‘some health practitioners’ – who are these practitioners? How many of these practitioners are there – one, two, fifty?

2. They mention, ‘creating further legal obligations around later gestation termination of pregnancy is likely to disproportionally impact women for whom access to health services is already challenging.’ — How likely? How do we measure this likeliness? Pragmatically, surely it is better to pass the Bill and then quantify this later, rather than risk putting hundreds of babies through immense distress and trauma in the final stages of their lives.


Here is the real issue — this report confirms once again that in Queensland, we have different guidelines and laws based on whether a child is wanted or unwanted.

In Queensland, we discriminate against unwanted children, inside the womb with abortions and the ‘Babies Born Alive’ Bills unveil that we also discriminate against unwanted babies outside of the womb. “Wantedness” should not determine the type of healthcare a baby receives. In Queensland, any child, regardless of whether they are wanted or not, should be loved and cherished.

What is next? Well, in October, you have the opportunity to make your voice heard at the ballot box. Here we are urging all people to VOTE LIFE FIRST.

At Cherish Life, we will never stop defending human life.

Finally, Cherish Life wants to publicly acknowledge the great work that Robbie Katter and the Katter Australian Party have done in putting this Bill up.

Watch the video below to see how you can help Cherish Life’s QLD Election campaign:


[1] Queensland Parliament. “Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024: Report No.15, 57th Parliament, Health, Environment and Agricultural Committee September 2024”, iv.

[2] Queensland Parliament. “Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024: Report No.15, 57th Parliament, Health, Environment and Agricultural Committee September 2024”, 17.


Image courtesy of Adobe.

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  1. Leonie J Robson 24 September 2024 at 8:06 am - Reply

    These elected officials and Government bureaucracy continue to make decisions that should sicken every Australian with an ounce of conscience.
    Are they sick, evil or mad?
    Perhaps all of the above.

  2. Kathy Gasper 24 September 2024 at 9:17 am - Reply

    Such callousness and distain for human life is incomprehensible. Maybe all politicians who voted for this should have to witness the death of one of these precious lives. Having said this I have no idea what happens in NSW where we are suppose to have provisions to render assistance to babies born alive after abortion.

  3. Carol Read 24 September 2024 at 9:55 am - Reply

    I contacted the KAP party in Townsville this morning to thank the team for their fight for the unborn. If you get a chance, please email their office and thank Robbie and the team for their work in fighting against this horrible practice of leaving the babies to die……
    Their contact email is

  4. Pauline Tondl 24 September 2024 at 11:09 am - Reply

    If individuals do not want pregnancy or a new baby, WHY do they have sex ?

    If individuals do not have sex, there will be no pregnancy, and a consequent baby is totally IMPOSSIBLE … so abortion, with all its attendant agonising questions, would be totally IRRELEVANT.

    Has sex, THE DIRECT CAUSE of pregnancy and human babies, NOT been adequately explained to many thousands of Australians ?

    I’m asking this in all seriousness.

    So the corollary is, is sex considered essential to individuals’ well-being, regardless of the real potential pregnancy consequences ?

    Can someone please help me understand this?

    • Carolyn 25 September 2024 at 11:09 pm - Reply

      It is beyond comprehension, Pauline.

      The most basic question left to ask is whatever happened to using contraceptives?

  5. Ian Moncrieff 24 September 2024 at 11:15 am - Reply

    It is sad, very sad, when convenience [and other quoted considerations] are placed more highly than the saving a baby’s life.
    Shame on our Parliamentary Committee.

  6. Gail Petherick 24 September 2024 at 12:08 pm - Reply

    May God have mercy on the unborn and turn around this cruel practice of taking the lives of the innocent who can’t speak up for themselves but have a right to live.

  7. Gail Petherick 24 September 2024 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    Thank you to all who fought for this bill. How tragic that we didn’t make it over the line to protect young lives and those in the womb, but may there be a future amendment one day, we fight on to see justice for the innocent.
    Each child is a gift from above. Each one is cherished by God the Creator. Each one designed by Him with great love and unique features…May God’s little ones be protected. Amen
    ‘For give those who know not what they do.’

  8. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 24 September 2024 at 2:18 pm - Reply

    It is criminal behaviour sanctioned by the State.

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