porn harms children

‘Porn Harms Children’: Ralph Babet Urges Senate to Regulate Pornography

“Porn isn’t hurting anyone” has to be one of the biggest lies ever told, according to one brave Federal Senator calling for stronger regulations.

Senator for Victoria Ralph Babet gave a resounding denunciation of pornography during a short but powerful speech in the Australian Senate last week.

“Pornography is a multi-billion-dollar industry,” the United Australia Party Senator began, “and porn harms children.”

Babet has made a name for swimming against the tide on a range of social issues, including the risks of mRNA injections, sexual mutilation surgery on minors, and most recently his co-sponsorship of the Babies Born Alive bill.

He also took a brave stand for Christian schools in a Senate speech back in March, as reported at the time by the Daily Declaration.

His most recent speech, titled ‘Restrict Port, Protect Children’ on his YouTube channel, appears below in full.

The Harms of Pornography

In targeting the scourge of pornography in Australia, Senator Babet provided a rapid-fire catalog of porn’s harms, which he prefaced by stating, “After decades of experimenting, our society has reams of research on the poison of pornography.”

Senator Babet listed depression, anxiety, relationship insecurity, loneliness and family break-up as some of pornography’s most destructive social effects.

“Brain scans show that porn has an almost identical effect to a cocaine or heroin hit,” the Senator proffered. “Porn hijacks the brain’s reward system, compelling users to go back for more.”

He suggested those who consume pornography tend to be sadder and lonelier, and that “partners of porn users show symptoms of depression and PTSD”.

Among the Senator’s most pointed assertions was that the notion “porn isn’t hurting anyone” may be “one of the biggest lies ever told”.

Ease of Access for Children

Senator Babet’s central concern was the ease with which Australian children can now access even the worst forms of pornography.

He reminded the Parliament of “the good old days” when video stores required photo ID from those hiring movies with adult themes, and when “magazines in news agencies were wrapped in black plastic to protect our youth”.

Babet warned that by contrast, “Now at the click of a mouse or the swipe of a smartphone, children have unrestricted access to some of the most degenerate content you could ever imagine.”

He concluded by urging the Senate to properly regulate pornography in Australia for the sake of the nation’s children.

Transcript of Senator Ralph Babet’s Speech

A transcript of Senator Ralph Babet’s speech appears below:

Pornography is a multi-billion-dollar industry and porn harms children.

After decades of experimenting, our society has reams of research on the poison of pornography.

Now here’s what we now know.

Porn users commonly report depression, anxiety and relationship insecurity. People who consume pornography tend to be sadder and lonelier. Partners of porn users show symptoms of depression and PTSD.

Porn use actually leads to less sex and less sexual satisfaction. It reduces libido. It increases deviant behaviour and it breaks up families.

Brain scans show that porn has an almost identical effect to a cocaine or heroin hit. Porn hijacks the brain’s reward system, compelling users to go back for more.

“Porn isn’t hurting anyone.” That has to be one of the biggest lies ever told.

Now if you recall back to the good old days when the teenager behind the counter at Blockbuster Video would ask to view your photo ID if you tried to hire a movie with adult themes. Magazines in news agencies were wrapped in black plastic to protect our youth.

Now at the click of a mouse or the swipe of a smartphone, children have unrestricted access to some of the most degenerate content you could ever imagine.

The best thing that we in this place could do for our society and our children is to properly regulate pornography in our nation.

Anyone who opposes a sensible proposition like this must explain why they want porn’s carnage to continue.

Protect our children. Leave the kids alone.

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  1. Jim Twelves 28 June 2023 at 8:32 am - Reply

    Team, thank you so much for this.
    Senator Babet is doing a great job; lets all pray that his heart will break through the stony hearts of some of his colleagues in Canberra.

  2. Kaylene Emery 28 June 2023 at 5:54 pm - Reply

    We are so blessed to have a young man like Ralph on our team. And… he is a white heterosexual male ! Who recently described himself on ADH tv as, brown in colour.
    Thank you CD for highlighting him.

  3. Kaylene Emery 28 June 2023 at 6:11 pm - Reply

    Dear CD friends,
    remember that each time we read , watch or share and like an article or video clip we are supporting the authors.
    Those Senators who are speaking up need and deserve our support. This is one battle they can’t win without the people of God joining the conversation.
    “ Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition “ !

  4. Senator Babet 3 July 2023 at 3:00 pm - Reply

    Thank you for sharing this everyone, I appreciate it.

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