Helen Brown

Helen was born in Mount Isa, the eldest of five children to Salvation Army Officers. She discovered a love of reading as a young girl, and two stories that captured her imagination were Anne of Green Gables and Little Women. Just like the heroines in these stories, she wanted to write. Helen started writing poetry in her late 30s but it was not until her late 50s that her dream of writing a book was finally realised. She has now published several books and completed a teaching degree.

Today, Helen lives on a farm with her family in the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. She has established a small publishing business with her daughter, which can be found here. She also blogs at The Helen Brown Collection.

Articles by Helen Brown:

  • 20 December 2021

    1.6 MINS

    Even when all seems calamitous and broken, God continues His work through the mess of this fallen world, bringing light out of the darkness, growth out of the pain. Between wet weather and other major jobs, we left the garden to its own devices for [...]

  • 21 September 2021

    1.6 MINS

    I had a phone call from a small business owner. They were distressed about the COVID rules being put forward regarding vaccine passports. If these rules are enforced, they will not have any choice but to sell their business. They had been advised that the [...]

  • 1 July 2021

    1.5 MINS

    Another lockdown, more plans thrown out the window. This time of stress is stretching out well into its second year. As I woke to another day of not being sure of what I could or would be allowed to do, my heart cried, ‘this seems [...]

  • 18 May 2021

    1.7 MINS

    We have a particular grass that isn’t native to Australia, but flourishes at the expense of the native and improved pastures that are needed to help our stock to grow and thrive. Even if you cut it down and leave it lying on the ground, [...]

  • 12 February 2021

    2.4 MINS

    Having read the stance being taken by the Presbyterian Church, I was again looking at my mother's notes and came across this message on the Bible. It seemed appropriate to share this. Mankind and the Bible 1) Tried to wipe it out. Of course, why [...]

  • 29 January 2021

    2.2 MINS

    In preparation for a series of books using my mother’s sermon notes, I came across this message, and I hope this abridged version will encourage and challenge us. The message is based on Daniel 3. 1. Idols. Idolatry is giving worship due only to God, [...]

  • 7 January 2021

    1.5 MINS

    One thing I have learnt about how God teaches us, is that He takes us forward one step at a time. I have seen this not only in the business that we started recently, but throughout my life. As I look back, I see that [...]

  • 20 August 2020

    1.8 MINS

    The tears ran down my face. My brain had locked onto a conspiracy theory. This Covid-19 virus was made to just get rid of the old people in our society. If it worked, imagine how much money governments around the world would save. While I’m [...]

  • 4 August 2020

    1.3 MINS

    Are you searching for wisdom in our current world? “Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will [...]

  • 14 April 2020

    2.3 MINS

    Do you like to taste-test your cooking before you have finished the whole thing? I admit to being guilty of this. Since social distancing has become law in this country, things haven’t changed very much for us. We are emerging slowly from the drought, where [...]

  • 9 April 2020

    2.2 MINS

    One night, as I try to sleep, I hear a neighbour's cows calling for their calves. The owner must have separated them during the day. The tone is one of distress, and while they are a long way away, the noise carries across the miles [...]

  • 30 March 2020

    1.5 MINS

    First, there was the drought! We had to learn to be careful with our water and food. Next the bushfires, to teach us to be careful with our environment; and now, we are learning to be careful with our health. It might be just the [...]

  • 10 March 2020

    1.8 MINS

    What a wonderful sound! Rain falling on the roof! It is a sound that we are hearing often again now. The brown landscapes that we have been looking at for the last few years are now turning green. Trees we thought were dead are recovering, [...]

  • 8 January 2020

    2.2 MINS

    I received this from my daughter Wendy Wood, so let's be clear this is not my work, this is her heartfelt prayer. Her voice should be heard: Australia is a country in crisis right now... crippling drought and wild bushfires destroying everything in their path. [...]

  • 5 December 2019

    1.9 MINS

    Another month has passed by, and there is still no sign of the drought-breaking rain that is so very much needed in many parts of Australia. Does this mean that God hasn’t answered our prayers? Of course not! It seems that the answer has been [...]

  • 12 November 2019

    1.8 MINS

    In the 19th century when prickly pear was introduced into Australia it quickly took over, rendering much of our agricultural land useless. The industry was saved by the introduction of the Cactoblastis moth which lays its eggs on the pear; the larvae eat the inside [...]

  • 18 October 2019

    2.5 MINS

    by Helen Brown, a Farmer’s Wife and Christian author near Inverell in NSW. Intention We are all equal in the eyes of God. He loves us and is trying to get our attention. Scripture That ye may be the children of your Father which is [...]

  • 14 October 2019

    1.8 MINS

    Scrolling through the internet is a blessing and a curse. There are many people who stand beside the Australian farmers and small-town businesses during this time of intense drought. These posts lift you, make you smile and give you courage to keep going. There are [...]

  • 9 October 2019

    3.7 MINS

    In a recent telephone interview, I was asked how the church should be praying for those suffering through intense drought. I don’t normally do phone interviews, but because of the drought, I hadn’t been able to visit my family in Gympie for over two years. [...]

  • 8 October 2019

    1.8 MINS

    Another news report warned of major disruptions to city traffic in cities around the country in the name of demanding climate change action. As a farmer's wife dealing with the effects of our current drought, my only thought was that they would do a lot [...]

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