Ruth Institute President Says Teaching LGBT History is Indoctrination, Not Education

29 August 2019

0.8 MINS

Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., called the growing trend in American public schools of teaching LGBT history “the institutionalization of the Sexual Revolution.”

“For years, activists have sought to use schools to advance their sexualized worldview,” Morse explained. “They are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. California, New Jersey, Colorado and now Illinois require exposing children to this ‘instruction.’”

Morse noted an assault on parental rights. “Since most sex education instruction has an opt-out provision, activists have branched out, inserting LGBT instruction into history, foreign language and even art classes.”

Morse urged parents to be vigilant to stop this indoctrination from spreading. “The mandates for these classes are usually based on a vote of the state legislature. Often, legislators hear from only one side – the proponents of these radical measures.”

“You might say eternal vigilance is the price of morality,” Morse concluded.


The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization equipping Christians to defend the family and build a civilization of love. On April 26-27, the Institute held a Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution.

Dr. Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives.

[Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash]

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