
A Month of Prayer and Fasting for Family: 1st–31st October

21 September 2021

2.4 MINS

Prayer changes everything. We live in tumultuous times and our need for God is more obvious than ever. This October 1st-31st, the Canberra Declaration is hosting the Month of Prayer and Fasting for Family. Please join us for this event!

This is the first time we have made family the focus of our annual October prayer campaign. Why? The Canberra Declaration exists to support and uphold faith, freedom, life, marriage and family. Family is at the heart of our mission.

Family is the most important building block of society. As the family goes, so goes society. We need strong, healthy families in Australia. In fact, Indigenous Pastor Peter Walker counselled us last year that we should be praying for family. We believe this was a word from God for us. Register to receive daily devotions and prayer points below.



In Ephesians 3:14-15, the apostle Paul wrote, “For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.” Families exist because this is God’s design. The spiritual family that God has welcomed us into sets the pattern for what family should look like in society—where every member has dignity, worth, a role to play, and unqualified love.

So many of the social ills in our nation can be traced back to the breakdown of the family unit. The weakening of family ties over recent decades has led to a longing for belonging and a crisis of identity for so many. If every Australian knew the love of God the Father and experienced restoration in their family, our nation would experience restoration on a level we have never seen.

During the month of October, we will be praying for:

  1. The restoration of FAMILY, FATHERHOOD and MOTHERHOOD in our nation. “He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” (Malachi 4:6).
  2. Healing for MARRIAGES, protection for CHILDREN and restoration of the sanctity of LIFE. “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” (Isaiah 58:12).
  3. Revival, Renewal and Reformation for Australia, that our nation might return to God. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).


Would you join with us for the Month of Prayer and Fasting for Family and our nation? You can take part any way you like—whether individually, with your family, or as part of your church community. You can pray when and as often as you like. You can fast in a way that is personally challenging and sacrificial for you.

Every morning through October you can receive a daily devotion in your inbox. Every night of the month join us at 8pm (AEST) to pray. We will be starting this month of prayer with 24 hours of continuous prayer, praise and worship to God. The emphasis on worship will continue through the whole month. To be part of this great event, register below.



Obviously, our nation is facing great challenges to do with the pandemic at many different levels. We believe it is very providential that we are calling the nation to pray & fast at this crucial time in our nation’s history. Please tell your friends and church networks about this crucial call for prayer and fasting through October 2021.

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Fake news and censorship make the work of the Canberra Declaration and our Christian news site the Daily Declaration more important than ever. Take a stand for family, faith, freedom, life, and truth. Support us as we shine a light in the darkness. Donate now.


  1. Joy Sargood 22 October 2021 at 11:34 am - Reply

    Hi just trying to find that song for Australia young guy wrote for prayer n fasting time not long ago.
    Bless ya

  2. Gary Hetherington 1 October 2022 at 9:08 am - Reply

    I registered but haven’t received the Zoom ID, And Password yet!
    Gary Hetherington

    • Cody Mitchell 3 October 2022 at 8:45 am - Reply

      Hi Gary,

      This article is actually related to our October campaign for Family from last year. If you register for our 31 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Revival (this year’s campaign) you will receive a daily devotion ( If you look at the bottom of any daily devotion email, you will find all of the information for the daily evening prayer calls (timing, links, etc.).

      Here is the information for your reference:

      Join us for our daily one-hour Zoom prayer call:
      DATES: Every night for the month of October
      TIME: 8PM NSW Time (reminder: we’re now in daylight savings time)
      ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184

      I hope that helps, Gary.

  3. Anna Scott 10 October 2022 at 5:35 pm - Reply

    I have lost todays devotional that was about children praying & singing all night. Can I get Day 10 sent to me again please??

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