sound of freedom

Why Has Sound of Freedom Been So Successful?

7 September 2023

3.4 MINS

Sound of Freedom has taken the box office by storm. $180 million isn’t bad for a low-budget Christian flick. What accounts for its success?

The low-budget action film Sound of Freedom has taken the box office by storm to become America’s tenth highest grossing film of 2023, according to Box Office Mojo.

On global rankings it is not far behind, sitting in 19th place – but with plenty of room to move given it was only just released internationally.

For those unfamiliar with the movie’s premise, Sound of Freedom depicts the true story of Tim Ballard, an agent from the Department of Homeland Security. Ballard becomes disillusioned with his work arresting paedophiles, decides to leave the agency, and sets out for Mexico and Columbia where he rescues children trapped in the sex trafficking trade.

Angel Studios will be chuffed to have spent just US$14.5 million on the film and to be rewarded with returns north of $180 million. Believe it or not, domestically Sound of Freedom has outperformed Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny ($174 million), Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One ($165 million) and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts ($157 million).

The New York Times recently called it “one of history’s most successful independent films”.

Trashed by the Media

The Times’ compliment didn’t come easy. For weeks after Sound of Freedom was released, the film faced a barrage of hate from the corporate press.

Rolling Stone labelled Sound of Freedom “a superhero movie for dads with brainworms” and a “QAnon-tinged thriller… designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer”.

According to The Washington PostSound of Freedom was guilty of “warping the truth about child exploitation and catering to QAnon conspiracy theorists”.

The Guardian maligned the movie as “the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America,” crediting its success to an “unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids…”

Even worse, when Sound of Freedom beat out Indiana Jones in the July 4th box office stakes, making back almost its entire budget in a day, The Guardian felt the need to publish this yawn-inducing paragraph:

That’s not, strictly speaking, accurate – Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny had already been out for five days, the first three of which out-earned Sound of Freedom’s opening-day take, when the new independent thriller came to theaters on Tuesday. But for a fleeting moment this past Fourth of July, while the intended audience of Indy’s latest outing was presumably spending time with their families and friends at barbecues or in other social situations, an unoccupied fandom rallied by the star Jim Caviezel claimed the day with a $14.2m gross versus Dial of Destiny’s $11.7m. No matter that these figures require selective, almost willfully misleading framing to allow for the David-and-Goliath narrative trumpeted by supporters…

Okay, we get the point. But now that The Guardian’s tortured logic has been relegated to the scrap heap and Sound of Freedom is the clear victor over Indiana Jones, can we expect a mea culpa from the whiny rag? Not likely.

Human Trafficking: A Hot-Button Issue

So why has Sound of Freedom done so well?

If you believe the esteemed legacy press, it is clearly because the United States is overrun with tens of millions of QAnons — a singularly unconvincing theory. A conspiracy theory, even?

Certainly the casting of Jim Caviezel in the star role, who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ, gave the film a certain credibility and appeal among Christian audiences.

Additionally, a successful first week at the box office — especially on a date like July 4th — should not be underestimated.

Conservative media gave the film a major leg-up, both for Sound of Freedom’s early blockbuster status, and in reaction to so much hyperventilating from the woke media. No doubt many podcasters and pundits promoted the film purely out of spite for the crybaby critics.

Another reason that must not be overlooked is that Sound of Freedom confronted an issue that many people are deeply passionate about.

Human trafficking is one of the largest and fastest-growing criminal enterprises in history. I have lost count of the number of conversations I have had with people about this subject in recent months, film or no film.

From where I stand, sex trafficking is a truly hot-button issue, like the Cold War was in the 1980s or Islamism was last decade. QAnon aside, the threat of sex trafficking is real, with pro-paedophilia policies proliferating in the West, no shortage of financial incentives for pornographers and pimps, and open borders everywhere you look.

Don’t Underestimate the Streisand Effect

Finally, there is the Streisand Effect.

What is that?

The Streisand effect is a phenomenon in which attempts to hide, remove, or censor certain content (especially on the internet) ends up causing it to become even more widely known and disseminated than it would have been otherwise.

The term originated around 2003, when singer and actress Barbra Streisand sued to have a photo removed from the internet showing her California coastline mansion. The photo was downloaded only six times prior to her lawsuit, but public awareness of her case saw more than 420,000 people view the photo within a month.

In short, Angel Studios owes The Guardian, Rolling Stone, The Washington Post and dozens of other sleazy outlets a hearty thank you.

Perhaps the corporate press isn’t so useless after all?

Originally published at Mercator.

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  1. Jim Twelves 7 September 2023 at 7:14 am - Reply

    Kurt, thanks so much for this report. I urge everyone who has not seen it to get out there and see it. My wife and I saw it last night.
    My reflection last night:
    If you haven’t seen ‘Sound of Freedom’ yet, let me encourage you to get along and see it. It is a ‘terrible’ movie, I can’t say I ‘enjoyed’ it at all. But I strongly believe that anyone ‘thinking’ of seeing it, should! May I give you a nudge! It is on for one more week in my cinema, and its already been on two weeks! To say that Netflix Amazon turned it down, tells me where their bread is buttered, but its obviously their loss!
    My greatest reflection so far, the realization that every day life, our sleeping, eating, working and playing life, looks so normal and wholesome. But then, we look under the skin in nearly every institution, even up to the royal family, we see that everything is not as it seems anymore. To comprehend that there are more slaves worldwide now than in Wilberforce’ day is stunning. Yes, the population of the world is much bigger now I know, but… While there is one child in slavery… What can I do about it? One thing I can do is make this little comment to the Daily Declaration.

  2. Warwick Marsh 7 September 2023 at 10:33 am - Reply

    Great article Kurt. Yes my wife and have seen the movie. Encourage you to go amd see it if you have not already.

  3. Nathaniel Marsh 7 September 2023 at 11:16 am - Reply

    Excellent Kurt – Love your work my friend! Plus, it is a classic hero’s journey story, well told – Beautiful film-making by Alejandro Gómez Monteverde and his team. Would be interesting to see a break-down of audience demographics too – I enjoyed the film more than my wife did (due to the subject matter). I imagine the film would skew to a male audience? Love the line about The Guardian being a whiny rag too. Spot on! Hahaha

  4. Anna Soh 8 September 2023 at 10:39 pm - Reply

    I have seen the movie and it is definitely not just for men. It touched my heart and there were several moments where I could not control my tear ducts but I have no regrets seeing this powerful movie that shines a light on a huge problem that we should not sweep under the rug and pretend that it’s just a movie.

    It’s based on a true story and I have watched so many of the interviews since with Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel and I now want to step up and support those who are out there trying to do something to help break the cycle.

    Even if all you can do is pray for the protection of those trapped in something they would like to break free from but don’t know how then at least watch the movie and know what to pray for them.

    • Kurt Mahlburg 9 September 2023 at 12:24 am - Reply

      That’s great to hear Anna. I think that’s one of the best aspects of the movie – it will motivate many more to prayer and action!

  5. Gail Petherick 14 September 2023 at 6:59 pm - Reply

    The ‘Sound of Freedom’ film is a profound truthful portrayal of the life of a CIA agent who is asked to rescue the sister of a young boy who has been trafficked. The CIA agent (Tim Ballard in real life) was moved by God to search and rescue for this young girl. Tim’s wife is equally convicted and gives her permission saying she ‘must be accountable to her Maker’ and dares not turn her back on this request, and so urges him to follow through.
    Tim Ballard’s role is played by Jim Caviezel in such an authentic way that it brings the whole film alive. The film will move and break anyone’s heart but it does not major on any scenes to make it offensive,
    Instead we are taken to the depths of the South American Jungle and into the world of the traffickers but amazingly a main underworld hardened trafficker who is disillusioned with his profession and convicted of his cruel actions, suddenly turns to ask if there is God out there , and that answer comes with a clear ‘yes’ and an unexpected call on his life…
    The remainder of the film shows the incredible danger faced when rescuing children, a narrow escape for the agent, and also the current statistics in child trafficking…(America is one of the highest) but there is hope as Christians and rescuers have taken up the role of saving these children who are often sold across the world and can end up in any country….
    It makes my heart beak but I know we must pray, do what we can and spread awareness and ask God to protect those helping and to provide a way of escape. ..I thank God for the director Ron who was recently interviewed on Canberra Declaration and for the testimony of Jim Caviezel who was greatly challenged by the role he took as of God’s agents helping to rescue this young girl. The film production was suitably called Angel studios.
    I thank God the film has taken the world by storm and it has been allowed to be shown in our modern times when so much is covered up. Thank God for the courageous producer Ron, the honesty of Tim Ballard, the heroic agents who go in to rescue, the courage and integrity of Jim Caviezel, and the Christians and others who support these rescue missions. Amen

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