EU Politicians

EU Politicians Call for ‘Fundamental Right’ to Abortion

18 April 2024

3.7 MINS

EU politicians back abortion as a “fundamental right,” sparking debate ahead of EU elections and condemnation from pro-life groups.

The European Union’s political class is once again promoting abortion. In a largely symbolic move, the European Parliament voted on Thursday to approve a resolution declaring that the “right to abortion constitutes a fundamental right” and calling on member states to completely decriminalise abortion.

Although the resolution is non-binding, it does call on the European Council, the EU’s executive authority, to add a “right” to abortion to the EU charter of fundamental rights. The resolution was passed with 336 Members of European Parliament (MEPs) in favour, 163 against, and 39 abstentions, less than two months before EU elections this June.

EU Politicians Out of Step With Public

In comments to The Washington Stand, Eilís Mulroy, CEO of Irish pro-life organisation Vie, said, “It was very disappointing to see all the Irish MEPs vote in favour of this extreme measure.” She added, “They have seriously misjudged the mood of the public on this issue, just as they recently misjudged it in the referendums held on March 8th. These MEPs must explain to their constituents why they voted in favour of such a radical resolution.” Vie will be campaigning on behalf of pro-life MEP candidates across Ireland.

Michael Leahy, chairman of the pro-life Irish Freedom Party and a candidate for MEP, told TWS, “Abortion itself is a corrupting process.” He continued:

“When one thinks that until very recently abortion was illegal in Ireland and that that was a position which was supported by the overwhelming majority of people, and that now we have moved from a position of vindicating the right to life of the unborn to an exact reversal of that position and vindicating the right to take the life of the unborn on a massive scale, then one must conclude that there is something more going on here the simple process of natural change. We are in fact entering a very dangerous period of instability which is often, in historical terms, characterised by sudden and dramatic shifts in public mood. This is also a characteristic of a society which is unravelling, which is losing its culture, its self-confidence, and its self-respect. Such cultures are clearly prone to exploitation from outside and exploitation from within by the powerful and the unscrupulous.”

Referring to the mass immigration, mostly from African and Middle Eastern countries, that Europe is currently experiencing, Leahy noted, “Europe is facing an existential threat from the emergence of Islam. It cannot possibly withstand that threat unless it rediscovers its Christian roots and the Christian basis of its culture. The only thing that can defeat the horror of Islamic domination of Europe is Christianity.” He added, “If anybody thinks that the ridiculous culture of transgenderism, homosexual pornography in schools, and values-free diversity will be a match for a self-confident and intolerant Islam, then they don’t know their history.”

In response to the European Parliament vote, Evert van Vlastuin, chief editor of Christian Network Europe News, wrote, “For every one of us, life is what’s called an unalienable right. That means, this right cannot be taken from us. But this does not apply to the unborn.” He continued:

“The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) says quite clearly (article 2): ‘Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally.’ The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights says it even shorter: ‘Everyone has the right to life.’ However, as far as the members of the European Parliament are concerned, this treaty should be amended with a clause that makes clear that unborn life should not be guaranteed this protection.”

Upon passage of the resolution, French MEP Manon Aubry of the left-wing party La France Insoumise declared, “The right to abortion is not a question of point of view. It is a human right.” Referring to pro-life MEPs as “reactionaries,” she continued, “No, the right to abortion is not a controversial issue. It is a fundamental freedom. No, the right to abortion does not kill. On the contrary, it saves lives.”

EU Politicians and the ‘Right’ to Abortion

Earlier this year, France became the first nation to enshrine a constitutional “right” to abortion, in a vote of 780 to 72. President of the French National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet said at the time, “We are saying that we will support [women] and that we will always be at their side.” Aubry echoed those sentiments Thursday, saying, “Women can count on us. We’ll be with you all the way.”

The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), comprised of Catholic bishops from EU member states, preemptively condemned the vote earlier this week. “The promotion of women and their rights is not related to the promotion of abortion,” the bishops wrote. “Promoting and facilitating abortion goes in the opposite direction to the real promotion of women and their rights.” They continued:

“Abortion can never be a fundamental right. The right to life is the fundamental pillar of all other human rights, especially the right to life of the most vulnerable, fragile and defenceless, like the unborn child in the womb of the mother, the migrant, the old, the person with disabilities and the sick. … The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU cannot include rights that are not recognised by all and are divisive. There is no recognised right to abortion in European or International Law, and the way this issue is treated in the Constitutions and Laws of Member States varies considerably.”

In order to amend the EU charter of fundamental rights, all 27 member states would have to agree to enumerate a “right” to abortion. The practice is currently heavily restricted or altogether outlawed in states like Poland and Hungary, as well as smaller jurisdictions such as Malta.


Republished with thanks to The Washington Stand. Image courtesy of Unsplash.

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