Praying for Revival & Sexual Integrity in Australia + USA Million Women Prayer Gathering
One day the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. His timeless response provides the foundation for our prayers both now and until His return, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
We know God’s will is done in Heaven. The challenge for God’s will is only on the earth and our job as believers is to contend with the forces of darkness and pray God’s will on earth into existence.
Christian missionary and author Elizabeth Elliot said, “Prayer lays hold of God’s plan and becomes the link between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit’s prayer.”
We are coming up to an intense time of both natural and spiritual activity to see God’s kingdom and His will extended on the earth. I am referring to the upcoming Month of Prayer and Fasting from 1 – 31 October 2024 for Revival and the Restoration of Sexual Integrity to renew the individual, revitalise marriages, restore families and protect children.
The restoration of Sexual Integrity is a massive need. Our nation is trapped in a downward spiral of sexual immorality. Sexual abuse, pornography and the sexualisation of society, including children, are just some of the issues deeply plaguing individuals and communities – and even churches.
Porn is now a US$97 billion global industry. Mobile devices have made porn readily accessible and are contributing to an ever-increasing rate of consumption of it.
As reported in The Daily Declaration,
11 years old is now the average age that children are first exposed to pornography. 90% of boys and 60% of girls have visited porn sites by the time they’re 18. Half of teens come across porn at least once a month whether they search it out or not.
Today, some 30% of all data transferred across the internet is porn.
Decades on from the dawn of the sexual revolution, porn exposure among university-aged males is now almost universal. 1 in 5 mobile searches are for pornography. And 96% of young adults are either neutral, accepting or encouraging of porn use.
This is why the team at the Canberra Declaration are calling for a month of prayer & fasting for Sexual Integrity from the 1st to the 31 October 2024. We will pray every night of October on Zoom Prayer Call at 8PM NSW Time. See my video below.
While a revival and restoration of Sexual Integrity is the main focus in October, it is not the only prayer point. The bottom line is Revival, Repentance and Transformation in Australia, America and the nations of the world. We need a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit. See the prayer points listed below.
Prayer Points for October 2024
- Revival & Restoration of Sexual Integrity to renew the individual, revitalise marriages, restore families & protect children. Hebrews 13:4
- Revival, Repentance & Reformation of Australia. 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Revival, Repentance & Reformation of America. 2 Chronicles 7:14
- That the Lamb that was slain may receive a reward for His suffering. Revelation 5:12
IMPORTANT NOTE: Sign up below to receive Daily Devotions every morning to inspire you to pray each day and every day for the month of October.
I greatly appreciate your prayers as I travel to Washington DC from 8 – 13 October 2024 to speak at and pray at the USA 10-11 October National Prayer Assembly: Register here. I will also be among those representing Australian Intercessors at the A Million Women prayer event on Saturday 12 October 2024. Register here. Check out the very inspiring Lou Engel video below.
If you break down in tears watching this video, be assured, you are not the only one. I weep every time I watch it. I love Lou Engel, but I particularly love what he is doing here. I honestly believe it is true. It is women’s prayers that are going to save America. I also believe it is true for our nation.
Don’t get me wrong. I am still beating the drum for men to rise up and pray for our nation. But it was Esther, with Mordecai’s help, who saved Israel, and it was Deborah and Jael, both mighty women of God, that insured the destruction of Israel’s enemies in the Book of Judges. It can happen again. Soli Deo Gloria!!!
Interestingly, as I fly back to Australia from America, Kym Farnik, prayer coordinator for the Canberra Declaration, will be flying out to Fiji to represent you and me at the Pacific Prayer Assembly 17 – 20 October 2024. Register here. If you are going to Fiji and want to connect with Kym Farnik and CD intercessors, please email him here:
Some more exciting news in regards to the restoration and renewal of sexual integrity. I am working with a good size drafting group, composed of Godly academics, ministers and theologians from many different churches, and practitioners in the field of sexual healing and wholeness to endeavour to construct an Australian Creed of Sexual Integrity. We are up to our 8th draft already. I expect 20 drafts before the final version is ready for release. Brevity is golden.
Christian creeds serve as foundational statements of belief, uniting believers across time and cultures in a shared confession of faith. The Nicene Creed, for instance, was composed in AD 325 to counter the heresy of Arianism, which claimed that Jesus Christ was not fully divine.
Ultimately, the Australian Creed on Sexual Integrity will stand alone. It will be an open-source statement to be used by all and owned by none. Our hope and prayer is that the Australian Creed on Sexual Integrity will gain wide approval in the biblically orthodox sections of the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Lutheran Church, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches, other Evangelical Churches, and the various groupings of the Orthodox Church.
There is a desperate need for such a Sexual Integrity Creed, agreed to by the majority in the wider body of Christ. We already have strong international interest in our proposed Australian Sexual Integrity Creed, and it has not yet been released. We released the vision, and fired the starting gun, on a Canberra Declaration Zoom prayer call at 8PM NSW time on Monday 2 September 2024.
Our goal is to release the creed towards the end of October 2024. The reason I say endeavour is that it will require a miracle of prayer at many different levels for us to do this. A good friend in the Catholic Church told me it was impossible to do, and we both agreed. The good news is that with prayer and with God, nothing is impossible. Thank you in advance for your prayers. Soli Deo Gloria!
Personally, I am very excited by the mysterious convergence and timing of all these many events, projects and prayer calls both nationally and internationally. We can turn the tide of evil through prayer. Esther’s call comes to mind, “You and I were born for a time such as this.” Mother Teresa wisely said, “God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil.”
The team at the Canberra Declaration greatly appreciate your prayers for us, our families, our many projects, our nation and the nations of the world. “May the Lamb that was slain receive a reward for His suffering.”
Sign up below to receive Daily Devotions every morning to inspire you to pray each day and every day for the month of October.
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