
Jesus Made No Mistakes

15 April 2022

1.4 MINS

Defending Albanese’s slip-up, Shorten points to the sinless One, Jesus Christ Who saved us from our sins by His sacrifice 2,000 years ago. An excellent Paschaltide reminder as we commemorate Good Friday and celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead.

On the first day of campaigning for the 2022 federal election, Anthony Albanese was embarrassingly unable to recall two key economic indicators. The next day, former ALP leader Bill Shorten came to his support with the following comments.

‘It was a mistake which I know Albo didn’t want to make, but he’s come out and taken responsibility for it,’ he said. ‘The last person who never made a mistake – you know, we are celebrating Easter — it was 2000 years ago.’ (Daily Mail)

It’s great to hear Bill Shorten declaring that Jesus was an innocent man who never sinned. He fell short of saying further that though sinless, Jesus took upon Himself the punishment for all our sin, all our mistakes and all our transgressions against God.

It’s great to know that Bill Shorten believes in the historical reality of Jesus’ existence. But Easter is not just about a person who never made a mistake.

Saviour of the World

Easter is about the fact that Jesus died for us, and as us. He carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we might be set free from the condemning and controlling influence of sin in our lives.

Easter is also about Jesus rising from the dead on the third day. This was so we could receive the life of God’s Spirit to make the finished work of Christ on the cross real in our lives.

Jesus was the sacrifice that literally took away the sin of the world. In the Scriptures it says,

“As far as the east is from the west,
so far does He remove our sins from us.”
~ Psalms 103:12 (GNB)

I’m glad the Psalmist didn’t say from the north to the south, because you can find these two places, but finding the east and west poles is an impossibility.

We should be thankful for Bill Shorten bringing Jesus back into the political arena.


Photo by Ivan Samkov.

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One Comment

  1. Warwick Marsh 15 April 2022 at 7:36 am - Reply

    Very adroit comment..

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