COVID19 Call to Prayer – September 4: God’s Judgment
1 “You, therefore, have no excuse,
you who pass judgment on someone else,
for at whatever point you judge another,
you are condemning yourself,
because you who pass judgment do the same things.
2 Now we know that God’s judgment
against those who do such things is based on truth.
3 So when you, a mere human being,
pass judgment on them and yet do the same things,
do you think you will escape God’s judgment?”
~ Romans 2:1-3
If there is one lesson that this Covid-19 crisis should be teaching us, it is that of humility.
Pride is a curse. We think we can handle the world in all its vastness — we can’t even cope with one tiny virus! Spiritual pride is the worst of all — especially when it is combined with hypocrisy.
May the Lord preserve us from the spirit of judgement and hypocrisy, and grant that all who profess the name of Christ would also walk in His steps.
Petition: Please join with us in praying for:
1. Australia — Australia has now passed the 650 death mark. The vast majority of deaths being amongst the elderly, especially in care homes. There is growing tension between the states and the Canberra government. Local premiers feel that keeping their borders locked is popular, with the perception being that it is saving lives. The national government are concerned about the economic devastation — which will in itself cost lives. Pray for peace and unity, so that “we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:2)
2. The World —
One of the reasons to be careful about reported numbers is that if you don’t test, then you can’t report.
This is one of the main reasons that Africa has relatively few cases. This is more likely to be because of the lack of testing facilities. There are other significant issues — the lack of hospital facilities, political corruption, and great concern that Africa will be last in the queue when it comes to distribution of a future vaccine. Covid-19 is not the great equalizer — in fact, it may do more to increase the gap between the rich and poor. Pray for justice.
A Song of Praise — There is an ancient form of Christian singing which is still practised today. Gregorian chant is a wonderful, spiritual and chilled form of praise. Here is a wonderful song called Invitarorium: Deum Verum, all about the Trinity and including some of the Psalms. The prayer below is a translation of one part. Enjoy.
O Lord, You are the God of mercy passing thought,
Who hast the world contrived and wrought;
In might, essential Unity,
In Persons, blessed Trinity:
Uplift us with thine arm of might,
And let our hearts rise pure and bright,
And, ardent in God’s praises,
pay the thanks we owe Him every day.
Glory to Thee, O Father, Lord,
And to thy Sole-begotten Word,
Both with the Holy Spirit One
While everlasting ages run.
Weekly devotions by David Robertson via Christians United — COVID19 Call to Prayer.[Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash]
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