A Price to be Paid in October
William Wilberforce, the great Christian parliamentarian whom God used to end the slave trade in Great Britain, said this:
“There is a principle above everything that is political. And when I reflect on the command that says, ‘Thou shalt do no murder’, believing the authority to be divine, how can I dare set up any reasonings of my own against it? And, …when we think of eternity, and the future consequences of all human conduct, what is there in this life which should make any man contradict the principles of his own conscience, the principles of justice, the laws of religion, and of God?”
Wilberforce actually understood that if he made political decisions, including voting, that were contradictory to the biblical command “Thou shalt not kill,” he would be held accountable in eternity for that decision. I believe that this coming election is not a referendum on President Trump’s character, or on Joe Biden’s character. I believe it is a referendum of where God’s people will stand on the issue of legalised murder in America.
We are in a very intense and defining moment of time in our nation’s history. Two years ago, Matt Lockett, leader of the pro-life prayer movement Bound4Life, had a dream. In the dream, Vice President Pence’s wife Karen was visibly disturbed and concerned about the Supreme Court. Matt, who was her bodyguard in the dream, grabbed her by the shoulders, looked her in the eyes and firmly said: “Remember the name Amy Barrett!”
This dream, which has been prayed over for two years, has come to its moment of fulfillment. President Trump’s recent nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court has interrupted the conversation of the election and the whole nation. God has driven Roe v. Wade as a wedge that will not be escaped or sidelined.
Right now, if you have been reading the news, you know there is a rage against Amy Barrett and most of it centres around the potential of the Court reversing Roe v. Wade. The rage is also about Judge Barrett’s Christian faith. She is Catholic and the Catholic Church’s biblical dogma declares that “life begins at conception.”
When Amy was nominated for the Seventh Court of Appeals, Senator Feinstein argued that she was biased because of her Catholic faith and could not rule justly because of that bias. The same argument is now being made this very moment. Of course, Joe Biden is Catholic. So, the issue is not whether or not one is Catholic, it is where you stand concerning the Bible and the shedding of the innocent blood of the unborn.
Psalm 75 declares that promotion comes not from the east or the west, for God raises up one and brings down another. President Trump, the most pro-life president in America’s modern history, has been raised up by God, as is our conviction, to appoint judges to the courts who will reverse the encoding of the murder of the innocents. He could be America’s William Wilberforce. Now, with the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, the whole nation has been brought to a moment where God is saying, “I set before you life and death. Choose life!”
Once again, God has exalted an Esther, potentially, to the highest court in the land. If she is confirmed, Justice Barrett will inevitably face an Esther-decision on the highest level, of whether she will save her life through political expediency, or risk everything to break the spirit of Haman off this nation, declaring “If I die, I die.” But right now, there are Haman-like conspiracies swirling in the House to delay her confirmation, concocting schemes that would derail and delay her until after the elections.
If you could pull the veil from that which is above the political drama, we would find that this is not so much a political battle as a spiritual battle. This is why we are calling on The Briefing community and all those who are reading this, to take up the assignment that we are about to lay before you.
Years ago, during the presidential primaries of 2000, a friend of mine had a dream in which he could see spiritual warfare taking place above the race between John McCain and George Bush. In the dream, he heard a voice say, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and render unto God the things that are God’s.” He told us the dream and we understood the message: We had rendered the political process to Caesar, but God hadn’t. The fact that there was spiritual warfare over the primaries showed us that prayer and spiritual warfare actually affected the electoral process at every level. Therefore, let us not render this election or this confirmation to Caesar. Let us war together to impact the raising up of kings and the bringing of them down according to the will of the Lord. It is the Church’s call to win through spiritual battle.
So, with this Amy Barrett/Esther drama taking place, I had a phone call yesterday with several young, but influential, Christian women leaders in the nation. Unbeknownst to one another, they had all been listening online to a replay of a message I gave at Bethel’s worship conference in 2017 called “Heaven Come”. They were each shaken by the message and wanted to have a conversation with me about their Esther calling. Two of the women had similar dreams about the movie The Lord of the Rings involving the gates of Mordor. One of the young ladies dreamed that she was riding a white horse and was fearlessly leading thousands of other women on white horses as they were invading the gates of Mordor. Another dreamed that I was giving her an ancient golden key that would unlock the gates of Mordor.
Before this conversation, I had been praying if I was to put a nation-wide word out concerning an Esther dream I had received four years ago. As they told me their dreams, I felt the Lord speak to me strongly, “Launch the Esther Mandate word again!” That word came to me at a time when witches were mobilizing worldwide for a day in which they would unleash witchcraft and curses against President Trump. Because of that threat, I had gone to Estes Park, Colorado to seek God as to what I should do. On the third day, he gave me an epic dream, shared previously in The Briefing 011 – An Esther Movement.
In the dream, as far as I could see, women were coming from every direction to hear the book of Esther being taught. The atmosphere was electric with the spirit of revival. Women of all ages, but mostly young, teenaged girls kept coming, and in the dream I was given an old Bible by my prayer partner. We were the only men there. Then, a woman stood up and began to teach the book of Esther. I remember so clearly as she declared, “And these two words in the book of Esther actually mean “Nazgûl.”
I woke from the dream and almost instantly knew what it meant. In the third part of the movie trilogy The Lord of the Rings, the Nazgûl were the Ringwraiths: demonic-like spirits that were destroying the armies of men in a great battle. In the movie, as the human king lay dying, the Witch-king of the Nazgûl was confronted by the princess, disguised behind her armor. Just as he defied her, taunting, “No man can kill me!” She pulled off her helmet, shook loose her hair, and pierced him through declaring, “I am no man!”
I knew the Lord was saying, “There are certain spirits that will not be defeated apart from the mass rising up of women, like Esther, who will gain authority over the demonic realm.” In particular, I believe this applies to the spirits of witchcraft and the spirit of Abortion, which fuels that witchcraft. In the dream I was being given an old Bible which I believe has to do with me being called to be a Mordecai to call the Esthers to rise up and fast and pray to break that spirit of Jezebel’s witchcraft.
With only a few days before the witches gathering back in 2017, we sent out this word. It went viral and we estimated that tens of thousands of women around the world did a 3-day Esther fast to restrain that demonic assignment. Yet, the witchcraft has not ceased for four years, using political players — like Hamans — to try to thwart the ending of the decree of ’73, Roe v. Wade.
Now, just as the Lord was confirming the need to release this Esther word once again, my friend Christ Berglund also shared with our team a dream he just had. In the dream, the calendar for the month of October was on the wall. Then he heard a voice say “If you pay the price for the month of October, you’ll dictate the news for the next three months.” I believe this is the Esther strategy from Heaven!
There is a witchcraft war over Amy Barrett’s confirmation and President Trump’s re-election that will continue up to the inauguration of the president on January 20th. That is three months. When I heard Chris’ dream, a light went off inside of me. I recalled Esther 4:11. When Mordecai called Esther to go to the king, she replied, “I have not been invited for 30 days.” I knew in my understanding that the 30-day period of October is Esther’s preparation to go before the King and plead for her people.
Therefore, in October, we are summoning Esthers and Mordecais from all around the nation, and beyond, to daily go before the King in His heavenly courtroom. Take the blood of His son Jesus, provided for the sins of the world, and plead this “better blood” that speaks a better word than the blood of 60 million babies. Then, on October 31st through November 1st and 2nd, we will call a 3-day Esther Fast, daring to believe that Haman will fall and Esther will arise to rewrite Roe v. Wade.
For the next 30 days, also use the battering ram of intercession that we were given in Matt Lockett’s dream. Declare it before the principalities and powers: “Remember Amy Barrett.” Let us not give this confirmation or election over to Caesar. Win it, brothers and sisters, in the heavens. Let us declare also, that President Trump is our Wilberforce to end the slave trade of abortion in America.
Note: If your heart responds to this word, please use your own spheres of friendship and influence to send it out as far and wide as you can (via email, social media, etc.). In the days of Esther, couriers carried the message all over the Empire. We need couriers once again!
Originally published at The Briefing.
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash.
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