
COVID-19 Call to Prayer: Living According to the Word

12 October 2021

2.1 MINS

Psalm 119:9-16

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

It’s an old fashioned and outdated concept. Memorisation. But it’s one that needs to come back into fashion – we fill our minds with lots of junk – perhaps we should take some time to fill them with Scripture?

It would certainly help us in our prayers, our lives and our responses to people. Try small passages to start with. You will find that as you memorise you learn, meditate and digest the Word of God in a way that did not know was possible.

“Christ’s complete obedience being imputed to us, makes us complete, and without fault before God”― John Flavel

Petition: Please join with us in praying for:

1. The World – There have been 237,844, 861 cases (+2,955,920– the first time it has dropped below 3 million this year). There are now 4,851,509 deaths of people with covid (+ 50,360 – a slight decrease). Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, and South Korea have seen the biggest increases in cases. Iran, Mexico, Israel, Indonesia and Japan have all seen significant decreases in cases. New Zealand has now admitted that it can no longer pursue Zero Covid. There have been 711 cases in the past 28 days.

2. AustraliaThere have been 127,454 cases in total. (Up 16,062 – a 25% increase)

State Total Cases Weekly Change TW/LW Total Deaths Change in Deaths TW/LW
ACT 1,326 +295 (+157) 9 +3 (+3)
NSW 68,712 + 4,044 (+5,737) 426 +59 (+75)
NT 214 +2 (+3) 0 0
QLD 2,062 +19 (+21) 7 0
SA 910 +5 (+4) 4 0
TAS 236 + 1 (+ 0) 13 0
VIC 41,128 +11,756 (+7,855) 905 +36 (+25)
WA 1,110 +1 (+4) 9 0

NSW has seen a steady decline and today sees the end of lockdown. Victoria and the ACT continue to get worse. The other States continue to pursue a zero covid policy and keep their borders closed. There have been 1,320,169 tests in the past week. There are 1,446 people in hospital (-50) with 293 in ICU (-6). There are 25,774 active cases (+4,388).

3. Vaccine and Cures – 3.66 billion people in the world have received at least one dose. 47.7% of the population. Australia now has 70% one dose, 51% fully vaccinated. NSW has 74% fully dosed and 91% first dose – enabling the lockdown to be lifted.

4. Church – Pray for churches in NSW who are planning re-opening and others to continue to live under covid restrictions.

5. Personal and Family – Remember the elderly who live on their own, some of whom have not seen family for months because of covid restrictions and border lockdowns.

A Prayer of Repentance:

O Lord, how often we have neglected your word. We do not rejoice in following your statutes because we do not know them. We stray from your commands. We have not hidden your word in our hearts. Lord, forgive us and teach us to delight in your word. In Jesus name, Amen.

Song: O Clap Your Hands by Gibbons – a bit of classy praise for you this week!


A Prayer of Thanksgiving:

Lord, we thank you that you do not leave us in silence – but have revealed yourself to us in your Word. We praise you that your Word is true, that you do not lie, and that your Word brings life, through the power of your Spirit. Teach us Christ, and heal us.

In your name. Amen.


Originally published on ChristiansUnited.online. Image by Public Domain Pictures on Pexels.

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