
Melbourne Madness Has Got to Go!

13 October 2021

4.8 MINS

People the world over are suffering because of COVID, and because of hysterical government responses to it, but I and 6 million others in the Melbourne metropolitan area have got to be doing it tougher than anyone else in the world. A little while ago I wrote about how Melbourne has broken the record for the longest and most miserable lockdown anywhere in the world:

We had taken over the lead from Buenos Aires. But they since added another 11 days to their own record, so it turns out that today is now the official world record for Melbourne. That is 246 miserable days of lockdowns, curfews, border closures, stay-at-home orders, police arrests, alarmism, and all the rest.

Let me outta here! I have had enough, as have most other Melbournites. Thankfully many people are now speaking out about all this hysteria, panic and fear-mongering.

Prof James Allen on COVID Hysteria

Let me mention just one recent piece from law professor James Allan which is worth quoting from:

All the Covid hysteria around most of the democratic world, and especially in Britain, New York state, Canada and here in Australia, is driven by two main things. The first is that many people haven’t got a clue about what the relative risks are. Ask them what they think their chances of dying would be should they catch Covid and most get this massively wrong – a good few get the odds wrong by two orders of magnitude (answering 30 per cent when at most it’s about 0.3 per cent). And we’re talking about one’s chances of dying before being vaccinated.

Government propaganda – because there is no other way to describe it – has deliberately tried to scare people senseless and hence to distort their relative-risk assessments. That has been a clear and unmistakeable goal, including of all the daily press conferences with the breathless recitation of cases by politicians without an ounce of concern for freedom-­related issues, and by public-health types.

And for once, government seems to have got something right because its Covid scaremongering has been very successful. The second problem has been all the models relied upon by the supine political class. It started with the Neil Ferguson modelling coming out of Imperial College in London and spread out from there.

No one in the press corps seems to care that Professor Ferguson has had an unbroken track record of massively wrong predictions with his models, prophesying things that came nowhere near reality. In 2002, his models predicted 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease). In the event there were 177 deaths….

He continues:

So now turn to Sweden, with a population of just under 10 and half million. It never locked down at all. No small businesses were forced to close and so bankrupted (and no big businesses were thereby incredibly enriched and allowed to have bumper profits under the sort of crony capitalism that lockdowns deliver). Schools never closed. People were trusted to make smart calls. Oh wait, Sweden may have put a limit of 500 people at big events for a while. That was it.

According to the most recent data I can find, Sweden has had about 1.14 million Covid cases and 14,753 Covid deaths (a sizeable chunk of those happening early on in aged care, for which the overseeing epidemiologist, Professor Anders Tegnell, quickly admitted the country’s handling mistakes). Since May of this year Sweden has had one of the lowest rates of Covid in Europe. Its deaths per million across the whole pandemic are now low enough that the press no longer talks about Sweden. The lockdownistas do not want the country to do well.

Meanwhile, a number of British doctors are now predicting that deaths caused by the lockdowns themselves will end up outnumbering the saved Covid deaths by 10 or 20 to 1. And this in a world where the median age of Covid deaths is higher than the country’s average life expectancy for men and for women.

It’s a world where (according to the latest Stanford study) the survival rate for the unvaccinated for these age ranges is: 0-19 (99.9973 per cent); 20-29 (99.986 per cent); 30-39 (99.969 per cent); 40-49 (99.918 per cent); and the survival rate doesn’t drop below 99.7 per cent until you get to the over-70s.

In a world with that sort of risk of dying from Covid, if you are under 70 why would you care in the slightest if someone else chooses not to get vaccinated? You started with those great odds and improved them by getting vaccinated yourself. Give anyone under 75 a choice of whether to get Covid or cancer, heart disease or diabetes, and you’re an idiot if you don’t pick Covid.

The whole vaccine-passport mandate position (full disclosure, to have some hope of one day seeing my kids who live overseas I’m double-jabbed) is premised on people having no clue at all of their relative risks. Then add in a dollop of “take the worst imaginable outcome modelling”. Throw in a media and press corps that is either stupid or longs for the reincarnation of Pravda. Stir. And you have Australia, readers.

We’re not the world’s best handlers of Covid. From early on it was plain we were on a trajectory to be the world’s worst. And with every year that passes, that will become ever more obvious.


The good news is people here and overseas have had enough, and a fightback is now well underway. Here and overseas many have taken note of the insanity that is Melbourne, and the rest of this country. There are far too many examples of this to share here, but these are a few of them:

-Incredibly, we recently had Polish MPs at the Australian Embassy in Poland blasting the tyrannical state of affairs down under:

-Here is a write-up about this:

-Tucker Carlson is also shocked at what is happening here:

Dennis Prager also speaks about the horror that is Australia.

-And Christian World News has this ominous video about the Australian police state:

-Laura Ingraham speaks with independent journalists in Australia reporting on the heavy-handed police crackdown.

-And Rita Panahi laments the lamestream media’s silence and cover-ups about what is happening here, and how citizen journalists are filling in the gap:

-Also here in Australia, there will be a seminar on these matters in Perth later this week. Law professor Augusto Zimmermann and two other “expert speakers will provide you the truth and facts about Australian law and the government so called emergency powers and explain how they are in total conflict with our laws and Constitution.”

-See our interview with political prisoner Monica Smit of Reignite Democracy Australia here:

By the way, Monica is a real champion, as are people like Pastor Paul Furlong (we hope to interview him next). We sure do need many more courageous warriors who are willing to stand up for freedom, for democracy, and for justice as they resist these corrupt and power-drunk tyrants who are destroying our cities, states and nations.

-Finally, for a short and humorous take on Dictator Dan and his daily lies, see this video:

We sure do need this fightback – and a whole lot more of it. We simply cannot survive this world record for tyrannical lockdowns.


Originally published on CultureWatch. Image from

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