Day 15: We Reflect God’s Oneness
God is One, and the Church is to be united in the same way
“There is One body and One Spirit, even as you were called in One Hope of your calling, One Lord, One Faith, One baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all.” Ephesians 4: 4-6
This is a prophetic scripture being fulfilled on the earth for the body of Christ today by the Holy Spirit. In 2004 through a divine encounter, God allowed me to have a view of His world seated on His lap as His child.
Father showed me all the Churches in my shire and said, “Dear Child all the churches you see, the Anglican, Catholic, Uniting, AOG are all mine. I AM the CEO of them all. Even though they may all be at different levels of faith, unity or even understanding they belong to me. Now pray for all of them with MY heart and revelation.”
Following the encounter, God put a video by Tommy Tenney called, “God’s Dream Team”.
This was the first time my eyes were opened to Jesus’s unanswered prayer on the earth from John17: 11 “I am to be no longer in the world, though these are in the world, for I am coming to you. Holy Father through Your name keep those whom you have given Me, that they may be One as WE are One.”
God’s oneness begins first in the family. In the following years with a young growing family, I had another encounter with God for my family.
I saw myself way ahead in my faith, prayer life and walk with God but my family stood way back. I had a choice to keep going or turn around and take my family with me.
The kindness of God through the revelation marked me in His Love and compassion for my family to Know Him as One body in the one Holy Spirit, in the one hope of our calling, in the one Lord Jesus, in the One faith in Christ the anointed one, His Word and His Blood, the one baptism of Spirit and fire and water, in the One God who is Father of all, who is above all.
Thank you, Abba, that you are the Father of all families in heaven and on earth. We love and adore you.
Thank you so much for YESHUA, Your precious Son through whom you have restored us in a loving relationship with you. Abba, give us your heart of love to embrace our family members irrespective of where they are at in their walk of faith in you. Help us to see them with your eyes and intercede and pray for them from the heart of intercession of YESHUA.
We thank you for YESHUA’s Blood that is forever speaking testimony, redemption, covenant and blessings for each of our families. Father, we prophesy that the Glory that you gave to Jesus is seen upon Your body in Australia and on the earth.
We decree that we Your people called by Your Name are the answer to Yeshua’s unanswered prayer of John 17:11. We decree that in us, the seed of Abraham by faith, “the families of the earth shall be blessed, and our seed shall be mighty on the earth.”
We prophesy Ephesians 4:4-6 will come to pass as One Body of Jesus Christ of which He is the head.
31 Days Prayer Points
- Pray for the restoration of FAMILY, FATHERHOOD and MOTHERHOOD in our nation. Malachi 4:6
- Pray for healing for MARRIAGES, protection for CHILDREN and restoration of the sanctity of LIFE. Isaiah 58:12
- Pray for Revival, Renewal and Reformation for Australia, that our nation might return to God. 2 Chronicles 7:14
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DATES: 1st– 31st October 2021
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