Christian heritage

Celebrate National Christian Heritage Sunday This Weekend

4 February 2022

1.6 MINS

This weekend marks 234 years since the first church service was held in Australia. Our nation has been deeply blessed by its Christian heritage. Find out how you can take five minutes of your Sunday service to celebrate God’s past and present work in our nation.

On Sunday the 3rd of February in 1788, the Reverend Richard Johnson held Australia’s first ever church service near Circular Quay in Sydney. He preached from Psalm 116:12, which asks, “What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?”

It was a prophetic text. Australia has indeed become a nation indebted to God for his countless blessings towards us.

Our Christian Legacy is Worth Celebrating

Almost two and a half centuries later, we celebrate the legacy of faith in Australia with National Christian Heritage Sunday, taking place on the 6th February, 2022. Almost a decade old, this annual event held on the first Sunday of February marks the arrival to Australia’s shores of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


National Christian Heritage Sunday has provided a brief and profound script that can be read at worship services or that can be used to inspire a five-minute reflection during a Sunday meeting. It reads:

Australia has been richly blessed by the goodness and mercy of God. There is so much as a nation, that we need to give thanks to our Heavenly Father as we reflect, on our parliamentary democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and worship, our legal system and the independence of our courts of law.

Today, on this anniversary may we pause and recognise the Lord’s benefits to this nation and give him thanks for our Christian heritage that has made Australia the great nation it is today.

The document can be found here. A brochure to promote the day can also be downloaded here.

How Your Church Can Mark the Occasion

Congregations are also encouraged to share about their own church’s history, the beginnings of Christianity in their area, and how missions grew in their district and beyond.

Far from being dusty and irrelevant, Australia’s spiritual history is deeply inspiring. It may even be the key God longs to use to unlock revival in the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.

For more information on National Christian Heritage Sunday, visit the links above or the website, which contains many articles, videos and resources to inspire you.

Image by Paul Buffington on Unsplash.

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One Comment

  1. Pearl Miller 4 February 2022 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Particularly poignant considering the debacle at Citipointe College… Lord return us to our roots!

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