politics - globalists

It’s a Mad World! – Part 1: Politics

9 October 2023

6.1 MINS

In recent years, I have pondered, more deeply than ever before, on the state of the world and Western civilisation in particular. While working full time, latterly in academia, I never really had the time or headspace to do this.

Since my retirement in 2021, that all changed. I can now examine the world I used to inhabit from a new perspective. It has been such a blessing. This piece is presented as my story since retiring. I am trying to make sense of our world that appears to have gone mad!

I will be tackling politics, economics, globalism and nationalism, the legal and justice systems, communication, healthcare, personal freedom, personal responsibility, and finally, revolution. They are all interrelated, but it seems to me that an examination of the ingredients individually will be advantageous in seeking to understand our place on God’s earth.

The Collapse of Western Civilisation

It was May 2020. Two things happened simultaneously that unsettled me. Firstly, the political response to the COVID-19 ‘outbreak’ appeared to have been orchestrated across the Western world almost to the day. The US, Canada, the UK and Australia all seemed to be singing from the same song sheet, in perfect harmony and often with identical language. I could not believe that these various governments could be so cooperative with each other, with no one pushing back and no one offering any apparent resistance.

Secondly, at that time, I wrote to my state and federal members seeking to raise concerns, but their written responses were that they were putting into action what the majority of people wanted, as indicated by their polling; consequently, they saw no reason to speak with me, repeatedly ignoring my subsequent repeated requests. Right across the western world, the countries’ opposition parties simply fell into line with the party in power, negating any challenge to their beautifully orchestrated narrative.

Here in Australia, I was particularly concerned about the action of our then Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, announcing on 13 March 2020 a ‘national cabinet’ comprising himself and state and territory leaders. The Morrison government also invoked a state of emergency, which suspended the normal democratic processes of parliament from 23 March – 11 August 2020. The enactment of this measure was permitted, by then current legislation, for a state of war or a natural disaster, and the permitted suspension of normal government was for a maximum of two weeks. However, those ‘two weeks’ extended into nearly five months!

These events struck a fatal blow to my trust in parliamentarians, democracy, and our parliamentary system. As time has gone by, my trust has diminished further as I have seen Western governments, in particular, all marching to the same drum, the agenda of the globalists, that first appeared in plain sight in the COVID era.

Prior to 2020, I was aware of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), but I had not given them much thought. In the face of the apparent collapse of Western civilisation, I began to dig deeper into the WEF and the WHO, as I sought to understand what was going on and who was calling the shots.

Whose Authority Are We Under?

We don’t talk about authority much, do we? We think of authoritarianism. We think of a dictatorial teacher we had at school. We think of a harsh, cruel parent who may have been battling their own demons, but took it out on us as the weak and vulnerable child in their world.

Our society sees authority as negative. We are not allowed to correct our children; we must somehow create respect and obedience without ever showing any signs of authority.

Considering authority in the political world, I remember when government was for the people. In other words, those in government were there to put into action the will of the people. They were accountable to the people; they were under the authority of the people. That was democracy!

But what have we seen in and since the COVID era? Western governments, in particular, have bowed the knee to the globalist agendas of the WEF and the WHO. They have ignored their people and now are under the authority of the globalists.

But what is so maddening is that the majority of people can’t see it, and still think they live in a democratic nation and that our parliamentarians still represent our views and have our best interests at heart.

A Married Couple in a Double Bed

Let me tell you a parable of a married couple in a double bed. One is fast asleep, and one has been awake for a while, but has not stirred, not wanting to wake the other.  

The sleepyhead is still back in their yesterday! In a dream with all the characters of their past. It’s actually a lovely dream that they don’t really want to wake up from. The sleeping spouse is caught in a time warp, oblivious to the reality of the day.

The spouse who is awake is aware of their present reality, with the demands of the day racing through their mind. They can hear the rain lashing against the window, which does not entice them to get up too soon, as they know they have to go out in it and it’s not going to be a walk in the park. It’s going to be a battle with the elements.

I am using this parable to describe the one who is awake to the reality of the globalists, and the one who still sees their reality through yesterday’s lenses.

This divided society is madness! I believe it has stalled our momentum as a sovereign nation. Our parliamentarians now take their orders from the globalists and say yes sir, three bags full! While at the same time turning to their people and continuing to feed their dreams of yesterday. Our parliamentarians have developed split personalities, and our communities and families are divided!

What Will Our Future Political Landscape Look Like?

We can stay in yesterday’s dream, but eventually, the window will blow open as a mighty storm hits, and we are thrown into consciousness.

Or our spouse can firmly but kindly say, it’s time to get up; I have brought you coffee! The coffee certainly helps, but the cruel light of day is still a mighty shock to the dreamer.

The globalists’ future will be clear to see. Their authority will become increasingly evident. But I am sure they will want to keep as many of us asleep as possible for as long as possible.

We need to tune into the voice of the few parliamentarians who know what’s going down. Let’s give them as much support as we can. They are doing great, but they will not hold back the globalist storm clouds delivering greater and greater destruction to our civilisation and to the whole world as a whole, as there will be nothing left in the tank to support and encourage the less fortunate.

I think we have seen nothing yet. Yes, our poor are already despairing, but not until the middle class is being crippled will all hell break loose. This is all madness, but I can’t see any alternative. The madness has to break loose in the streets before everyone will wake up.

Then, let’s all band together and go out to pick up the pieces and start to rebuild. That day will be magnificent, despite the destruction and chaos all around us, as the day of the two-faced politicians will be over, and the dawn of honest nationalism will be reborn.

Meanwhile, let’s do all we can to keep these politicians as honest as possible. Let’s seek to inject as many God-fearing men and women of courage and conviction into our parliaments. Let’s listen extremely carefully to the language of those seeking election. Are they selling themselves to ungodly agendas under the guise that they must get elected, and the means justify the end?

I have spent three years reviewing the political landscape, and I advocate support for The Family First Party. Are they going to defeat the globalists in the major parties? No, not likely any time soon. But can they get parliamentarians elected to our upper houses? I believe they can. There, they can join their voice with the courageous few and take a stand, holding back the greatest excesses of the Godless stormtroopers.

Why Do We Find Ourselves in This Battle?

I am sorry to say that I believe it’s because God-fearing people have been too quick to expect the best from their politicians, and many are still enjoying yesterday’s dreams. In being nice, we have failed to take a stand. And now, over so many issues, it’s too late.

We have let go of God from the heart of our society. We have, instead, enjoyed the comforts and the consumables of the consumerist society (Esau sells his birthright).

We can’t turn the clock back, but there’s no need to despair. We know who wins in the end!

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. (Revelation 21:4)

More than ever, we need to live by faith. We need to walk by faith, making the most of every opportunity to do good (Ephesians 5:16). Above all, let’s rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice (Philippians 4:4-8).

I have put a little video together on this theme: “It’s a mad world! Politics Ep 39“.


Photo by Cup of Couple.

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  1. Peter Pearce 9 October 2023 at 6:17 am - Reply

    Thanks Jim,

    Just on point two on your video on climate change, I’m not sure if you are familiar with the Club of Rome and their role in instigating the whole climate agenda. If not, I highly recommend the following Substack article by Dr. Robert Malone where he cross posts to Jacob Nordangard and introduction to his doctrinal thesis of the history of the Club of Rome. Am absolute must read Jim.


  2. Jim Twelves 9 October 2023 at 8:28 am - Reply

    Peter, brilliant! Thank you so much for the link, as you say, it looks like a must read, I have had a skim so far, looking forward to a deep dive.

  3. James Bishop 9 October 2023 at 11:14 am - Reply

    You say precisely what I think! Are there many of us do you think?

    • Kathy Gasper 9 October 2023 at 12:55 pm - Reply

      How many I can’t say James but I’ve woken up and I know every one in the freedom movement is the same. As for others, just as Jim said, they will get there. In fact I’m thankful for the actions of our governments over the ‘plandemic’ because it made me see what was really going on. But I must confess once in a while I’d like to be in yesterday like most of the people in my church 🫤

    • Jim Twelves 9 October 2023 at 2:09 pm - Reply

      James, now there’s a question! The last thing I want to do is light a fire of division and by making a call on % seems to be approaching that. I encourage you to see this as a journey of one man (two if you are counted) to see how many others we can ‘encourage with a cup of coffee’ to join the dots before its too late. Thank you for reading my piece.

  4. Rae Bewsher 9 October 2023 at 3:33 pm - Reply

    Very interesting to contemplate who is awake and who isn’t. Some believers are but should be a whole lot more. I remember at the height of Covid listening to a young man from Western Sydney who was far more switched on than my son and his friends at the time. How could that be… and he didn’t particularly strike me as a believer although it is not always possible to tell. There was a groundswell of Christians at all the rallies though. Agendas (which we all have!) play a large part.

    • Jim Twelves 13 October 2023 at 12:36 pm - Reply

      Rae, I find this question intensely challenging. I have never had to contemplate this in all my life. For nearly 70 years it has been a common fact of life that everyone walking about on planet earth, was awake, and could see and feel the reality about them. But now the pervasive power of mass hypnosis actually keeps some asleep!

  5. Rod St Hill 10 October 2023 at 8:40 am - Reply

    I preached on the decline of western civilisation the Sunday before last. It might be terminal but there are some glimmers of hope. I, too, am a member of Family First.

    • Jim Twelves 13 October 2023 at 12:40 pm - Reply

      Rod, thank you for this comment. I must say in a mighty ironic way the current Israeli Hamas war is a case in point, of a ‘glimmer of hope’. I see the world, by and large accepting of a nation, Israel exercising its right to defend its borders and indeed its sovereignty. Let’s pay that more and more nations can rise up and take back their sovereignty from the globalists.

  6. Kim Beazley 16 October 2023 at 9:49 am - Reply

    I have serious concerns about this article, Jim.

    First, you refer to “the COVID-19 ‘outbreak’ “, as though you do not believe it to have been that. This smacks of conspiracy thinking that there was no serious health issue, or that the whole pandemic was part of some sinister plot by shadowy figures in places of authority or influence. You really need to clarify your intent there.

    Then this:

    “The Morrison government also invoked a state of emergency, which suspended the normal democratic processes of parliament from 23 March – 11 August 2020. The enactment of this measure was permitted, by then current legislation, for a state of war or a natural disaster, and the permitted suspension of normal government was for a maximum of two weeks. However, those ‘two weeks’ extended into nearly five months!”

    But that’s not true. As can be seen at https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/FlagPost/2020/March/COVID-19_Biosecurity_Emergency_Declaration#:

    “Subsection 475(4) requires that the human biosecurity emergency period last no longer than the Health Minister considers necessary to prevent or control the entry, emergence, establishment or spread of COVID-19 in Australia, or in any case, not longer than three months. The current declaration is for three months. The Governor-General may extend a declaration indefinitely (with each extension being for no longer than three months) if the Health Minister remains satisfied that the conditions that required a declaration of a human biosecurity emergency continue (section 476).”

    Perhaps you were confusing this with the original message, “two weeks to flatten the curve”?

    Finally, this goes to the heart of the issue, conspiracy thinking devoid of evidence, therefore based on nothing more than suspicion:

    “I have seen Western governments, in particular, all marching to the same drum, the agenda of the globalists, that first appeared in plain sight in the COVID era.”

    It’s one thing to disagree with measures that were taken by various governments, which were far from
    the cookie cutter identical nature you claim. It’s another altogether to jump to negative conclusions about collusions and contrivances for which there is no concrete evidence, and much less proof, and in the process tarring every single Australian politician as “two-faced” and sold out to the globalists. So to do so publicly involves you as a Christian in spreading rumours and “bearing false witness”.

    And it’s such issues that I have been writing about for some time, culminating in my most recent article (https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2023/10/13/what-is-revival-6-hindrances-conspiracy-theories/).

    But I agree with your final summation:

    “More than ever, we need to live by faith. We need to walk by faith, making the most of every opportunity to do good (Ephesians 5:16). Above all, let’s rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice (Philippians 4:4-8).”

    But to do so effectively, there can be no place for conspiracy thinking which unduly empowers our spiritual enemy. That’s the bottom line here. Because “making the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:16) is the opportunities God provides us for fulfilling His highest will, which is “that none should perish”, which entails us to be spreading the “Good News” about Him, not the imagined bad news that results from lapses into cynicism.

    And “the peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7) comes, not from focusing on what we suspect might be occurring in high places, but on the fact that our King and High Priest is enthroned above every other throne in Heaven and on earth.

    That’s why Paul continues in 4:8:

    “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

    The Greek word Paul used, “logizomai”, literally means “to take inventory, that is, estimate” (Strong’s Greek Dictionary). So Paul is telling us that our entire focus is to be, not on sinister suppositions and suspicions, but on “the excellencies of Him (1 Peter 2:9), and make that the foundation of our message.

    • Jim Twelves 18 October 2023 at 10:00 am - Reply

      Kim, thank you very much for your careful, thoughtful response. On your first point about the state of emergency in the covid era. I don’t think I got it wrong but I did not know about the ‘biosecurity’ measures specifically you highlight. All I was questioning was the Morrison government, ‘suspending parliament’. I think that was a ‘mad’ thing to do. I think we should have kept parliament operating as a means of holding the government to account, as it is, even to this day, the decisions of the governments at the time are still not going to be examined openly and honestly. Why not? I claim this is madness!
      Then you discuss ‘conspiracy theories’. I am sorry I have an aversion to this phrase, it has been used and is used far too much in my view. To me its a ‘put down’ of a view that someone holds. Lets call it ‘an alternative theory’, that would be far better, then the passage of time may or may not prove it correct, and hence no longer a theory. I also have a pet aversion to the term ‘consensus’. Who defines the consensus? How big was the sample of researchers that was taken to conclude a ‘consensus’? Science should never be about consensus, but about proof or rejection of a null hypothesis. I commend my piece on Critical Theory or Critical Thinking to you https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2022/11/23/critical-theory-or-critical-thinking/
      Thank you so much for your interest in my work.

  7. Kim Beazley 18 October 2023 at 5:31 pm - Reply

    Jim, the suspension of Parliament was an action taken by the members of both Houses, not the Prime Minister or his government. And most of the time it covered was the normal Winter break anyway. They lost hardly any time at all (see https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/House_of_Representatives/About_the_House_News/News/The_Parliaments_response_to_the_COVID-19_pandemic).

    As for the inquiry, I agree absolutely that the proposal by the current Prime Minister is a disgraceful whitewash, as for a start it would have exposed the horrible politicking of the Labor Premiers which served to undermine the Coalition government. It may also have shone a light on the fact that their State health systems were in a parlous state even before the pandemic, as can be seen by the fact that now, when there is no health crisis, those states have shocking issues with (in particular) waiting times in Emergency and elective surgery, none of which is a consequence of the pandemic.

    As for the term, “conspiracy theories”, your attempt to euphemise it away simply doesn’t change a thing. Even the term you use, “alternative theory”, doesn’t make sense. “Alternative” to what”? The known facts? And as it was our editor, Kurt, whose reference to the term and its definition I used, and it is a term that is most commonly used, your aversion to it not only flies in the face of common understanding, it serves to show your inability to face up to the issue I raised. Such thinking is, first and foremost, contradictory to Scripture, as it involves nothing more than conjecture and rumour, which is the basis of your article here.

    So unless you can find an issue in my article to refute, what you wish to call it changes nothing. And, as I made clear right at the start of that article, it matters nothing if, as you say, that “the passage of time may or may not prove it correct, and hence no longer a theory”. As I wrote, it’s “not the outcome that is relevant. It’s where and how they begin, and what they produce in the hearts and minds of Christians that is the issue”.

    And even in your article on “Critical Theory”, where you refer to the development of critical thinking, you witness against yourself:

    “It always starts with careful observation of the facts; it is never sidetracked by a subjective perspective or individual lived experiences alone. The second step returns to the first observation and seeks to collect a deeper understanding of the issue or circumstance.

    The third stage is very exciting — it is an exercise in lateral thinking. Namely, an examination of the implications for others and apparently unrelated situations if we progress along this line of thinking. In essence, it is being careful and thoughtful about the impact of our thinking on those around us and society at large.

    The fourth stage can be described as testing out our thinking with trusted others, a safeguard against self-deception. And finally, at stage five, the problem is solved, or the situation is understood.”

    Note carefully that you identify the need for a “careful observation of the facts” on which every other stage is built. In other words, if you start with mere conjecture and rumour borne out of fear and suspicion (the foundation of every conspiracy theory), you have allowed yourself to be “sidetracked by a subjective perspective”, and critical thinking is rendered impossible.

    You also refer to the scientific method, one of the greatest gifts of the Christian worldview to the world. And it’s this which further stands witness against you here. It’s also something I wrote on two years ago (https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2021/11/12/cynicism-scepticism-conspiracy-theories/) :

    “…the best example of the correct use of scepticism is its essential use in the proper practice of experimental science. Scientific researchers are actually required to pit any and every contrary explanation against their own theory. This is known as falsification.”

    And it’s that last word, “falsification”, which Kurt, in his article that I quoted, informs us is totally lacking in conspiracy theories:

    “… A telltale marker of a conspiracy theory is that it can’t be falsified. In other words, evidence for it and a lack of evidence for it are both taken as proof that the theory is true. In this way, conspiracy theories are essentially a matter of faith, rather than something that can be objectively proven or disproven.”

    Therefore, when you rightly say here that “Science should never be about consensus, but about proof or rejection of a null hypothesis”, the reality is that there IS scientific consensus on what is already known “to the best inference”, but unlike your negative sceptical approach and conspiracy theorising here, no judgement or conclusions are permitted until all the facts are in.

    So, when we extrapolate all of that to the issues you’ve dealt with in your article, there is no proof, or even evidence, for any of the claims you make in relation to “the agenda of the globalists”, and even less in relation to “Western governments, in particular, have bowed the knee to the globalist agendas of the WEF and the WHO”, or that “their people…now are under the authority of the globalists”.

    As these claims are the basis of your deduction that “it’s a mad world”, then the whole thing simply crumbles. I honestly and passionately wish it were otherwise!

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