
Spirit Whales Hold Up Australia’s Most Expensive Energy Project

7 February 2024

1.9 MINS

Aboriginal ‘Dream Time’ has become a nightmare for progress.

Work on Australia’s most expensive resources project has been halted because of the danger it poses to Spirit Whales.

Woodside Energy Group has been ordered to halt work on a $16b gas project off the coast of Western Australia that, if completed, will power 8.5 million homes for the next 30 years.

But the Federal Court ordered work to stop after hearing evidence the area was home to mythical whales.

The Spirit Whales, according to Indigenous fables, tell the fish of the sea what to eat, when to mate and where to migrate.

If the gas project were to go ahead, the Spirit Whales would be endangered. And if the Spirit Whales were killed, none of the creatures of the sea would know what to do.

Short of Aquaman stepping in to save the day, the planet would be sunk.

Whale Whisperer

How did the Federal Court know all of this?

Raelene Cooper!

Ms Cooper, or as her activist friends like to call her, the Custodian of Whale Dreaming, speaks to the Spirit Whales.

And they speak to her.


This was in evidence presented to the Federal Court.

Apparently, the Spirit Whales aren’t thrilled about the Woodside Energy Group’s project which, coincidentally, puts the Spirit Whales and environmentalists on exactly the same page.

Whoever would have imagined?

Cultural Harm?

The Environmental Defenders Office, a group that received $8m in public money to help it oppose projects benefitting the public, brought Cooper’s Spirit Whale baloney to the urgent attention of the Federal Court.

Even Nemo knows that the greenies at the EDO don’t buy the Spirit Whale crap. But that doesn’t mean they won’t manipulate Indigenous mythology and those who sprout it to stop major projects.

So the case was put to the court of Australia.

… but Your Honour, the Spirit Whales!

And Judge Craig Colvin, whilst not confirming or denying that Spirit Whales existed, ruled that Woodside had a duty to consider “cultural harm” caused by their project.

Now, what I think that means is that whilst absolutely no one believes that Spirit Whales exist, it would be against the law to upset the wild fantasies of a woman who imagines she talks to whales.

Because the woman is Indigenous.

And evidently, Indigenous fantasies must be indulged, as a mark of respect.


Woodside argued that they had invested significant time, energy and money liaising closely with Indigenous groups for more than a decade. And yet this was the first it had heard that Spirit Whales were blowing their lids over the project.

Woodside had done all of the environmental checks and had been given clearance to begin the project.

Not so fast, ruled Judge Colvin.

He ordered Woodside to conduct a more thorough environmental assessment of the project. In other words, work out terms with the Spirit Whales.

Oh, and Woodside were ordered to pay Ms Cooper’s costs.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo by Silvana Palacios.


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  1. Trina Watson 7 February 2024 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    To tell you the truth, this has left me speechless!! But then, why should I be surprised? It’s just another symptom of the worlds crazy culture! We’ve turned our backs on the Christian culture of our forefathers, which built up our society, a culture of worshipping the Creator and not the created, of caring for our neighbour, and caring for this world in a responsible way! But stopping a project which will benefit our society on the word of one person is astounding!

  2. Barbara Bluett 7 February 2024 at 3:55 pm - Reply

    It left me speechless too. The insanity of it all is mind boggling.

  3. Elke Graham 9 February 2024 at 4:39 pm - Reply

    I wonder what the “spirit whales” have to say about the hundreds of monstrous wind turbines planned for the WA coastal waters…

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