puberty blockers

Children Cannot Consent to Puberty Blockers

20 May 2024

2.4 MINS

Meet Chris Elston, a Canadian father of two girls, who has gained prominence for his work advocating to protect children from harmful medical transitioning practices like puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries, through conversations sparked by his billboards around the world.

We had a wonderful time bringing together NSW MPs, journalists, doctors and advocates to meet and hear from ‘Billboard Chris’ in Sydney.

Chris Elston is a Canadian father of two girls, who has gained prominence for his work advocating to protect children from harmful medical transitioning practices like puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries, through conversations sparked by his billboards around the world.

At our event, Billboard Chris explained how girls’ greater tendency for empathy and agreeableness, struggles with puberty and sexualisation, and susceptibility to social contagion, makes them more vulnerable to gender confusion and transition. He made the critical point that:

“We have to continually send girls the message that they’re beautiful just as they are.”

You can watch the full Q&A with the audience here.

An Update on the NSW Conversion Bill

At the event, Libertarian MP John Ruddick also announced his plan for a campaign to remove ‘gender identity’ from the recently passed NSW Conversion Practices Ban Act, a campaign that he officially launched in parliament this week.

By including ‘gender identity’ in its definition of ‘conversion practices’, the law fails to recognise that gender identity is synonymous with gender dysphoria.

It ignores the social phenomena behind the rapid increase in gender dysphoria (particularly among teenage girls), the mounting medical evidence against the ‘gender affirmation’ approach, and the stories of detransitioners.

A Tragic Story from New Zealand

Just today, a story was published in New Zealand, where a teenage girl under the delusion she is a boy, attempted to cut off her own breasts. This is self-harm and symptomatic of severe mental illness, but instead it was used to promote greater access to the harmful ‘gender affirmation’ approach enshrined in ‘conversion ban laws’.

Such laws impede individuals — particularly vulnerable gender confused children — from getting the holistic, evidence-based care and support they need.

Assisting a person struggling with gender dysphoria to embrace their biological sex should not be considered a ‘conversion practice’.

Myself and Women’s Forum Australia are pleased to support this critical initiative, and as noted by John in his speech, will soon be circulating a parliamentary petition for NSW residents. The petition calls for ‘gender identity’ to be removed from the Act, as well as for an independent public inquiry into ‘gender affirming’ care for children.

I am so grateful for good men like Chris and John, and for all they are doing to help end the harms being done to children in the name of gender ideology.

Not everyone is called to fight publicly on these issues, but if protecting children from this insidious ideology is something you feel strongly about, you can help support those who do.

No child is born in the wrong body, and it’s time to stop the lies that tell them they are.


Republished with thanks to Women’s Forum Australia.

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One Comment

  1. Richard Jardine 21 May 2024 at 11:48 pm - Reply

    To say that a child is born in the wrong body is a lie and to say otherwise is as good as saying that God makes mistakes. With God now safely removed from classrooms and woke agendas replacing the void we have lost direction. No wonder when people are not sure of their purpose and the reason why they exist they lose their God given identity and seek alternatives. The directions that once were clear are now lost and unfortunately the ones who should be helping seem to have lost their compasses.

    Well done Rachael for the article. Keep up the good work Chris. May God bless both and the work you are doing.

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