Melania Trump and family

An Open Letter to Melania Trump

18 October 2024

6.3 MINS

Dear Mrs Trump,

So many of us love and admire you. Your conduct as First Lady was a credit to our country. I will never forget the way you decorated the White House for Christmas: elegant, tasteful, classy. You made me proud to be an American, a woman, and a Catholic. I have no doubt that even some people who hate your husband secretly admire you.

However, I was heartbroken recently to see you repeating the talking points of the Abortion Lobby. I could hardly believe it. You personally lived through the tyranny of Communism, and the Ruling Party in America relies on the very same tyrannical tactics as the Communists. And the Abortion Lobby is very much a part of the Ruling Party in America.

A Ruling Party

Now, it is true the United States does not literally have one party, the way Communist countries do. But many Americans, including many of your husband’s most devoted followers, have come to realise that for all practical purposes, the U.S. has a Deep State which functions in much the same way as those totalitarian states do. The Democrats are openly and obviously part of the Ruling Party, and many members of the Republican Party align themselves with it. (Your husband is certainly not part of the Ruling Party. This is what they hate about him.)

Like the Communist Party, the Ruling Party in the U.S. maintains its power by controlling law enforcement, the courts, and the flow of information. The Abortion Industry contributes to and benefits from The Ruling Party.

Weaponised Law Enforcement

The Party has weaponised law enforcement, including the FBI and the CIA, as you know better than almost anyone after they raided your own home in search of planted evidence, authorised to shoot to kill. But did you realise that they have weaponised law enforcement against us, too? Almost 300 Catholic churches have been vandalised since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked in 2022. The FBI does nothing about these crimes, except put Catholic groups on their “domestic terrorists” watch lists.

In 2022, the FBI raided the home of a peaceful abortion protestor, Mark Houck, in front of his wife and seven children. The Party has imprisoned other peaceful protesters, including two women in their seventies. The same Party that feels threatened by the people who peacefully protested the election results on January 6, 2021, likewise fears abortion protesters.

It’s Communist justice all the way: justice for friends, persecution for enemies.

Weaponised Courts

The American courts used to be the pride of our system of free government. But Mrs Trump, you know better than anyone just how exquisitely The Party has weaponised the courts. For the last few years, the Ruling Party has dragged your husband into court for costly legal battles over issues that never should have been in court at all. Even if your husband and his loyal friends ultimately prevail, this is a grotesque abuse of the legal system. The process is the punishment for their temerity in resisting the will of the Ruling Party.

Perhaps you didn’t know that the Ruling Party honed and perfected those techniques by previously using them against the pro-life movement.

In 1986, the National Organization for Women brought a frivolous RICO suit against Joseph Scheidler and his Pro-life Action League; the US Supreme Court ultimately decided unanimously against NOW, in 2006. That’s 20 years of lawfare, not against a billionaire, but against a middle-class family! (Scheidler’s son Eric reported that his parents put the family home in his name so they wouldn’t lose it.) And even that wasn’t the end: NOW did not pay the court-awarded damages to Scheidler until 2014.

This lawfare strategy against the pro-life movement continues. David Daleiden, an undercover journalist, caught abortionists admitting that they sell the organs of aborted babies. Rather than investigate the abortionists for their felonies, The Party charged the journalist with violations of privacy. U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris personally led the Deep State’s harassment of Daleiden, which is costing millions of dollars, not to mention the chilling effect it has on freedom of speech and of the press.

Weaponised Information

The Party’s greatest tool is the way it controls information. You and your husband know this very well. The media, academia, and the entertainment industry all have used their influence to demonise your husband, his allies, and his policies.

The Party has been doing that to us, too. Among the numerous examples, I will mention only two: the corruption of science and the demonising of pregnancy care centres.

Corrupting science: Whatever happened to “informed choice”?

Many people have come to realise that the politically correct “cancel culture” is limiting the honest evaluation of scientific evidence. Few people realise this problem predates COVID and climate hysteria. Back in 2003, the National Institutes for Health formed its “consensus” that abortion has no impact on breast cancer by inviting only people who agreed with the predetermined conclusion to speak and publish.

I interviewed a scientist who has followed the data in this area for over 30 years. His conclusion is that the connection between abortion and breast cancer is so significant that women should be advised about it so they can make up their own minds about the risk. He told me the National Institutes for Health did not invite him or any other dissenters to present their evidence. And in the 1990s, this individual lost two jobs over his views on this issue.

YouTube deleted the video of my interview with him. That’s right: Big Tech (no friend of yours) censored my video about censorship, all in the name of preventing “misinformation”. Surely, dear lady, you recognise these totalitarian tactics from your youth behind the Iron Curtain.The Sexual State

I have numerous other examples of pro-abortion propaganda in my book, The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right All Along.

Demonising Pregnancy Care Centers: Whatever Happened to “Choice”?

The mantra “my body, my choice” seems to only go in one direction: You have the “right to choose” abortion, but The Party will demonise anyone who tries to offer you an authentic alternative. The Party either does not notice or does not care that the pregnancy care centre movement is an authentic women’s movement — made up of women reaching out to help other women with material assistance and friendly support in their time of need.

“But these centres lie to women!” the Party claims. “They mislead women!” How can a group of ladies who give out baby clothes trick someone the entire nine months of her pregnancy? Does that make the slightest sense to you? Meanwhile, a woman can go to an abortion clinic anytime during those nine months and end her pregnancy with no questions asked and no counselling offered. In one afternoon of fear, despair, or loneliness, she can walk into a clinic and make her baby disappear forever. Honestly, which of these movements has the greater ability to trick or manipulate a woman?

Yet the proponents of abortion dare to call themselves the “women’s movement”. What about us, the women who want our babies? Don’t we count as women, too?

Dear Mrs Trump, I would encourage you to visit a pregnancy care centre near you. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding one. According to one estimate, there are around 2,700 pregnancy care centres nationwide. I’m sure any of them would be glad to give you a tour. See for yourself the dedication of these almost-all-volunteer, almost-all-female organisations. They don’t make outlandish claims for themselves. They try to offer their clients honest-to-goodness, nonviolent solutions to their problems.

But that doesn’t seem to matter. The Party is using governmental force to limit their operations, academia to produce junk science to scapegoat them, and the media to promote its own outlandish claims.

Doing the Impossible Requires Power

You may ask why The Party needs to resort to totalitarian tactics to protect something it describes as freedom. I answer with an analogy you may recognise.

The Communists promised equality and prosperity. But it is not possible to have a prosperous society without the right to private property. Totalitarians promise the impossible, and need power to crush dissent when the impossible fails to materialise. And they need lots of propaganda to divert people’s attention from their failures.

The Abortion Lobby promises women they’ll be happy if they are allowed to kill their babies. But no woman truly wants to kill her baby. They do this because they feel they have no choice; they are pressured by circumstances or their partners or family. It is not possible to make women as a class happy by routinely putting them in a position where they think abortion is necessary. Some women, some of the time? Yes. But all women over the whole course of their lives? Not a chance.

Why Chase Impossible Votes?

I could multiply examples of The Party systematically controlling information to protect abortion. I’m so disappointed that you, dear First Lady — of all people, a survivor of Communism — repeated their talking points in your book.

No matter what you say or do, abortion supporters are not going to vote for your husband. In some political calculation, pro-life voters may appear to be disposable: Most of us will still vote for him no matter what. The alternative of positively voting in favour of the Ruling Party and its commitment to abortion is too terrible to contemplate.

Whatever else you may decide to do in this election season, I hope you will remember this: Regardless of how your husband’s election turns out this time, no one will love you more than pro-life women did during his first term.

Your Sincere Admirer,

Dr Jennifer Roback Morse
Founder and President
The Ruth Institute


Republished with thanks to The Ruth Institute. Originally published at The Stream. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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  1. Christine Crawford 18 October 2024 at 10:16 am - Reply

    May Melania take seriously what Dr Morse has written.

    • Kathy Gasper 18 October 2024 at 10:39 am - Reply

      Amen ❤️

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