PROLIFE PRAYER DAY 17: Shifting Mindsets
To those who have chosen life through faith in Jesus, it seems incomprehensible that now in this nation, every Australian in the womb has a one in four chance of being killed before ever taking a breath.
The Weapons of our Warfare are Mighty
“For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide. We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion, as soon as you choose complete obedience.”
~ 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 TPT
We have chosen to wage a military campaign this month of August to reverse the curse of abortion in Australia. This choice to obey the Lord carries the weight of Heaven on our behalf – that our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses and demolish deceptive fantasies. Our Prayer and His Word, with fasting, are powerful and effective.
We are standing right now — we say no more!
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is saying it is time! He is roaring over the city of Adelaide (and other cities): NO MORE ABORTIONS. He’s roaring over South Australia and all our states and territories – saying no more innocent lives destroyed. HE’S ROARING OVER NEW SOUTH WALES – NO MORE ABORTIONS. He’s roaring over Australia: NO MORE KILLING YOUR UNBORN, NO MORE DEATH & DESTRUCTION that steals the destinies of the next generation!
Indoctrination to Believe the Government is Always Good
Australians are comfortably getting on with their own lives, seemingly disillusioned with, and by, politicians. When the average Australian hears even a small portion of truth about these abortion bills, they respond by saying ‘That can’t be true, I don’t believe you. Surely we would be told if that were the case; I need proof.’ Most have been indoctrinated to think that the government is going to do the right thing as far as human life goes, because it has always been that way.
The average Australian has little or no idea what is being proposed, and being pushed through by some in Government. Many politicians seem to be indoctrinated, and without conscience, when it comes to discussion of bills before them. Instead of having perspectives discussed allowing wisdom to come forth, we are seeing ungodly filters over the minds of many politicians. Politicians, and leaders in every sphere of our society, even sadly quite a number of Christians who are aligning themselves with the current Abortion Reform Bills, need light and truth so they govern and lead with wisdom and righteousness.
Changing of Mindsets
As Christians, we cannot comprehend that a cheer went up in the NSW parliament when the abortion bill was quickly passed in the Lower House. Mindsets must change to rightly consider the dignity of human life, sex-selective abortion, the true health and well-being of women and the need for pre-abortion counselling. Are we a society that puts our own rights above the protection and rights of the unborn?
We have again a huge culture clash: the Kingdom of Light vs that of darkness, Truth vs lies, Wisdom vs control.
We need a culture shift as the Kingdom of Light is advancing; we pray all our thinking shift from Western thinking (Self, comfort, money and success) to the ways of the Lord and His Kingdom (creativity, joy, abundance, protection, posterity and purpose fulfilled).
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we pray Your Kingdom comes and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We declare the earth is being filled with the knowledge of the glory of You, Lord, as the waters cover the sea. We declare that Your Name is Jehovah Gibbowr, for You are mighty in battle. We thank You that You are the God who has fixed Your throne upon righteousness and justice. You are the God who sits in the heavens and laughs as You hold your enemies in derision. We thank You, that the whole earth is in Your hands. We stand in agreement as citizens in Heaven and praise You for Your mighty works to deliver us from this current evil. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer Points:
- Lord, let doors open for appropriate media reporting and public discussion, instead of death threats to MPS and emotive statements that create division, intolerance and anger.
- Raise up this generation of believers as Your army, righteous and holy, to bring life in Christ and to increase the movement of Your justice, mercy, righteousness and creative solutions.
- Awaken a flood of repentance to bring this nation to her knees, crying out to You the living God for mercy — let a love tsunami flood the deserts of the hardened hearts in Australia. Lord, attack and burn the thorns and briars that oppose You, until they turn to You for help. (Isaiah 27:4-5 NLT)
- Give wisdom and a powerful voice to Your Church, the Ecclesia, who can speak Your truth in love, so the gates of Hades in our nation are powerless and will not prevail in these days.
- Cause the zealous to have Damascus road experiences and turn, and by Your grace become powerful voices advocating for the unborn, like Abby Johnson (‘Unplanned’ Movie, based on her true story).
- We thank You Lord that You have melded hearts as one to pray to reverse the curse of abortion in Australia. Send spiritual and natural deep-soaking rains to our nation this August. Let the drought break and the dams fill to the brim; let the living water continue to flow out of the believers in Christ.
- Strengthen the righteous leaders in our nation, and let them find others who will stand with them. Give them grace to take action led by You, speaking with wisdom and clarity for truth and justice. Thwart the plans of the enemy, and all who oppose life for the unborn.
Spend time today listening to the Lord, and Pray what is on His Heart.
Today as we stand together ‘as one’ in prayer and fasting may the Lord:
STOP the proposed Abortion Reform Bill in South Australia – “Statutes Amendment (Abortion Law Reform) Bill.”
STOP the New South Wales Abortion Bill – “The Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019”
Push Back and eventually STOP Abortion in every state and territory in Australia!
SHIFT the culture of this Nation to Mercy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice
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NOTE: The Canberra Declaration will post daily Devotions from Ann Browne every day for the 31-Day Period and on the Canberra Declaration Facebook. Please share the links and send out to your friends. Thank you.
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