Day 22: My Very Breath, My Heart’s Desire
May our hearts’ ultimate desire be Jesus — to the extent we could not breathe without Him.
“Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You.” — Psalm 73:25
“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” — Jeremiah 29:13
If you could cry out for one thing and it be granted with absolute certainty, what would it be? Be honest with yourself.
If it’s not intimacy with Jesus — if it’s not more of Him — what is it? What’s taken the first place in your heart? It’s not to say all other prayers are invalid. No! But if our hearts aren’t crying for Him, what have we missed? And Who have we put aside?
We can never have too much of God because there is always more in Him. There are so many treasures stored up to be revealed at the proper time to those who lean into Him — just as John would lean in to the heartbeat of Jesus.
Jesus is never one to withhold. Could it be that you have withheld from yourself by withholding precious time with the Creator of the universe? As He promised, seek first His kingdom and everything shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
But even if you never see His promises fulfilled in your lifetime — just as Moses wasn’t able to enter into the Promised Land, but Joshua did — would He be enough? Would Jesus alone be enough? Would you forsake everything to have Jesus? Would you actually make that decision? Would you die to yourself?
Would you die to anger and persevere in love? Would you fight to forgive and bless even if you’ve been done a great injustice? Would His blood on the cross be enough for you? Would His presence alone satisfy you?
The great news is that He is ready, willing, and waiting for you to receive Him. Seek Him more than anything and everything you’ve ever wanted, with all of you — no hesitations and no reservations. He is more than able.
In fact, Jesus is yearning for you to open your heart and reach out to Him. Remember that before you ever loved Him, He first loved you. Before you ever pursued Him, He first pursued you to the point of death on a cross — humiliated and rejected before the very people He loved and fought for. He has stretched His hand toward you. Won’t you take it?
As your eyes are ever fixed on Him — none moving you away, you’ll be amazed at how He’s brought everything before you. It was never about everything else. It was always about you for Him and Him for us — the divine romance, the anticipated union of the bride and the groom that all creation groans for.
Jesus, let my hours and my days be about You. Let every breath I have praise and glorify You. Consume me with Your love and breathe life into every dry and dark crevice of my heart. Illuminate me with Your love and Your precious Word. Renew me so that everything in me is of You. Let nothing take my gaze away from You. But let me long for You like I never have before. Jesus, let me minister to Your heart. I want to love on You. I want You to be my beginning and my end. Let me never run to anyone else first, but You. Make my thoughts, my heart, and my life an alabaster offering to You. I don’t want anything else besides You. You’re all I’m after and all I live for. Transform me that I may be the Jesus encounter this world needs. Let not the world dictate how I live, but let me fight for righteousness as if I’m fighting for You — charging ahead, knowing I have my full reward in You. Jesus, I want You to be enough for me. Make it a reality in my heart. You are always more than enough. You are enough for me. Amen.
Prayer Points for May 2021
1. Pray for Revival and Transformation for Australia
2. Pray for 1 Billion people worldwide to hear the Gospel
3. Share the Good News of Jesus with 5 people
Larissa Louise Alivio is the founder of Revival Channel, an online prophetic and evangelistic ministry. She is passionate about revealing the Father’s heart — to ultimately reach the lost, the backslidden, and the defeated — and awakening the church to the identity of His beloved bride. She burns to see a massive harvest for the kingdom. She has ministered and preached Jesus all over the streets of New South Wales and Queensland. This August, she will take part in Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp in Florida where she will be equipped to organise mass crusades and have the opportunity to minister to thousands in Tanzania.
We invite you to join the daily 1-hour Zoom video National Prayer Call every night:
DATES: 1st–31st May 2021
TIME: 8pm-9pm AEST
ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184
See Zoom tutorial here.
Daily devotions brought to you by the Canberra Declaration.
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