Anglican Church split

Anglican Church Split: Former Sydney Archbishop to Lead New Australia-Wide Diocese

17 August 2022

1.5 MINS

A group of prominent conservative Anglicans has split from the mainstream church, forming its own breakaway diocese: the Diocese of the Southern Cross. Glen Davies, a former Sydney Anglican Archbishop, is heading up the group.

Bishop Richard Condie of the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania announced the news at a Canberra meeting of GAFCON on Sunday. 

“This walking away from the scriptures and the ridiculing of those who uphold them as we have seen in some presidential addresses by bishops in Australian Synods this year, IS the crisis, it IS the emergency to which we must respond.” (source)

Breaking News at GAFCON

GAFCON (or Global Anglican Future Conference) is a conservative “worldwide movement” of more than half of worshipping Anglicans that seeks “to promote reform of the Anglican Church by the Biblical Gospel”. In 2008, GAFCON met in Jerusalem “in response to the consecration of a same-sex partnered bishop in The Episcopal Church (USA) and the decision by the Anglican Church of Canada to bless same-sex unions”.

According to Condie, GAFCON Australia has four goals:

  1. Develop and promote a national strategy to reach Australia through healthy faithful biblical orthodox Anglican churches.
  2. Promote reform and repentance within the Anglican Church of Australia.
  3. Support and strengthen healthy faithful biblical orthodox Anglican churches throughout Australia.
  4. Enable the Diocese of the Southern Cross to be fully formed within 2-years.

The significant news was broken in the Gospel Coalition two days ago and picked up by the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday.

The Diocese of the Southern Cross

The Gospel Coalition article described the new diocese as “extra-provincial”, in that it can be joined from anywhere in Australia. Apparently, the first church to join the diocese was Southern Cross Anglican Beenleigh and Logan (Brisbane) (led by Rev Peter Palmer), although further churches are expected to join in the near future.

Significantly, prominent Sydney Anglican (and former Archbishop) Glen Davies will be commissioned as the first Bishop of the Diocese. Until last year, Davies was the Archbishop of the Sydney Anglican Diocese, perhaps the most conservative diocese in the English-speaking world. 

The new Diocese of the Southern Cross will enjoy fellowship with a majority of the Anglians in the world through the GAFCON community and is soundly Anglican in its doctrinal position, affirming the Jerusalem Declaration and the 39 Articles. Although the group is opposed to compromise on issues of homosexuality, it is yet to be determined whether the ordination of women will be permitted.


Photo by Cheung Yin.

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  1. Warwick Marsh 17 August 2022 at 4:55 pm - Reply

    Well written story about about a sad but sorely needed moment in Australias Christian History . God bless the diocese of the southern cross! Soli Deo Gloria!!!!

  2. Lucy 17 August 2022 at 7:05 pm - Reply

    May God bless the conservative and truth seekers. Amen

  3. Betty Mari Rogan 17 August 2022 at 8:33 pm - Reply

    Yes I agree. The church must split because the new ideas simply do not conform to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. When a person is truly “born of the Spirit of God”, that person has certitude or blessed assurance by God’s Holy Spirit’s indwelling, that God’s Word IS true, and not subject to an unregenerate person’s opinion that is based on their thinking or reasonings. “Let God be true and every man a liar”. Romans 3:4. The great falling away is here. May God grant His people the grace of holy Fear of Him lest they perish in self-righteousness. We are ALL accountable to The Lord above all.
    God bless

  4. Justin 19 August 2022 at 6:09 pm - Reply

    Amen Betty

  5. Nigel 19 August 2022 at 8:24 pm - Reply

    We are in the world but not of the world we are set apart and our comfort is in knowing Christ alone . He changeth not , therefore His love remains the same , Our Father wants us to love one another as He has loved us . To strive to be righteous and holy in all that we do .
    However We must not tolerate evil in our gatherings in our ministries such as men marrying men or women marrying women for such a thing is an abomination to God and is contrary to His Creation .
    It’s not about our intolerance to certain areas of our society or community or about hating people it’s about loving people and wanting the very best for them and praying that all people will come close to their maker before they depart this broken world.

  6. Brad 20 August 2022 at 11:48 pm - Reply

    “Blessing sin, you just can’t do it”. Absolutely…but if you say you want to stay true to scripture how do you ordain women to the priesthood?. Not biblical.

    • Cody Mitchell 5 September 2022 at 4:21 pm - Reply

      That is an interesting point, Brad. It’s definitely worth them having that debate. Thanks for your thoughts!

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