
Dylan Mulvaney is Now… a Lesbian

6 June 2023

2.3 MINS

Gender botherer Dylan Mulvaney has come out as a lesbian, which means he’s really just a straight white guy with a strange wardrobe.

Poor Bud Light. They destroyed their entire brand for nothing.

Dylan began life as a gay man.

Then he was queer.

Then he was non-binary.

Now he’s a she who wants to date a woman, but with the expectation that the woman she dates will get him pregnant.

This person has 11 million followers on TikTok. Think about that!

At this stage, it’s easier to follow the vicissitudes of Mr Garrison from South Park.


But back to Mulvaney, who went on TikTok this week to announce …

“So I recently told my parents that I may be a little bit romantically interested in women.

“And that was a big shock for them considering the past ten years of coming out as gay, then queer, then non-binary, then trans. And I think it was just a bit of a shock.”

Wait. Mulvaney comes out as gay, then queer, then non-binary and then trans… but his parents are shocked he’s a lesbian?

It’s surely only a matter of time before he comes out as a unicorn.

But it doesn’t end there. According to Mulvaney…

“I told my dad, and he goes, ‘Well I would love to see you get a woman pregnant’.

“And I said: ‘Oh, no, no, no, no … she would be getting me pregnant!’

“And then he said, ‘What, do you have a vagina now?’

“And I said, ‘Never say never!”

Mulvaney is no more a lesbian than the shovel in my shed, and with as much chance of getting pregnant.

Never say never.

But if I may – just for a moment – speak on behalf of lesbians everywhere, I’m pretty certain Mulvaney is not their type. What, with him being a bloke and all.

Mulvaney’s mum had an interesting perspective.

“I tell my mum, and she goes, ‘I would just like to see you own property one day.’

Now that could be sound real estate advice. Or it could be a mum who has reached the end of her patience and just wants Mulvaney out of the house!

Mulvaney is clearly a fool so, why on earth would I write about him?

Never forget that US President Joe Biden granted a sit-down interview with Mulvaney to discuss trans rights in October last year.

White House journalists can barely get an interview with Biden, but Mulvaney got a one-on-one chat just two weeks out from crucial mid-term elections.

Mulvaney began:

“Mr President, this is my 221st day of publicly transitioning.”

To which Biden replied:

“God love you.”

The leader of the free world went on to tell Mulvaney that “being seen with people like you” was a critical way to break down stereotypes and reduce discrimination against trans Americans.

All of this, of course, was before Mulvaney came out as a lesbian hoping to be impregnated by a woman.

God help you.

And don’t ever forget that major US brands – from Nike to Maybelline – have showered Mulvaney in money to promote their products.

God forgive you.

To the extent that you believe Mulvaney is ridiculous – and surely there’s little doubt on that score – that’s how ridiculous Western culture is right now. Mulvaney is, after all, the face of it, five o’clock shadow and all.

If God still loves us, may He help and forgive us all.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

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  1. Evelyn R Sims 6 June 2023 at 2:51 pm - Reply

    When we have elections, the whole country or state has to abide by the majority vote however miniscule the difference in the count might be. Why then should the nation be held to abiding by the wishes of the the tiny minority of those who beat the drum for the Woke, LGBTQI+ community very few of whom are genuine. Why should we be subject to their agenda that affects our lives now and the future of our children. in many negative ways that have no foundation in science, commonsense, freedom of faith and speech leta alone courtesy, grace and loving family relationships that reach out to the needy, not by coercion through heavy taxation, but by voluntary caring and concern.

  2. Kaylene Emery 6 June 2023 at 6:03 pm - Reply

    Thank you James. Personally I think it’s the rest of us who are stupid. This person is mentally ill ! And here we are supporting the delusion ….on a global scale.

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