
Bees, Crops and Climate Lunacy

16 February 2024

5.5 MINS

The humble bee, essential in the lifecycle of crops in Australia, came under attack on 22 June 2022 — when the Varroa mite was detected. 

The mite entered through the Port of Newcastle (only 20 kilometres from my home), and this set in motion a series of events that threaten our food security, and which have decimated the livelihoods of many cottage industries supplying us with the delectable God-given liquid gold known as honey. 

Quoting the Australian Government website: ‘Two main areas of infestation were identified covering Greater Newcastle, Hunter Valley and Central Coast regions, as well as Kempsey areas on the mid north coast.’ 

Although there are methods used overseas to control and treat hives, the Australian Government went total sledgehammer approach, burning hives with hundreds of litres of untainted honey still inside, and the costly hive itself, which absolutely could have been saved through normal, often used methods.

Why? Gross incompetence and neglect appear to be the answer. A sledgehammer approach has been standard operating procedure since Covid, and that is what was implemented here. 

In an interview with a prominent beekeeper, we learned that just what happened was both astounding and typical of a system run by bureaucrats, often out of their depth and committed to a ‘quick fix’.  

The consequences continue to unfold today and need to be addressed urgently. 

Beekeepers vs Bureaucrats

Neil Livingston is a retiree who decided to keep busy and do something interesting and fulfilling post-employment. Neil had hives in the Port of Newcastle area, and monitored them very regularly.

However, when Covid lunacy took hold, he was not allowed on their grounds, adhering to policy. Hence, all monitoring of the hives fell to government officials. They didn’t monitor them well. Hives under Neil’s supervision were checked every 28 days; under the government, they were checked between 60 and 70 days!

According to Neil:

“A bee will fly up to 3 kilometres to collect pollen or nectar. I spread my hives in a large area to monitor any problems. I had several hives in Morpeth, Hunter Valley, helping the farmers there. One has 20 acres of cucumbers growing; he rang me last week to say he didn’t have a bee on his farm and was ploughing the field back in again this year.

Another farmer had 100 acres of watermelons, with the same problem. If we can’t get bees back, we will be importing our food. The mites were supposedly contained in Newcastle, yet they were detected in Narrabri and Trangi, near Dubbo, two weeks later.” 

The government sat with Neil and told him they had detected the mites in their hives and four of his. What did you do? He asked them. They had destroyed the lot, including 150 kilos of honey. 60 thousand bees per hive.

He sought media attention through the Newcastle Herald newspaper and television. His conclusion was that the Government was treating the outbreak like Covid. Stamp it out. You can’t. It’s in every country, some for 60 years. 

Compounding Destruction

Neil went on to explain the structure of the hives, and how the Varroa mite can be treated within the hive itself. We heard how the mite attacks the bee in larvae form, and how when the bee hatches, it does so without wings; hence, it wanders around the hive, incapable of performing its role, until it dies several weeks later. 

The media asked if the governmental approach could work — Neil answered in the negative. He stressed the fact that the honey in every hive was not affected, yet incinerated, crippling the honey industry. 

The government relented two weeks later and allowed the harvesting of honey from hives not yet destroyed. In early September, Neil told the officials that if the bees were not looked after, they would swarm, multiplying at a rapid rate. The government then called on all the apiarists to do this. The boxes were destroyed, yet could have been irradiated, continuing their use. 

Neil attended a meeting of officials, scientists and professors; he walked out fifteen minutes later, believing they had it wrong. He became the lone voice. 

Ronald Reagan once said, “The scariest phrase you can hear is, “I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help’.

In September, governmental authorities admitted that eradication was not possible, only management. Just like Covid, we had to live with it. Management now became key.  

Neil has visited eight countries this year to check out how they handle the mite situation, and they all vary according to their climate; we must adopt methods suitable to the Australian climate. 

It had cost 101 million dollars, and they were back to square one. Now, they said that it was time to teach apiarists how to treat and deal with Varroa mites. One full year was wasted through mismanagement and neglect that could have halted this pestilence quickly. That money would have gone a long way in education and setting up the necessary treatments in the hive structures. 

According to Neil, registered apiarists would play by new guidelines and treatment, as they know the importance of treatment. Unregistered beekeepers would have their hives decimated within six weeks of infestation. 

He’s a very frustrated man. Why? This mite has raged through New South Wales and has been detected at the Victorian border. In Spring, it will be over the border. The Senate was pressuring the officials to be seen to be doing something, hence the sledgehammer of incompetence. 

Bees are due to be reintroduced to affected areas; however, the officials want to hold information sessions and practicals at Tocal Agricultural College. To date, these have not even been scheduled! 

Crops and Farmers

There are obvious moves underway in most of the Western world to undermine food security. These moves are very intentional, pushed by globalists and climate activists. 

Our country relies on our farmers to feed us, simple as that. The Varroa mite threatens this simple fact. Add the ‘let them eat bugs’ push by truly evil people, propagating lies about methane and burping cows, and shutting down fishermen and the seafood industry by deadly increments. Regulation is the knife wielding a thousand cuts.

The Murray-Darling waterways management has seen our precious water resources sold off to foreign investors who limit access to OUR farmers! Who are the diabolical government bureaucrats who decided upon this course of action decades ago? Sadly, it seems there is stupidity and corruption on both sides of the aisle. 

The last few years have seen protests across the world from Sri Lanka, India, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Canada, and Australia. Every country listed has borne the brunt of the globalist agenda trying to force them off the land, buy them out, and destroy the food chain supporting each country. You don’t need to see your families miss too many meals before anarchy takes hold. Look up Sri Lanka’s net zero disaster. Let there be no mistake here: this is deliberate and evil.

Our prime agricultural land here in Australia is under attack by climate change agendas. But is this really the truth? Personally, I don’t think it’s just one thing. However, massive wind turbines are being erected across every hillside, decimating wildlife in bushland for kilometres.

We live on the East Coast South of Newcastle. If planned construction of a wind farm offshore goes ahead, it will stretch from the Central Coast to Port Stephens. It will affect whale migration, and Lord knows what else.

We have close friends who just returned from a trip to Orange in the central west of New South Wales. They report kilometre upon kilometre of black solar panels as far as the eye can see at a place called Wellington. When they entered the township, it appeared to be dying. Shops were closed. It was an ugly, sad reality. 

We need to support our farmers! The protest held in Canberra last week was under-reported and downplayed. However, we still have some senators with backbone in this country. Senators Jacinta Price, Matt Canavan, and former Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce attended, standing in solidarity with the protesters. As did Freedom Fighter Graham Hood. Stay tuned to Club Grubbery with Graham and John regarding these issues.

“Where’s Chris Bowen?” they asked. He didn’t even bother to meet and speak to these people. What a muppet! 

Climate Change Hoaxes

I’m not even going to waste my ‘ink’ on this topic! 

Let me simply refer you to a brilliant article by Kurt Mahlburg and Warwick Marsh. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so.


Photo by Arthur Brognoli.

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  1. Helen Gormlie 16 February 2024 at 9:43 am - Reply

    Bees are phenomenal!! Watch them be restored!!! In Jesus name!!

    • Leonie Robson 17 February 2024 at 7:16 am - Reply

      Amen Sister 💐

  2. Dave 16 February 2024 at 1:01 pm - Reply

    Brilliant reporting! sad but true. if you buy a beehive don’t register it with the govt! Jesus will come back soon but I think it will get much worse before then. Messiah 2030!

    • Leonie Robson 17 February 2024 at 7:16 am - Reply

      Thanks Dave.

  3. H Harrison. 16 February 2024 at 10:28 pm - Reply

    Thankyou Leonie. To say some of these truths a couple of years ago, we were called conspiracy theorists! The deliberate destruction is mind-boggling. Those towers are producing their own emissions which we don’t hear about either. Conveniently the destruction of trees and wildlife are not protested about here. Pray for Godly Government, & for those there, standing strong in the “lions den”.
    Thanks to all who prayed about the bees.

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