
National polling results show Australians support saving babies born alive in abortion

27 July 2021

1.4 MINS

National polling about babies born alive after a late-term abortion reveals that the majority of Australians think these babies must be given medical care.

Among those who express a view on this issue, three times as many say they support care for babies born alive in these circumstances as oppose such care.

This survey was commissioned by Cherish Life Queensland and conducted on 14 -17 July 2021 by YouGov online with 1506 Australian voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9%. A full methodology statement is available here.

The respondents were asked the following question:

Termination of pregnancy is permitted in all Australian states and territories under various circumstances after 20 weeks of pregnancy. This is referred to as a ‘late-term abortion.’

Sometimes a baby is born alive in a ‘late-term abortion’ procedure. Which is closer to your own view about babies born alive after a late-term abortion procedure?

  1. They must be given medical care to the same extent as other premature babies. This would be life-sustaining care if they are viable and compatible with life. RESPONDENTS: 56%
  2. They should not be given medical care and can be allowed to die. RESPONDENTS: 18%
  3. Don’t know. RESPONDENTS: 26%

The full poll results can be accessed HERE.

“It’s encouraging that a significant majority of Australians understand these babies are worthy of care and medical intervention the same as a ‘wanted’ newborn baby,” Teeshan Johnson, executive director of Cherish Life Queensland said.

“Hopefully this poll will provide the Morrison Coalition Government with the courage to allow George Christensen’s Human Rights (Children Born Alive) Bill 2021, to go to a vote this term.

“Cherish Life has been supporting Mr Christensen’s Human Rights (Children Born Alive) Bill 2021 since its inception last year. Most recently this humane Bill featured at the Brisbane March for Life held in May 2021, where around 4,000 Queenslanders marched.”


TIME LAPSE OF THE MARCH FOR LIFE BRISBANE! Thousands of Queenslanders took a stand for LIFE! Thank you to all who marched! ????

Posted by Cherish Life on Monday, 10 May 2021



Media release by Cherish Life.[Photo by Tim Bish on Unsplash]

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